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January 14, 1933 Chess Games-Problems by Paul L. Cromelin, The Daily Argus, Mount Vernon, N.Y.

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Chess ChessChess 14 Jan 1933, Sat Mount Vernon Argus (White Plains, New York)

OCR Text

White clearly -t has 3 B-B4 P-Q4 9 B-KRS N-K4 36 3A Knch B-B4 B-Q3 Resigns Black 30 ‘B-B4 USED 16 17 18 19 P-Q4 P-B3 NxKBP "'4 'n 49 50 P-E6 k-bt RxB KR-Q5 RxR RxR B-K3 RxR K-B3 P-B5 KB4 of chess that will be bene-This-conception should be composition not a mechan- QxP N-B3 although game the :n pr t his K-B2 CRxR RxR Cromelin Vernon Black N-KB3 PxP N-B3 0-0 P-Q4 N x N B-B3 P-0B4 ' N-QB3 BPxP 50 51 5i 53 36 37 B-K3 NxB NxB RxN KR-Q RxR R-Q NxR -Ho’sa W&amp;apos;-hlte N-KB3-Q-B2 P-B4 P-N4 N-B4 QxQch 0-0 K-Q4 N-B3 P-OR4 PxP B-Q2-K-K3 B-B P-C5 N-B2? ’ N-Q4ch - K-B6 K-B7 P-K7 A -B6 White 5 has time i :‘-Q5 PxP -B5- K-B3 30 31 B-B B-B7 P-K K-B K-Q P-QXV4 B-Q6 THE CHESS EDITOR White S’ 31 CR-Q CxQ B-Bi powerful passed such recessarv versa speaks KxR - RxR Rnuh R-OTch RxReh Rye Mt White Black THE READERS B-X’2 BxP QR-B B-Q4 KR-Q R-B2 CR-Q2 -Q3 P-B3 R-Q P-N3 Heights BIsa! Vernon Black P-K4 and NxB on the other B’ael from i m m edl a t White 42 The two has transposed into a pawn The grasp of positional cha-rpe for Th PUy- Owing to cars we have k-e: Q-K2 KxQ K-Q3-34 B-N3 K-Q2 K?R R-K R‘-R N-O3 P-B3 B-E2 P-KR3 K-Q3 P-QR3 K-B3 P-QN4 PxPch PxP K-K5 Resigns B-B4 P-Q4 B-N5ch B-R4 2 P-QB4 3 N-QBS 4 P-K3 ’ 5 ' No to -w error he -- 25 BxPeh 26 RxR 27 -KxB B-K3 K-BS and wins.
In’ our opinion if Black can better way ’ of refuting an this hen' White should nir opened by' moving the l It”- -tHemw-U - - I M e up- by the poor repute- in Petroff is he’d today’ 2 Castles continuing -Dia on the- Black Rook seemsThe eiehi-whv' wiuta the Black position ’ somewhat THE READER’S GAME ‘ Tv o new ooconents have entered the lists against us and this week Albert Dwyer ’ who started the game off-finds himself vted out cf the move The majority vote was east by red Higgins and I on best con-Dwyer the preferred 2 accomplishes.
CHESS ore hand R-KSchl on finds the -only escape loss distributed two t-erial initial-offering various 'this for the Russell Loftus who- agreed P-K3 as the best tmuation for Black sole minority vote P-QB3 " which virtually the same thing (defense of the QP)but has the advantage of not confining the QB as P— K3 does Our next move as given" in the diagram below is 3 P-QN3 ' P-K3 : 3 P-QN3 Cast your -vote in the reader’s game Remember’ it must be in the office of The Daily Argus by Wednesday in order to count This is necessary in' order to allow time to cast the diagram” - the.
CHESSBOARD ' The games' given-this' weekand those to come in subsequent weeks constitute our answer to those of the readers who have asked for a discussion of the openings That simple request' is beyond our powers to ’ fill not--only- because of the many hued methods of developing that have been discovered during the last few thousand j ears but-because of our fixed opinion that concentration on-variations that occur in an opening will never-reveal chess to one who seeks to learn the game -A knowledge cf variations -is necessary But thoughtful positional play" far transcends variation in value The notes to the games are our "thoughts" and are added in the hope- that they will lead the reader to gradually obtain a’ con-- cention-ficial as of a leal - shifting of wood etcotf Defense 23 : 24 Merer hamazh 2-5 yr Vernon v nite BPiP prsvertstha loss’ 6f : or qr-q on in ''a' of he ’'White 75 ivhito n a paw n bee which Is not possible later puMimn Because Bishop on B4- White 10 Probably 'the verst of theUts-rnativos at h-J because of Blick's next check Obvioue’v 11 E-Q2 is bad because of BxB’- : ' 5l3fJc roust-’ jruard arair-st the threat of Q-R4ch' and CxB &apos;- Blark 15 Apparently the b st e An - kve!op Without’ rder to - direct ak King 'side overlooks the effort to con- -1 3th move.
