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over their victory against. 1 he crack masters from England, ibe American quintet in the Stockholm chess tournament for the team championship of the world is headed straight for |tj- fourth consecutive triumph in International CheM Federation anr.als. Tn the sixteenth round of plav the American? defeated John Bull by the score of 3.
Sammy Reshevsky. lop-board man for 'he United States: Isaac Kashdan. New York State champion in 1936. *nd Israel Horowitz. 193fi champion r-f the American Chess Federation, accounted for lhree points, with Frank Marshall, leam captain and retired American title holder, annexing the half point.
With (he hifh score of 4*'^ point· the United State* is lending the 19 nations it Stockholm. HnnaarT. Poland and Netherlands «re tied far minor ranking* with 40·^ points e*rh. Tn the remaining rounds between the United States and Italy, and lee- j land and Scotland, onlv the moat sanguine European may expect the slightest let-down in play by the masters who won for America at Folkestone. Prague.
Margate. Keraeri. Amsterdam—to name a few of the International frays captured by Uncle Sam's children. < Poltand Succeeds Kashdan. yj WEEPING through a field of the v *err best of stars that, frequent i the annual battle of the Empire Stale or the rit le of New York champion.
David S. Polland of Brooklyn, · jiayer of first-class ability, but, of vhom little ha.s been said in the past, iefeateri Treysman, SantPsiere. Shainiwit, Adams, Brckhardt, Collins. GarSnkel. Murdock arid Barron, by the it-ore of eight win.* end · lone draw, η the tourney just ended ar Osenovta.
Y. Gdorti ShiiiHwit »f the Bronx w>i the only pl»»er M draw with Pollai>4. Isaac Kashdan, now playing on the American team at Stockholm. «·* unable lo defend hi* title ai champion of New York State. CheeapOiiiri.
I^OW r.hat the New York tournament is history, the national masters are hieing to Chicago, where on. August 23 the Paul Morphv centennial tournament of the renowned American Chess Federation opens with a hast of entrants from all sections of the United States and probably a few from Canada. It Is Chicago's tenth congreAj of the A. C. T. since 1900. The Illinois Slate CheM Association is boosting th« affair and the pria*· total fl,17i.5l, the largest open national jtriae fuml for cbes* competition in many years. On the heels of the famous Stockholm team melee comes the international masters' tournament at Semmering August 30-September 25. Hen A. G. Zimden is offering a pri»ie fund of 60.000 Austrian shillings. «Oh. hoy sounds like real money for chess. ?.il what is the current exchange rate ol an Austrian shilling?) C. J. S. Purdy successfully has defended his Australian championahi; crown against M. E. Goldstein Instructional chess lectures wiJI bi featured Monday. Tuesday *nd Wednesday at the Sarkside Hotel by Prof Paul 'Miller editor of The Washington Star. The public is welcome.
Sammy Reshevsky. lop-board man for 'he United States: Isaac Kashdan. New York State champion in 1936. *nd Israel Horowitz. 193fi champion r-f the American Chess Federation, accounted for lhree points, with Frank Marshall, leam captain and retired American title holder, annexing the half point.
With (he hifh score of 4*'^ point· the United State* is lending the 19 nations it Stockholm. HnnaarT. Poland and Netherlands «re tied far minor ranking* with 40·^ points e*rh. Tn the remaining rounds between the United States and Italy, and lee- j land and Scotland, onlv the moat sanguine European may expect the slightest let-down in play by the masters who won for America at Folkestone. Prague.
Margate. Keraeri. Amsterdam—to name a few of the International frays captured by Uncle Sam's children. < Poltand Succeeds Kashdan. yj WEEPING through a field of the v *err best of stars that, frequent i the annual battle of the Empire Stale or the rit le of New York champion.
David S. Polland of Brooklyn, · jiayer of first-class ability, but, of vhom little ha.s been said in the past, iefeateri Treysman, SantPsiere. Shainiwit, Adams, Brckhardt, Collins. GarSnkel. Murdock arid Barron, by the it-ore of eight win.* end · lone draw, η the tourney just ended ar Osenovta.
Y. Gdorti ShiiiHwit »f the Bronx w>i the only pl»»er M draw with Pollai>4. Isaac Kashdan, now playing on the American team at Stockholm. «·* unable lo defend hi* title ai champion of New York State. CheeapOiiiri.
I^OW r.hat the New York tournament is history, the national masters are hieing to Chicago, where on. August 23 the Paul Morphv centennial tournament of the renowned American Chess Federation opens with a hast of entrants from all sections of the United States and probably a few from Canada. It Is Chicago's tenth congreAj of the A. C. T. since 1900. The Illinois Slate CheM Association is boosting th« affair and the pria*· total fl,17i.5l, the largest open national jtriae fuml for cbes* competition in many years. On the heels of the famous Stockholm team melee comes the international masters' tournament at Semmering August 30-September 25. Hen A. G. Zimden is offering a pri»ie fund of 60.000 Austrian shillings. «Oh. hoy sounds like real money for chess. ?.il what is the current exchange rate ol an Austrian shilling?) C. J. S. Purdy successfully has defended his Australian championahi; crown against M. E. Goldstein Instructional chess lectures wiJI bi featured Monday. Tuesday *nd Wednesday at the Sarkside Hotel by Prof Paul 'Miller editor of The Washington Star. The public is welcome.