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By PAUL J. MILLER. Jr. ALL chess players in District schools sre eligible to compete in the individual interscholastic chess championship tournament that commences In the boy's department of the Central Y M. C. A. New Year Day at 3 o'clock under the auspiceB of the local Metropolitan Chess Association. The winner will receive custody of the hronie "Y” Challenge Trophy and a special medal. The entry fee is only 35 cents and entrants should file Immediately their names, addresses and schools with t.he Metropolitan Chess Association, Parkside Hotel.
Match Regulations. A 8PECIAL committee will be named to supervise the match schedule and arrange for subsequent rounds that will be played at the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street N.W., at the convenience of the players. Tentative regulations for the tournament are: 1. Oimf< shall be played at. the rate of JO move* per hour and the official laws of cheaa as spproved by the International Chess Federation shall govern.
2. Score sheets will be furnished by the Metropolitan Chess Association and recording of games will b# optional. 3. To maintain an sctlre standing In the tournament ssch contestant must average five match game* per month and complete hie playing schedule not later than June i. , 4.
Player using time clocks at the Social Chess Lounge shall pay 10 eenta eseh for the facilities furnished. 5. The referee of the tournament will be selected by the Metropolitan Chess Association. 6. Th* Tournament Committee will make *11 necessary regulations snd advise each contestant of any ehange* aa the tourney progresses.
W. B. M unde lie celebrates bis S2d birthday anniversary Hew Year Day at the Central "Y,M 8 pm . by meeting all comer* at chess and checkers, the first to genre against the white-haired veteran at either game becoming tha recipient of a book award. Constitution for FMvan.
'T'OMORROW at 8 p.m, members of 1 the Washington Social Chess Divan will consider the proposed constitution for the operation of the Divan during 1938. Possibly directors will be nominated at this conclave. Chess players, desirous of affiliating with the largest and strongest club In the Nal ion's Capital, may do so by attending this meeting at the Parkside Hotel. Annual dues are *12, payable in advance either by monthly or quar. terly installments.
Women as well aa men are eligible for active memberships. A special monthly membership for January alone wtl! be offered to prospective annual members for *2. Prof. Paul Miller, chess editor of The Stax, will give four Instructional chess lectures to those taking out a $2 January membership. lecture* will be given at the Social Chess Lounge on Thursday evenings and educational exhibits will be featured with each lecture.
If you're interested in the special January membership write today and inclose fee and a membership card will be sent promptly to you. Addreas: Chess Director, Social Chess Divan, Parkside Hotel.
Match Regulations. A 8PECIAL committee will be named to supervise the match schedule and arrange for subsequent rounds that will be played at the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street N.W., at the convenience of the players. Tentative regulations for the tournament are: 1. Oimf< shall be played at. the rate of JO move* per hour and the official laws of cheaa as spproved by the International Chess Federation shall govern.
2. Score sheets will be furnished by the Metropolitan Chess Association and recording of games will b# optional. 3. To maintain an sctlre standing In the tournament ssch contestant must average five match game* per month and complete hie playing schedule not later than June i. , 4.
Player using time clocks at the Social Chess Lounge shall pay 10 eenta eseh for the facilities furnished. 5. The referee of the tournament will be selected by the Metropolitan Chess Association. 6. Th* Tournament Committee will make *11 necessary regulations snd advise each contestant of any ehange* aa the tourney progresses.
W. B. M unde lie celebrates bis S2d birthday anniversary Hew Year Day at the Central "Y,M 8 pm . by meeting all comer* at chess and checkers, the first to genre against the white-haired veteran at either game becoming tha recipient of a book award. Constitution for FMvan.
'T'OMORROW at 8 p.m, members of 1 the Washington Social Chess Divan will consider the proposed constitution for the operation of the Divan during 1938. Possibly directors will be nominated at this conclave. Chess players, desirous of affiliating with the largest and strongest club In the Nal ion's Capital, may do so by attending this meeting at the Parkside Hotel. Annual dues are *12, payable in advance either by monthly or quar. terly installments.
Women as well aa men are eligible for active memberships. A special monthly membership for January alone wtl! be offered to prospective annual members for *2. Prof. Paul Miller, chess editor of The Stax, will give four Instructional chess lectures to those taking out a $2 January membership. lecture* will be given at the Social Chess Lounge on Thursday evenings and educational exhibits will be featured with each lecture.
If you're interested in the special January membership write today and inclose fee and a membership card will be sent promptly to you. Addreas: Chess Director, Social Chess Divan, Parkside Hotel.