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"ITS YOUR MOVE" The Morning Call's Chess Column Chess Queries, Problons, Games and News Items Solicited. By W. STECKEL According to latest Information there is a possibility of holding an International tournament at San Remo sometime in the early part of 1933, somewhat one the lines of the New York tournament of 1927. If it materializes, then Dr. Alekhine and Capablanca are likely to meet for the first time since their match for the world's championship.
G. Stoltz,of Stockholm, Sweden, captured honors In the recent inter , national master's tournament at the Brandenburg association, held at Swinemuende, a German health re sort. Stoltz had a score of 74-14, with Dr. L. Roedl, of Nuremberg, and the veteran Jacques Mieses placed second and third respectively with scores of e-3 and 5!a-34.
W. H. Steckel with twelve straight Victories again won the weekly rapid transit tournament conducted every Saturday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A The standing follows: W. H. Steckel, 12-0: W. Wallitsch. 10-2: H. Martz, 8V4-34; A. Weiss. 8-4; W. Saul, 7-5, E. Garnet. 7-5: R. Goerlich. 6-6; E. Kocher, blA-W, R. Gutekunst, 4-8; J. Everett, 3-9; W. Hodgson, 2-10; A. Guerber. 2-10; R. Shultz, 0-12.
As previously stated the Central Pennsylvania association tournament will be held on the 3. 4 and 5th of SeDtember in the spacious rooms of Hotel fiterlinz at Wilkes-Barre. This vear's malor tourney will be limited to nine entries: participat insr in this affair will be limited to those who have received invitations, In connection with the major tourney a minor tournament will be held at the same time. W. H. Steckel will represent Allen-town In the major affair and from recent reports the minor tournament will not lack In representatives from this section. Reports have come in that Henry Martz and Leslie Buck, both of Macungie, both well known In Allentown, have accepted the invitations sent them. Officers of this association are as follows: A. N. Tousen.
Harrisburg, president; L. Keyser, Berwick, vice president, and Kenneth Williams, Wilkes-Barre, treasurer-secretary. Appended are more games from the recently concluded tournament at Berne. PUT LOPEZ Bernstein Alekhine Bernstein Aielchine White BiacK Pasadena Tournament Opens Fred Reinfeld, New . York state champion, was the first of the New York delegation to score a victory In the International masters' tournament now In progress at Pasadena In the Hotel Maryland. A. J. Fink of San Francisco, was Reinfeld's opponent and was outplayed in the complications Of the middle game. j Four rounds have been completed at the time of writing and as a great many of the games have been adjourned we are unable to give results of all games. Besides the above game we are able to give results of the games that have come to a decision. Arthur W. Dake, of Portland, Ore., defeated Samuel Factor., of Chicago; Harry Borochow, of Los Angeles, defeated Captain J. J. Arizia. of Mexico: Dr. Alexander Alekhine, of Paris, defeated Captain J. J. Arizia, Isaac Kashdan. of New York, defeated J. Fink: A. W. Dake defeated Fred Reinfleld. Herman Steiner, of New York, defeated Reuben Fine, of New York: H. Steiner drew with A. Dake, Samuel Factor, of Chicago, drew with Reuben Fine. Samuel Factor defeated Jacob Bernstein, of New York: Dr. Alekhine defeated A. J. Fink in 14 moves: A. Dake drew with Isaac Kashdan, Reuben Fine defeated Fred Reinfeld, Samuel Factor defeated Har-ray Borochow. Herman Steiner drew with Jacob Bernstein and, for the fourth time in succession. Samuel Re-. phevsky, of the University of Chicago adjourned his game. A team match of four toards between California and visiting players from Mexico was won by California ' by the score of 24 A minor tournament, for individual prizes has been arranged In place of the team tournament. As a part of the opening ceremonies, Kashdan and Dake played a drawn game on board the dirigible Volunteer, which sailed for some time over Pasadena.
Dr. Alakhine. who accompanied the party s referee spoke over the radio, announcing the result and BLACK recommended that chess be made a subject of instruction in the schools. The standing follows: i W Dake ..3 Factor 2 Alekhine ...2 Steiner 2 Kashdan Fine Hi Borochow 1 Reinfeld 1 Bernstein Vz Reshesky 0 Arizia , 0 Fink After completing a match in six games with R. S. Goerlich of Bethlehem. Charles W. Koch, of Allentown, has arranged and completed three games cf a match with Albert Weiss, also of this citv. Mr. Weiss won the first game with Mr. Koch coming back strong winning the second and third. Problem No. 160 By G. Glndelll Black 5 Pieces White -8 Pieces White mates in two.
