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BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. BUNDANT activity for the Fall chess season is planned by the Metropolitan Chess AssociaItion. the team championship tournament to start the first week in ctober. Alexander Sturges, chairman of the am tourney, says every club and less group in the District may enter team by registering now and if any ub is strong enough to enter two or ore quintets then there is no objecin as accommodations are ample at ie Social Chess Lounge where all atches will be held.
Chairman Anton Y. Hesse is Interested in formulating a policy tor the champion of champions tournament in which each club will enter its champion and runner-up player to compete for the District champicAiship. Also, Chairman Hesse will conduct n amateur title tourney for the play's who never have indulged in chess >r cash prizes. A. S. MacCready, acting chairman 'r an interdepartmental tournament, tggests that local government deartments with chess groups file their itontionof entry in the government lurney at ap early date so that defiite rules may be formulated. Maud Sewall, chairman of the idies' tourney for the District woian's chess crown, welcomes suggesons as to how the fray should be conucted this Winter. Edith Johnson Is rounding up the iris for a battle royal. Any girl under 1 is eligible to play in the girl's tourament. O. E Fleming, one of the directors f the Boys' Department of the ’• MCA, is chairman of the intert^olastic tournament for the indi vidual school championship of the District. Formal play starts on New Year Day at the “Y”. The Interhigh Chess Association will continue to hold bi-annual tournaments under the auspices of the Metropolitan Chess Association. Plans will be announced shortly after the opening of school next month. All the above tournaments are official title contests approved by the organized chess unit in the nistrict, known as the Metropolitan Chess Association, and awards will be available for tbe champions.
The general public may support the organized chess program by taking out an annua! membership in the W. C. A. for only $1. Casual Team Matches 'jpEAMS of four and five are tilting at the Social Chess lounge, l'J36 I street northwest, for the honor of intradivan supremacy.
Strangely enough the interhigh lads are downing the more mature players. Norval Wigginton, who will act as chess director of the Washington Social Chess Divan for the month following August 26, is busily arranging match teams. For a casual rame you may stop at 1336 I street northwest *' any evening and you wilt be 'l gh-en a hearty welcome.
Chairman Anton Y. Hesse is Interested in formulating a policy tor the champion of champions tournament in which each club will enter its champion and runner-up player to compete for the District champicAiship. Also, Chairman Hesse will conduct n amateur title tourney for the play's who never have indulged in chess >r cash prizes. A. S. MacCready, acting chairman 'r an interdepartmental tournament, tggests that local government deartments with chess groups file their itontionof entry in the government lurney at ap early date so that defiite rules may be formulated. Maud Sewall, chairman of the idies' tourney for the District woian's chess crown, welcomes suggesons as to how the fray should be conucted this Winter. Edith Johnson Is rounding up the iris for a battle royal. Any girl under 1 is eligible to play in the girl's tourament. O. E Fleming, one of the directors f the Boys' Department of the ’• MCA, is chairman of the intert^olastic tournament for the indi vidual school championship of the District. Formal play starts on New Year Day at the “Y”. The Interhigh Chess Association will continue to hold bi-annual tournaments under the auspices of the Metropolitan Chess Association. Plans will be announced shortly after the opening of school next month. All the above tournaments are official title contests approved by the organized chess unit in the nistrict, known as the Metropolitan Chess Association, and awards will be available for tbe champions.
The general public may support the organized chess program by taking out an annua! membership in the W. C. A. for only $1. Casual Team Matches 'jpEAMS of four and five are tilting at the Social Chess lounge, l'J36 I street northwest, for the honor of intradivan supremacy.
Strangely enough the interhigh lads are downing the more mature players. Norval Wigginton, who will act as chess director of the Washington Social Chess Divan for the month following August 26, is busily arranging match teams. For a casual rame you may stop at 1336 I street northwest *' any evening and you wilt be 'l gh-en a hearty welcome.