Black already not 'RrKP ha- check-- but White’s In some positions White TOT this nr a wo ‘ - VO 1 IU! J Ill v V a V’rh virtually challenges Black' to take the King’s Pawn In' this position defense of the King’s Pawn is indicated- Black proves that he can accept the challenge 5 R-K or- Q-K2 Blark 12 a 4 n White 14 ’ins the Qu Blaek IS I’hlte could ixK but not at R6 White 1 Onittl Rve" " Mt White P-K4 N-KB3 B-B4 Games — Prob! ems - By Paul L Cromelin time and in or against fhe board White c otectlon in his e WaaV ' Even without this error ’ ha a he superior position v nito a I’nviously ’ I'l Jt-LSI Black’s trcilbl: ar assumes th initiative - if E-N’T 14-:N-KR4 en It would appear that vln back hi? piece by so long as h!s Bishop ' ’R’rrmV th- — ’hire's technique is -faultv When a ece down one should avoid exchanges K-K5ch R-K B-B7 ‘ B-NS R-K2 ’ QR-K- find no 1 PK4 - th vln everv King’s Pawn two squires is backed up by the poor Thfrh the Petroff is held White 12 Castles continuing
PROBLEM NO 16 20 ’ is ISSUE CHARTER' 7 KR-Q R-Q Mount Vernon Rye -Ho’sa tia W&amp;apos;-hlte Plains 2-tj-3 B7ch King solvers ot No IS both PxReh and N-B2eh ean be defeated ' j x - 1 because of an error -ini printing No? 15 -no- credits are -due todayHowever we wish to giveieredit to red Higgins for solving rank Janet’s Christmas Tree His name was omitted last -‘ week through error on our part As a tip to solvers of No 15 ’ both : PxReh and N-B2eh ean be defeated : ' !y OTTO WURZBURG ‘GRAND RAPIDS’ HERALD” - White 4 pieces White Mates la Two : Satatiasg aiuat tn the Daily Amvs aflles hy the Wednesday f&amp;apos;Hov-te pobUestleB Ths thana will ba da-' berthed tv eek after peblfeatlaa YWC A TO START CLASSES IN BRIDGE 13 9 "S Slack — -J pieces - -- - - ' a point to attack - 31' Threatena- BaPr-h hJPI’ lg’Thls !' Black timo ’to rt etc nd his Kln Pawn with his Kini a -vital strategy in 'attempting -to onL i-T0 epiu"’s raifat: Kmrnt 48 K-K2 forces - Blark bark to B4 uit-h his-KIng.
In order tortefeat the threat of N-B3 and NxKP h'’ K-K5 If White- then plays K-Q3 again- Black ' has time’ for N-R6 and Ing the point K5 forha rest is automat- - PROBLEMS ' ' Because of an-error-Infprinting No 15 -no credits are’ due today Howeve we wish to-give credit to red Higgins- for solving' rank Janet’s Christmas Tree’ His name -w as omitted last week through error on our part As a - tip to WESTCHESTER COUNTY ' ' ’CHESS LEAGUE’ v ?- " The Mount Vernon Chess Club got off to a good start in the second--round of the Westchester County Chess-League’s round robin of team' matches In its'first match” of-the round-the local club whitewashed the - Rye Chess Club in an engagement which was held last Wednesday night m Rye The tournament continues with Mount Ver non in the lead-forthe county championship by a full point Arthur S Meyer Dr A A Blasi - JohnW Barnhart Max Haeker Milton Krieger and Paul L Cromelin played for Mount - Vernon in - ah order of boards as listed Their respective opponents were S Schamach A Ceruzzi M J’ Scharf L Marshall E Schamach and C M Alexieff ’ - The match between the Holsatia Chess-Club and the Jewish Community Center both of Yonkers scheduled for last Wednesday was postponed: to - allow Arthur' W Dake of Oregon to play a’ ’ simultaneous exhibition.
Playing against 17 at the Holsatia Club he won 12 drew two and lost three games No date has been nxea to play off the adjourned match : ? The pairings for next week' are Holsatia at Mount Vernon and Rve at?White Plains Both matches will be played on riday - - -- Standing of the clubs: - Matehfte- Gemes : ALBANY? Jan -IdLThe"’ --Secret tary -of - State has - issued 'a charter to-the-Timit Realty Company Inc cf Mount -Vernon? The capital of the ’ new concern is ’ 200 shares ef common stock having no par value The -directors: al! efiMO iske Place? Mount -Vernon -are: Reuben V K’ and “Sidney H Posner and Hyman Satehstein 7 ' on "THE’ CHESS REVIEW” ’ ' The- first issue' of Isaac --Kash- dan’s magazine "Tfae - Chess? Review" -left the press early:-this week 5000 copies being distributed throughout the country Thirty? two pages of -weir presented- ma t-erial -comprise his initial-offering - The magazine uses a’ large clear Aype in printing : its games and its format shows that care has been used in assembling the various -topics - Associated' with Mr? JCashdan' in 'this new ventureare-il A? Horowitz Otto- Wurzburg -Bertram Kadisli ’ and George -’-Rieth -Pub-lished monthly "The Chess’ Review’” is offered - to -’subscribers for $250- annually ’ Subscriptions tny?be 'sent to’6d-ld 'Roosevelt Avenue Woodside L-1 - : Today’s problem' was take's from the cover of "The Chess Review” : i a cn&apos;- ’ the by hammering the ! then ?

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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