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"ITS YOUR MOVE" The Morning Call' Chess and Checker Column Problems, Games, Positions la End Games and News Items Will Be Welcomed -W. H. STECKEL, Editor -Twelve clubs are entered In the annual championship series of the Metropolitan Chess League. This tournament will get under way on February 6. when six matches will be contested as follows: Hungaria International vs. Hungarian Workers. Rice-Progressive vs. City College, N. Y., University vs. Staten Wand, Scandinavian vs. Manhattan. Empire City vs. West Side and Marshall vs. Gramercy. In a complicated position and finding himself under time pressure the ' editor found and played the wrong continuation on his 27th turn In a Queens Gambit Declined, thus retiring the eleventh game of a fifteen game match for the match thampionship of Lehigh Valley to H. V. Hesse, of Bethlehem. The score stands at 5 '.a apiece. Playing without their regulars such as Hermann, Koch, Bex, Flickinger, Geary, etc.. the local boys were no match against the classy Bethlehem Chess team.
The Allentown boys mere defeated in a series of twenty-two games by the score of 20',2-ll'i. The next master's international tournament is scheduled fcr the early part of February, under the auspices of the London Chess League. Dr. Alekhlne is postponing a trip around the world to play. Kashdan and Flohr, winners of the recent Hastings tournament will also participate.
Others expected to take part are Tartakower, Maroczy, Colle,- Sultan Khan. Miss Vera Menchik, Sir George Thomas, - Yates, Winter and Jackson. REITS OPENING
mate in fl mores NOTE: Tills is the tenth aame of a 15-game match between the above opponents. Trie notes are by A. N. Towsen. Harrisourz, Central Pennsylvania cnam Dion. a This move is the discovery of the late Rirhnrd Reti. Hulled as the opening of the future, it is stm less popular tnau the Queen a Oambit and the Ruv Looez. tb Distinctly inferior as 1n the defense to the Queen's Gambit.
B!aclc does best to play either P-K3 or P-QB3. In a match m against Davis Hourk. of Reading. I Blared instead 2 PxP: 3. Kt-QR3, P-K4: 4. KtxKP tbest". BxKt; S. Q-R4ch P-QKt4; 8. QxB tnot QxPch. P-B3.) B-QKt2; and eventually won.
But the position is very unclear. e P-QKU should be played, and rnen B-QKt2. d White Is playing the Benoni Defense, but with a move in hand, Blacx should proceed with P-KB4 as he would - when playing the White pieces against this defense. e' 8. P-K4 can also be played, after wnirn ootn players win strive for tne break throush by P-KB4.
Black lor choice. f After PxP White would be left with ( backward" Pawn on the Queen's file, t Is true but the weakness will not be serious aa the following suggestion shows. Black 8. .... PP; 9. PxP. Castles; 10. Kt-BB3. B-K3: 11. P-K4. Kt-QS: 12. Kt-Q5. ig) This move strikes tne as particularly bad, lor 'on Q-B2 the Knight can have no prospecfgand from QKt5 he can easily be driven b;k whence he came. A better lan Is to piar QKt-Q2 with the Intention of trading toe poorly posted Knight 'at K4i for one of Black's more active pieces. But as White's position would be unenviable after the reply B-KB4 his best plan Is to play B-KKt5 first and then QKt-Q2.
Even this plan leaves much to be desired as the White Bishop at KtS cannot effect to go unchallenged. h Doubltless done to unpin his Knight, but the Queen is poorly posted. i This move gains nothing, as after Black plays B-QKt and P-QR3 the White Knmht must return to QR3. The Black riosltlon on the other hand will be sliRhtly mproved but only slightly. The Bishop will be out of the way of his own Queen and Rooks, the Queen's side Pawns will be a little easier to protect and the way is prepared for P-QKt4 if the move ever becomes leasable.
u He will probably hare to nrake this move sooner or later, but he should wait for Hesse to force it with P-KR3 and Rave himself a tempo. The doubled Pawns in this instance most decidedly do not constitute a weakness. ik) It would have not cost nothing to drive back the Knight iby P-QR31 before embarking on this attack. As it happens this Knight manages to get into the game. 'II This move promises to piece Black's extra Bishop in command of the Black squares.
Simpler and better Is RxR. RxR: QR-K. and if PxP. RPxP In order to keep the square K3 guarded.
ni Clears the war lor the Queen to protect the KRP. io An uncorrect piece offer. It was doubtless Inspired by desperation, for leel-lne that the stint was taken out of his attack. Hesse would not be disposed to stand the loss of a Pawn. He still hss a rood rejourn howpver.
