OCR Text
BY PAUL J MILLER. Jr. DEFEATING Finland and Belgium by he mutual score of , the United States entry in the International Chess Federation tournament now in prograss at Stockholm slipped into second place with the total score 2312 - 8 VaPoland ia tops with the high score nt 2S-9, a half-point lead over the American unit eapI twined by Frank Marshall, former United States champion. Eighth round play: Bdf United Siaiea. Finland.
The American team encounters Czechoslovakia in the tenth round. Women's world champion. Vera Menchik, resident of London, but native of Csechoslovakia, In the sixth round of the international women's tourney at Stockholm, met Mrs. Mary Bain. United States entry, and triumphed to net her sixth consecutive win. Mrs. Bain's score is 4-2.
Divan Issues New Cards. A VERY attractive membership card ^ for the month of August is being issued on cherry stock with blue inscriptions by the Washington Social Chess Divan. Bordering the card are designa of the king, queen, castle and knight characters. Members are advised that present buff cards are void and that each should contact Norval Wigginton, Decatur 2279, or 200 Rhode Island avenue northeast, and obtain the cherry membership card. A* assistant eheo* director of the divan.
WUrgtnton will kora complete charge of the. issuance of August memberships in the divan so as to avoid any duplication or temporary confusion. Wednesday. 8 pm. at the Chess Loungp, 1336 I strppt nor-''^B west, a 10-seeond rapid transit ve.-r will be featured.
Visitors and mem^H bers may receive cards at this mer’^B lng also. f’hesspourri. QLINTON PARMELEE is the champion of the Npwark-Ri'^H Chess Club of Newark. N J A few "Curious Chess Pacts" froi^M the book by Irving Chemc^M De.scha pellr.s was once the world hs-M| pion at both whist and chess Deschapelles coup this inven'ion> .-' i is used today by bridge players It is said that the Yugnslavian master, Kostich, knows by heart all the gamea played in the chief master tournamanta of the past 30 years. Over 100.000 people requested ru of admission to the first round of Moscow 1835 tournament Liltenthal is the holder of world's record for simultaneous r’:i,Bj§ his score being 145 wins.
22 draws 35 losses against an array of ! boards.
The American team encounters Czechoslovakia in the tenth round. Women's world champion. Vera Menchik, resident of London, but native of Csechoslovakia, In the sixth round of the international women's tourney at Stockholm, met Mrs. Mary Bain. United States entry, and triumphed to net her sixth consecutive win. Mrs. Bain's score is 4-2.
Divan Issues New Cards. A VERY attractive membership card ^ for the month of August is being issued on cherry stock with blue inscriptions by the Washington Social Chess Divan. Bordering the card are designa of the king, queen, castle and knight characters. Members are advised that present buff cards are void and that each should contact Norval Wigginton, Decatur 2279, or 200 Rhode Island avenue northeast, and obtain the cherry membership card. A* assistant eheo* director of the divan.
WUrgtnton will kora complete charge of the. issuance of August memberships in the divan so as to avoid any duplication or temporary confusion. Wednesday. 8 pm. at the Chess Loungp, 1336 I strppt nor-''^B west, a 10-seeond rapid transit ve.-r will be featured.
Visitors and mem^H bers may receive cards at this mer’^B lng also. f’hesspourri. QLINTON PARMELEE is the champion of the Npwark-Ri'^H Chess Club of Newark. N J A few "Curious Chess Pacts" froi^M the book by Irving Chemc^M De.scha pellr.s was once the world hs-M| pion at both whist and chess Deschapelles coup this inven'ion> .-' i is used today by bridge players It is said that the Yugnslavian master, Kostich, knows by heart all the gamea played in the chief master tournamanta of the past 30 years. Over 100.000 people requested ru of admission to the first round of Moscow 1835 tournament Liltenthal is the holder of world's record for simultaneous r’:i,Bj§ his score being 145 wins.
22 draws 35 losses against an array of ! boards.