G. Stoltz,of Stockholm, Sweden, captured honors In the recent inter , national master's tournament at the Brandenburg association, held at Swinemuende, a German health re sort. Stoltz had a score of 74-14, with Dr. L. Roedl, of Nuremberg, and the veteran Jacques Mieses placed second and third respectively with scores of e-3 and 5!a-34.
W. H. Steckel with twelve straight Victories again won the weekly rapid transit tournament conducted every Saturday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A The standing follows: W. H. Steckel, 12-0: W. Wallitsch. 10-2: H. Martz, 8V4-34; A. Weiss. 8-4; W. Saul, 7-5, E. Garnet. 7-5: R. Goerlich. 6-6; E. Kocher, blA-W, R. Gutekunst, 4-8; J. Everett, 3-9; W. Hodgson, 2-10; A. Guerber. 2-10; R. Shultz, 0-12.
As previously stated the Central Pennsylvania association tournament will be held on the 3. 4 and 5th of SeDtember in the spacious rooms of Hotel fiterlinz at Wilkes-Barre. This vear's malor tourney will be limited to nine entries: participat insr in this affair will be limited to those who have received invitations, In connection with the major tourney a minor tournament will be held at the same time. W. H. Steckel will represent Allen-town In the major affair and from recent reports the minor tournament will not lack In representatives from this section. Reports have come in that Henry Martz and Leslie Buck, both of Macungie, both well known In Allentown, have accepted the invitations sent them. Officers of this association are as follows: A. N. Tousen.
Harrisburg, president; L. Keyser, Berwick, vice president, and Kenneth Williams, Wilkes-Barre, treasurer-secretary. Appended are more games from the recently concluded tournament at Berne. PUT LOPEZ Bernstein Alekhine Bernstein Aielchine White BiacK Pasadena Tournament Opens Fred Reinfeld, New . York state champion, was the first of the New York delegation to score a victory In the International masters' tournament now In progress at Pasadena In the Hotel Maryland. A. J. Fink of San Francisco, was Reinfeld's opponent and was outplayed in the complications Of the middle game. j Four rounds have been completed at the time of writing and as a great many of the games have been adjourned we are unable to give results of all games. Besides the above game we are able to give results of the games that have come to a decision. Arthur W. Dake, of Portland, Ore., defeated Samuel Factor., of Chicago; Harry Borochow, of Los Angeles, defeated Captain J. J. Arizia. of Mexico: Dr. Alexander Alekhine, of Paris, defeated Captain J. J. Arizia, Isaac Kashdan. of New York, defeated J. Fink: A. W. Dake defeated Fred Reinfleld. Herman Steiner, of New York, defeated Reuben Fine, of New York: H. Steiner drew with A. Dake, Samuel Factor, of Chicago, drew with Reuben Fine. Samuel Factor defeated Jacob Bernstein, of New York: Dr. Alekhine defeated A. J. Fink in 14 moves: A. Dake drew with Isaac Kashdan, Reuben Fine defeated Fred Reinfeld, Samuel Factor defeated Har-ray Borochow. Herman Steiner drew with Jacob Bernstein and, for the fourth time in succession. Samuel Re-. phevsky, of the University of Chicago adjourned his game. A team match of four toards between California and visiting players from Mexico was won by California ' by the score of 24 A minor tournament, for individual prizes has been arranged In place of the team tournament. As a part of the opening ceremonies, Kashdan and Dake played a drawn game on board the dirigible Volunteer, which sailed for some time over Pasadena.
Dr. Alakhine. who accompanied the party s referee spoke over the radio, announcing the result and BLACK recommended that chess be made a subject of instruction in the schools. The standing follows: i W Dake ..3 Factor 2 Alekhine ...2 Steiner 2 Kashdan Fine Hi Borochow 1 Reinfeld 1 Bernstein Vz Reshesky 0 Arizia , 0 Fink After completing a match in six games with R. S. Goerlich of Bethlehem. Charles W. Koch, of Allentown, has arranged and completed three games cf a match with Albert Weiss, also of this citv. Mr. Weiss won the first game with Mr. Koch coming back strong winning the second and third. Problem No. 160 By G. Glndelll Black 5 Pieces White -8 Pieces White mates in two.