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BY PAUL J. MILLEr, .IK. " " TER L. MURDOCK, JR.. for the Empire State championship :ournament that opens August 1 at Cazenovia, Ν.
Y. The fray will terminate on August 7 and special accommodations are present for visiting; chess stars. A line to Murdock at Cazenovia will be iufficient. "Your Chess Club.ÏS YOUR chess club or group disintegrating during the Summer months? Or is the old gant; carrying >n with a few die-hards staging occalional skittle and transit tourneys? Chess is an all-year game. It is as nteresting in the Summer as in the Winter, but the player must have a :ool and comfortable place to indulge η his beloved pastime.
Locally, the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street northwest, possesses the Inest equipment obtainable and has /ery commodious quarters—the best in ;he Nation's Capital. Chess may be enjoyed to the fullest at the lounge. Meantime, read the item, "Your Dhess Club," which appears in the ateet issue of the Correspondence Shess League Bulletin (page 2), edited if the able enthusiast, Walter F. as chairman of the New York State Chess Association, is receiving entries James. 219 East Main street, Cherokee, Iowa.
In Russia today, the science of chess is an obligatory course in every Soviet school and annually the government pays about $750,000 toward defraying the cost of teaching chess. Λ r h es* tournament in Russia, where they have 10,000,000 registered chess players, is a phenomena that am axes the visiting American. Rapid Traneit Tourney. ÇIMON NAIDEL, tournament director of the Washington Social Chess Divan, says preparations are complete for a 10-second tournament, Wednesday, 8 p.m., at the Parkside Hotel. It is the first rapid transit tourney to be conducted by the divan.
Accommodations are ample lor both members of the divan and the public. Averaging 10 seconds to the move, six moves to the minute, in less than 10 minutée a chess game is finished. There is never a dull moment, never a lull in play, for each player must be quick-witted and dispatch his moves with precision. Assistant chess director, Norval Wigglnton, Is dangling a gratis membership In the divan for August as the prlM for the champion speed player.
Y. The fray will terminate on August 7 and special accommodations are present for visiting; chess stars. A line to Murdock at Cazenovia will be iufficient. "Your Chess Club.ÏS YOUR chess club or group disintegrating during the Summer months? Or is the old gant; carrying >n with a few die-hards staging occalional skittle and transit tourneys? Chess is an all-year game. It is as nteresting in the Summer as in the Winter, but the player must have a :ool and comfortable place to indulge η his beloved pastime.
Locally, the Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street northwest, possesses the Inest equipment obtainable and has /ery commodious quarters—the best in ;he Nation's Capital. Chess may be enjoyed to the fullest at the lounge. Meantime, read the item, "Your Dhess Club," which appears in the ateet issue of the Correspondence Shess League Bulletin (page 2), edited if the able enthusiast, Walter F. as chairman of the New York State Chess Association, is receiving entries James. 219 East Main street, Cherokee, Iowa.
In Russia today, the science of chess is an obligatory course in every Soviet school and annually the government pays about $750,000 toward defraying the cost of teaching chess. Λ r h es* tournament in Russia, where they have 10,000,000 registered chess players, is a phenomena that am axes the visiting American. Rapid Traneit Tourney. ÇIMON NAIDEL, tournament director of the Washington Social Chess Divan, says preparations are complete for a 10-second tournament, Wednesday, 8 p.m., at the Parkside Hotel. It is the first rapid transit tourney to be conducted by the divan.
Accommodations are ample lor both members of the divan and the public. Averaging 10 seconds to the move, six moves to the minute, in less than 10 minutée a chess game is finished. There is never a dull moment, never a lull in play, for each player must be quick-witted and dispatch his moves with precision. Assistant chess director, Norval Wigglnton, Is dangling a gratis membership In the divan for August as the prlM for the champion speed player.