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BY PAUL J. MILLER, JR. LANS for the Pall chess season in the District will be outlined by the president of the Metropolitan Chess Association tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at the Parkside Hotel. Each chess club and group in the District is privileged to send two representatives to this official assembly and participate in formulating the association's policy on match play. Current officers of the association are Prof. Paul Miller, president; D. 8. Burch, vice president; Abe Seidenberg, secretary, and Mrs. Anna Bran, treasurer. Washington boosts some 28 chess groops which presages a W'lntor of real chess activity.
No fees are charged for any M. C. A. meetings. VoiJol ..J V uiL» Itm _ "PERFECT timing on the chessboard, A described by the late Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch as tempo with accumulated sequential time becoming tempii, is best Illustrated when two A-class players parry and block adverse moves with such consummate skill that the only result possible is a draw. The set-to between Simon Naidel and Max Kessler, chess director of the Paul Morphy Chess Club, as they fought for a win in the Class A tournament, was an excellent instance of the best move trumped by the adequate reply. So Simon and Max drew. Recent scoring in the Class B tournament of the Morphyites: Rothseb _0 Camden _1 Horn _O MaeCready_1 Bennett _0 Rothseb _1 Bsktn _tk Grodsky -Va Thompson_O Benjamin _3 Dunn _0 Saporito _3 Bard _1 Sutphen _c Lind __Vk Kunkle _Va MacOready_1 Rothseb _3 Thompson _0 Horn -3 Camden _1 Bennett _f Benjamin _1 Rot hand _( Bard _ I Horn™._< MaeCready ..... 1 Powell___C Camden __I Bakin __I \T PETTROW of Latvia, obtaining a * draw with Dr. A. Alekhin, exworld champion, in the international masters’ tournament in progress at the Kurhaus In Kemeri, Latvia, moved up to second place with the score of 9'-2—3'*. youthful Samuel Reshvesky, American champion, heading the masters by 10—2. Reuben Fine, the other United States player in the match, defeated H. Berg of Latvia.
Pine, Steiner and Apscheneek are tied for eighth place, each with a tally of 7-6. Fine has been consistent in his display of lackadaisical chess. Obviously, tsi his constant play In European tournaments for the last year has dulled his perceptions and he needs a change of pace—say a week or so at one cf the jolly bawth" resorts that dot the English coast. Divan Open Summer Tourney.
HOLDING its own despite warm 1 weather, the Washington Social Chess Divan will play the first sound in a single robin tournament Wednesday, 8 p.m., in the cool game rooms of the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street northwest. Simon Naidel, entrepreneur of the tourney, says as soon as a 10-second timing clock arrives the players will have a siege of sandwich chess, otherwise known as skittles, because nothing is serious and you only have a bite of time between moves. Ladies are welAme to engage in the open divan and skittles.
No fees are charged for any M. C. A. meetings. VoiJol ..J V uiL» Itm _ "PERFECT timing on the chessboard, A described by the late Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch as tempo with accumulated sequential time becoming tempii, is best Illustrated when two A-class players parry and block adverse moves with such consummate skill that the only result possible is a draw. The set-to between Simon Naidel and Max Kessler, chess director of the Paul Morphy Chess Club, as they fought for a win in the Class A tournament, was an excellent instance of the best move trumped by the adequate reply. So Simon and Max drew. Recent scoring in the Class B tournament of the Morphyites: Rothseb _0 Camden _1 Horn _O MaeCready_1 Bennett _0 Rothseb _1 Bsktn _tk Grodsky -Va Thompson_O Benjamin _3 Dunn _0 Saporito _3 Bard _1 Sutphen _c Lind __Vk Kunkle _Va MacOready_1 Rothseb _3 Thompson _0 Horn -3 Camden _1 Bennett _f Benjamin _1 Rot hand _( Bard _ I Horn™._< MaeCready ..... 1 Powell___C Camden __I Bakin __I \T PETTROW of Latvia, obtaining a * draw with Dr. A. Alekhin, exworld champion, in the international masters’ tournament in progress at the Kurhaus In Kemeri, Latvia, moved up to second place with the score of 9'-2—3'*. youthful Samuel Reshvesky, American champion, heading the masters by 10—2. Reuben Fine, the other United States player in the match, defeated H. Berg of Latvia.
Pine, Steiner and Apscheneek are tied for eighth place, each with a tally of 7-6. Fine has been consistent in his display of lackadaisical chess. Obviously, tsi his constant play In European tournaments for the last year has dulled his perceptions and he needs a change of pace—say a week or so at one cf the jolly bawth" resorts that dot the English coast. Divan Open Summer Tourney.
HOLDING its own despite warm 1 weather, the Washington Social Chess Divan will play the first sound in a single robin tournament Wednesday, 8 p.m., in the cool game rooms of the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street northwest. Simon Naidel, entrepreneur of the tourney, says as soon as a 10-second timing clock arrives the players will have a siege of sandwich chess, otherwise known as skittles, because nothing is serious and you only have a bite of time between moves. Ladies are welAme to engage in the open divan and skittles.