A. N. Towsen and the editor that B-Kt3 after White plays K-Ktsa would also have lost for the editor After looking this continuation over we Iind that this is correct. This contmua tinn was unfnrtunatelv missed in our an s lysis and we wish to acknowledge . and thank the above parties lor bringing this to our attention. Solution to problem- No. 135, by George Hume, Q-R5.
The Allentown boys mere defeated in a series of twenty-two games by the score of 20',2-ll'i. The next master's international tournament is scheduled fcr the early part of February, under the auspices of the London Chess League. Dr. Alekhlne is postponing a trip around the world to play. Kashdan and Flohr, winners of the recent Hastings tournament will also participate.
Others expected to take part are Tartakower, Maroczy, Colle,- Sultan Khan. Miss Vera Menchik, Sir George Thomas, - Yates, Winter and Jackson. REITS OPENING
mate in fl mores NOTE: Tills is the tenth aame of a 15-game match between the above opponents. Trie notes are by A. N. Towsen. Harrisourz, Central Pennsylvania cnam Dion. a This move is the discovery of the late Rirhnrd Reti. Hulled as the opening of the future, it is stm less popular tnau the Queen a Oambit and the Ruv Looez. tb Distinctly inferior as 1n the defense to the Queen's Gambit.
B!aclc does best to play either P-K3 or P-QB3. In a match m against Davis Hourk. of Reading. I Blared instead 2 PxP: 3. Kt-QR3, P-K4: 4. KtxKP tbest". BxKt; S. Q-R4ch P-QKt4; 8. QxB tnot QxPch. P-B3.) B-QKt2; and eventually won.
But the position is very unclear. e P-QKU should be played, and rnen B-QKt2. d White Is playing the Benoni Defense, but with a move in hand, Blacx should proceed with P-KB4 as he would - when playing the White pieces against this defense. e' 8. P-K4 can also be played, after wnirn ootn players win strive for tne break throush by P-KB4.
Black lor choice. f After PxP White would be left with ( backward" Pawn on the Queen's file, t Is true but the weakness will not be serious aa the following suggestion shows. Black 8. .... PP; 9. PxP. Castles; 10. Kt-BB3. B-K3: 11. P-K4. Kt-QS: 12. Kt-Q5. ig) This move strikes tne as particularly bad, lor 'on Q-B2 the Knight can have no prospecfgand from QKt5 he can easily be driven b;k whence he came. A better lan Is to piar QKt-Q2 with the Intention of trading toe poorly posted Knight 'at K4i for one of Black's more active pieces. But as White's position would be unenviable after the reply B-KB4 his best plan Is to play B-KKt5 first and then QKt-Q2.
Even this plan leaves much to be desired as the White Bishop at KtS cannot effect to go unchallenged. h Doubltless done to unpin his Knight, but the Queen is poorly posted. i This move gains nothing, as after Black plays B-QKt and P-QR3 the White Knmht must return to QR3. The Black riosltlon on the other hand will be sliRhtly mproved but only slightly. The Bishop will be out of the way of his own Queen and Rooks, the Queen's side Pawns will be a little easier to protect and the way is prepared for P-QKt4 if the move ever becomes leasable.
u He will probably hare to nrake this move sooner or later, but he should wait for Hesse to force it with P-KR3 and Rave himself a tempo. The doubled Pawns in this instance most decidedly do not constitute a weakness. ik) It would have not cost nothing to drive back the Knight iby P-QR31 before embarking on this attack. As it happens this Knight manages to get into the game. 'II This move promises to piece Black's extra Bishop in command of the Black squares.
Simpler and better Is RxR. RxR: QR-K. and if PxP. RPxP In order to keep the square K3 guarded.
ni Clears the war lor the Queen to protect the KRP. io An uncorrect piece offer. It was doubtless Inspired by desperation, for leel-lne that the stint was taken out of his attack. Hesse would not be disposed to stand the loss of a Pawn. He still hss a rood rejourn howpver.
A. N. Towsen and the editor that B-Kt3 after White plays K-Ktsa would also have lost for the editor After looking this continuation over we Iind that this is correct. This contmua tinn was unfnrtunatelv missed in our an s lysis and we wish to acknowledge . and thank the above parties lor bringing this to our attention. Solution to problem- No. 135, by George Hume, Q-R5.