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BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. TONEWALL" FLOHR should be his name, for through 12 rounds of international tournament play at Kemeri, Latia, in which 18 of the world masters f chess are battling for purse honors, outhful Salo Flohr has not lost a ame and he is the only undefeated ¦layer in the Latvian tournament iow in progress at the Kurhaus.
Even Samuel Reshevsky. United itates champion, was content to draw ,'ith Flohr in the twelfth round, thus opping all competitors by 10-2, the wo-point losses being accounted for ¦y an outright loss to Alexander Aleklin. ex-world champion, and two [raws Flohr I* runner-up to Reshevsky with a score of R1 a-314« As the tourney is scarcely passed the half-way mark, the Czechoslovakian champion has optimum chances of still dividing first and second prize moneys with Reshevzky. Reuben Fine. America's leading in- .he-money star, is tenth in the ladler with a score of equaled jy V. Mikenas of Lithuania. Mary Bain vs. Menchik. M ARY BAIN, eminent chess Ama- »on of New York City, has sailed tor Sweden, where she will enter the international woman's tournament and ippose Vera Menchik for the world :hess championship title for women, Mrs. Bain is the first of her aez to represent the United States in a world tournament. En route to Stockholm she will pause at Blackpool. England, to par- licipate in the congress of the British Chess Federation.
A reasonable query': How would Elsie Shepard, feminine champion of j the District, fare in over-the-board I play with Mrs. Bain? Perhaps this Winter such a match may be arranged. Naidei Advocates Divan Tourney. ’ CIMON NAIDEL, one of the foremost chess players in the Nation's Capital, as chairman of the Touma- i nient Committee of the Washington Social Chess Divan, favors an im- ! mediate round robin among the Di- ; van's membership during July. It Is essential that the strength of the respective players be determined that a handicap fray may be arranged to supplement the round robin Interested fans may contact Naidd for entry in the Divan open tournament by dropping a card to the Social Chess Divan, Parkside Hotel.
Norval Wigginton advises that Divan members may obtain July membership cards from him at the regu- 1 lar Wednesday night rally. The quar- j ter fee for July, August and Sep- | tember is only $3. payable in monthly ! installments by signing a membership form. New members in September! probably will be assessed a *3 initia- ! tiona fee In addition to the regular | quarter fee. Regular members at that | date will be exempt from any initiation fee.
Local fans should climb up on the band wagon while the tariff is low. For a casual game of chess, visit the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street northwest.
Even Samuel Reshevsky. United itates champion, was content to draw ,'ith Flohr in the twelfth round, thus opping all competitors by 10-2, the wo-point losses being accounted for ¦y an outright loss to Alexander Aleklin. ex-world champion, and two [raws Flohr I* runner-up to Reshevsky with a score of R1 a-314« As the tourney is scarcely passed the half-way mark, the Czechoslovakian champion has optimum chances of still dividing first and second prize moneys with Reshevzky. Reuben Fine. America's leading in- .he-money star, is tenth in the ladler with a score of equaled jy V. Mikenas of Lithuania. Mary Bain vs. Menchik. M ARY BAIN, eminent chess Ama- »on of New York City, has sailed tor Sweden, where she will enter the international woman's tournament and ippose Vera Menchik for the world :hess championship title for women, Mrs. Bain is the first of her aez to represent the United States in a world tournament. En route to Stockholm she will pause at Blackpool. England, to par- licipate in the congress of the British Chess Federation.
A reasonable query': How would Elsie Shepard, feminine champion of j the District, fare in over-the-board I play with Mrs. Bain? Perhaps this Winter such a match may be arranged. Naidei Advocates Divan Tourney. ’ CIMON NAIDEL, one of the foremost chess players in the Nation's Capital, as chairman of the Touma- i nient Committee of the Washington Social Chess Divan, favors an im- ! mediate round robin among the Di- ; van's membership during July. It Is essential that the strength of the respective players be determined that a handicap fray may be arranged to supplement the round robin Interested fans may contact Naidd for entry in the Divan open tournament by dropping a card to the Social Chess Divan, Parkside Hotel.
Norval Wigginton advises that Divan members may obtain July membership cards from him at the regu- 1 lar Wednesday night rally. The quar- j ter fee for July, August and Sep- | tember is only $3. payable in monthly ! installments by signing a membership form. New members in September! probably will be assessed a *3 initia- ! tiona fee In addition to the regular | quarter fee. Regular members at that | date will be exempt from any initiation fee.
Local fans should climb up on the band wagon while the tariff is low. For a casual game of chess, visit the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street northwest.