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"IT'S YOUR MOVE" The Monitor Call's Chess and Checker Column Problems, Games, Positions in End Games and News Items Will Be Welcomed W. H. STECKEL, Editor The championship of the Metro-' polltan Chess League of New York has again been won by the Marshall Chess club. They set up a record of eight consecutive victories by taking the deciding eight-board match with the Manhattan Chest club with a score of 5V4 to 2hi. The Stuyvesant club defeated the Manhattan club early in the season, and the latter club was at a disadvantage when it entered the final round.
The Marshall club plans to celebrate the triumph at its annual dinner to be held within the next several weeks. . am arrangements nas been set up to sponsor an international masters tournament in conjunction with the Olympics whicn wui do neia Biz IAJO nuei" captured first place in the Metropolitan Chess League 01 uosion.
match was contested between San Francisco's leading players and the Oakland Castle and University of California the East Side of the Bay. The match was the biggest that has ever taken place on the Pacific Coast, and resulted in a score San Francisco to 10 Vz for the East Bay contestants. In the final round of the New York tournament, the Capablanca-Kashdan noma lira drawn. Extreme caution marked the play on both sides, and an even position was reacnea aiier a number of the pieces were exchanged.
Capablanca offered a draw and it was accepted. This was the first meeting of these two masters in a tournament. Queen's Gambit Declined 1 i 12 w 15 i? 18 11 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 I;?3 BxB R-Q QxKt Castles P-K4 BS5 PxB Kt-Q2 Kt-B4 Kt-Q8 R-Q3 KR-Q Q-B4 P-R3 P-OKt4 Kt-Kt5 RxR RxR PxP Q-Q5 Kt-Q8 P-B4 Q-RSch Kt-B8cb P-B5 Kt-R7 Kt-B8 KtxPoh KtxQ K-K3 P-B8 K-B4 K-K5 Resigns. PxP KtxKt P-QKt3 B-Kt2 P -QB4 PxP BxB Q-Q3 OxQP Q-B3 KR-Q Kt-B3 R-Q2 K?B CR-q e-KF RxR KtxR KtxP P-QR3 Kt-K3 12 K-Q2 Kt-Q Q-Kt2 Qr.Q K-B3 K-K12 KxKt K-Kt2 P-Kt3 Kt-K3ch K-B3 PROBLEMS flnlnNnni t.n Trnhlpms! ' No. 77. bV A. F. MacKenzie, Kt-R3; No. 78, by H. d'O. Bernard, Q-QB8. No. 79 By John F. Barry Black 6 pieces. KASHDAN WilliE. 1 Kt-KJH P-Q4 Kt-B3 B-Kti P-K3 Q-B2 P-QR3 B-Q3 BxP BxB Kt-K4 Castlei R-K QR-B Kt-KB3 Kt-B3 RxKt R-Q RxP PxR BxQ I 4 7 1? 11 12 M 15 if !S 21 22 23 84 CAPABLANCA KI-KB3 P-B3 P-Q4 P-K3 Castles R-K PxP Kt-Q QxB R-Q Kt-B P-QKt3 B-Kt2 P-OR4 P-B3 K-R KtxKt P-K4 PxP RxR Drawn R?2 TVi Woraaf nf AmsHrnn r.hfiSS TfttlS was focused on the game between the United states cnampion, nana o. Marshall, and Isaac Kashdan, the logical man to contend for the crown.
by advancing it too far and it was taken by Kasnaan. xonowing ma, Marshall's knight played into trouble and its caDture was effected In the corner by Kashdan's king. Queen'. Gambit Declined . MARSHALL KASHDAN . WHITE i BLACK 1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 2 Kt-KB3 . P-K3 3 P-QB4 P-Q4 I B-Kt5 QKUQ2 6 Kt-B3 P-B3 g Q-B2 B-K2 7 P-K3 Castles 8 P-QR3 R-K white 10 Dleces. White mates in two moves. No. 80 By Chas. Hutchison Black 6 pieces. White 8 pieces. White mates in three moves.
The Marshall club plans to celebrate the triumph at its annual dinner to be held within the next several weeks. . am arrangements nas been set up to sponsor an international masters tournament in conjunction with the Olympics whicn wui do neia Biz IAJO nuei" captured first place in the Metropolitan Chess League 01 uosion.
match was contested between San Francisco's leading players and the Oakland Castle and University of California the East Side of the Bay. The match was the biggest that has ever taken place on the Pacific Coast, and resulted in a score San Francisco to 10 Vz for the East Bay contestants. In the final round of the New York tournament, the Capablanca-Kashdan noma lira drawn. Extreme caution marked the play on both sides, and an even position was reacnea aiier a number of the pieces were exchanged.
Capablanca offered a draw and it was accepted. This was the first meeting of these two masters in a tournament. Queen's Gambit Declined 1 i 12 w 15 i? 18 11 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 I;?3 BxB R-Q QxKt Castles P-K4 BS5 PxB Kt-Q2 Kt-B4 Kt-Q8 R-Q3 KR-Q Q-B4 P-R3 P-OKt4 Kt-Kt5 RxR RxR PxP Q-Q5 Kt-Q8 P-B4 Q-RSch Kt-B8cb P-B5 Kt-R7 Kt-B8 KtxPoh KtxQ K-K3 P-B8 K-B4 K-K5 Resigns. PxP KtxKt P-QKt3 B-Kt2 P -QB4 PxP BxB Q-Q3 OxQP Q-B3 KR-Q Kt-B3 R-Q2 K?B CR-q e-KF RxR KtxR KtxP P-QR3 Kt-K3 12 K-Q2 Kt-Q Q-Kt2 Qr.Q K-B3 K-K12 KxKt K-Kt2 P-Kt3 Kt-K3ch K-B3 PROBLEMS flnlnNnni t.n Trnhlpms! ' No. 77. bV A. F. MacKenzie, Kt-R3; No. 78, by H. d'O. Bernard, Q-QB8. No. 79 By John F. Barry Black 6 pieces. KASHDAN WilliE. 1 Kt-KJH P-Q4 Kt-B3 B-Kti P-K3 Q-B2 P-QR3 B-Q3 BxP BxB Kt-K4 Castlei R-K QR-B Kt-KB3 Kt-B3 RxKt R-Q RxP PxR BxQ I 4 7 1? 11 12 M 15 if !S 21 22 23 84 CAPABLANCA KI-KB3 P-B3 P-Q4 P-K3 Castles R-K PxP Kt-Q QxB R-Q Kt-B P-QKt3 B-Kt2 P-OR4 P-B3 K-R KtxKt P-K4 PxP RxR Drawn R?2 TVi Woraaf nf AmsHrnn r.hfiSS TfttlS was focused on the game between the United states cnampion, nana o. Marshall, and Isaac Kashdan, the logical man to contend for the crown.
by advancing it too far and it was taken by Kasnaan. xonowing ma, Marshall's knight played into trouble and its caDture was effected In the corner by Kashdan's king. Queen'. Gambit Declined . MARSHALL KASHDAN . WHITE i BLACK 1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 2 Kt-KB3 . P-K3 3 P-QB4 P-Q4 I B-Kt5 QKUQ2 6 Kt-B3 P-B3 g Q-B2 B-K2 7 P-K3 Castles 8 P-QR3 R-K white 10 Dleces. White mates in two moves. No. 80 By Chas. Hutchison Black 6 pieces. White 8 pieces. White mates in three moves.