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"IT'S YOUR MOVE" The Morning Call' Chess Column Chess Queries, Problems, Gaines and News Items Solicited. By W. H. ST ECKEL 2) BLACK I J AlekMne Wins Tourney at Berne The International Chess Masters tourney conducted at Berne, Switzerland, came to an end last Saturday with Dr. Alexander Alekhine, of France, world's champion, gaining first place, a full point ahead of Dr. Max Euwe, of Holland, and Salo Flohr of Czechoslovakia. Dr. Alekhine defeated Colin In the final round, the game lasting only nine moves. This incidentally was the shortest game of the tournament From latest reports we have learned that the champion has sailed for New York last Wednesday. He will be a participant in the California chess congress at Pasadena. Final standing of players: Alekhine, Euwe, 11 -3; Flohr, mi-314: Sultan Khan, 11-4; Bernstein, 10-5; Bogolju bow, 10-5; H. Johner, 7-8; P. Johner, 7-8; Grob. 6-9; Hennenberger, 6-9 Naegeli, 6-9; Rlvier. 6-9; Colin, 5 9; Voeelmy, 4-10'i; Gygli, Zb- illil Stahelin, 2-13. One month remains before players wno nave intentions or being parti cipants in the major or minor tourna ments of the Central Pennsylvania uness association, will get their chessmen, boards, clocks, etc., together and travel to Wilkes-Barre and do battle with one another in the spacious rooms or Hotel Sterling. According to Kenneth Williams, secretary of the above association, al most all have accepted the invitations sent to those who are potential prospects for the major tournament. The following games were played in the recent international tournament at Sikac, Czechoslovakia Opocen- Bogol- Opocen- - BokoI- sky jubow ' sky jubow Guerber, R. Fatzinger and ' H, Peters with a score of fifteen correct solutions out of sixteen problems have tied for first place for the priz offer ed for most correct solutions. A let' ter follows to each. KRESSLER A. C. TRIUMPHS The Kressler A. C inmned into-second filace in the Lehigh Valley Junior Twi-lk'ht League by knocking over the Stiles Giants. 12 to O. Steckel s excellent Ditch ing and Burke s home run leaturlng the game, box score: ikressier i Gehrls. e Marashak.