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March 09, 1932 Chess Games-Problems by Paul L. Cromelin, The Daily Argus, Mount Vernon, N.Y.

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ChessChess 09 Mar 1932, Wed Mount Vernon Argus (White Plains, New York)

OCR Text

Your Move — By Paul L Cromelin ' P-KB4! been up J is Q2 Kt on K and Alate in Two Hie R- J Reichert 0: and Bowels P-QB3 KxKt by On last the the he had caused tn so that it could his nearsighted posi-offcr over since trou- piece Dr I game KtxBch B-Kta Qon QB5: Kt’s on on KBS P on KT RxQ mean the Jt-KI33 P-Q3 L Davis 0 Rothenberg 0 (pose Your WOMEN TO ATTEND LENTEN SERVICE Rook takes discomfitted poetic license “Hi Diddle I County Holsatia And on devotees to play this lose a tempo We we denor A A Blasi While P-K4 Kt-KB3 Kt-QD3 B-B4 P-Q4 sensed that I would get into ble so decided to trade my up for a pawn up 14 Q-Kt4ch K-B 15 QxB Here my opponent gloated getting his piece back but he returned it to me almost immediately and in any case consid ering my excellent attacking tion 1 had no complaint to 16 QR-Q Q-B2 17 Kt-QKt5? PxKt After my last move had recorded by the scribe my blindfolded adversary openly chuckled behind his whiskers at the crushing blow that' he had in store for me having completely forgotten tne Kook which be placed at now gobble Queen 18 QxQ "Whatdaya Queen?” cried doctor lapsing into in his astonishment Diddle the Cat and the iddle” recited “In that case I resign? said Dr Blasi ordering a plateful of liverwurst for the kibitzers PNEUMONIA RISES IN HEALTH AREA LORIDA EASTER CRUISES 3 4 5 6 7 the doctor fastened me eagle eye and snarled Hastily swallowing a of liverwurst coiint- completely disrupt- that lie resigned the the re- The outstanding The past Week has been one full of activities for the members of r the Mount Vernon Chess Club their regular meeting night Thursday another round of Club Tournament was lield.
On following evening a team of seven travelled to Yonkers to play their scheduled TV estchester League Match with the Chess Club of that city Monday the 7th the local of Cassia were scheduled the team from Greenwich which is a member of the Westchester League Let's take each event in the order given After leaving the Holsatia Club last riday five of the team nd-' journed to a place of refreshment where the subject of blindfold chess was lirouglit up Louis Dnvis suggested "that the writer play a- nnnatoid game -with Dr Blasi agreed: then- discovered that had men but no board So we eided Io play with neither men board which resulted in a kibitzerproof engagement Having appointed Davis to score our verbal Iirewor ks with his “P-Kl!” mouthful ered ‘T-K-ll’ Ing nis attack so after IS moves Dr tevrnt jjns III 1 Ila 11 k i 1 a ! pr no k'i nt nny druR Mure Price $1 Always on hand at ANKERSON’S PHARMACY The local team mot with another defeat at the hands of the Holsatin Chess Club of Yonkers last riday The Mount Vernon team won on the first three boards but lost on the remaining four to take small ’end of a 3-4 score The suit by boards was as follows: Blasi 1 E Cromelin 1 Piatt 0 Ebrecht 1 K Eckhardt 1 Vosseler 1 A Schmidt 1 The Mount Vernon players are listed first in each pair in the above results and played the White pieces ' on the odd numbered boards- The outstanding feature of Club Tournament to date is fact that Dr A A Blasi still mains unbeaten part of it is that at least three of the games that were won by him could have been won by his opponents A winning position was there for them but was discovered only in jthe" post' mortem The writer was one of those who let a game go to the redoubtable doctor and so feels that all three losses might be chalked up against to much eagerness for direct play.
There is nothing so tempering as actual tournament play and we feel sure that all the participants in the present matches will have gained in resourcefulness by the time that the prizes were awarded The standing in Group One is as follows: Dr- Blasi 6-0: B TV McCready 3-2 S Israel 2-1: P L Cromelin 2-3 J M Cromelin 1-1 M Harkaway 1-1: IL Schipf 12: Dr B 51 Seholdcr 1-3 It-Reichert 1-3 I Bradbury 0-2 In Group Two five games were played and the standing of the members of that group were considerably altered as a result Mrs P L Cromelin won her match the point scored putting her in temporary possession of first place Miss II- Eolis’ opponent was unable to attend so that the previous first place holder slipped down a notch for the present due to the fact thatshe was given no opportunity to score a point The “dark horse” Louis Davis continued his winning streak and stopped up to tie for second place with Miss Eolis Seymour Blumonson played two games winning both of them which places liim in the third position The score in the Second Group is as follows: -Mrs P L Cromelin 4’4-4 Miss II Eolis 4-1 L Davis 4-1 S Blumenson 4-2 51 J- Lyons 3-1: C W Caley 2-3 Mrs A SchrocITei 2-4 Mrs B TV McCready 1-3: Miss H Taylor -214: A- Rothenberg 0-2 J MacDonald 0-4 White: K It's on QKt5 K Kt 4 and I6 (S pieces) Black: K on pieces ) White to move 10 Rather than R-K which would be contrary to my previous note -I decided to let White open the Kt file and played B-K3 in the hopes that my worthyopponent would also undouble my pawns by a double exchange 11 BxKt I’xB 12 K-R5? BxB “Ha!” sez the dr “Did I leave that Bishop cn prise?” “Ho!" sez I “You did” 13 P-K5! BPxP! BxR looks very tempting but after 14 PxBP I saw or rather Castles Kt-B5.
Here T considered olavina BxKt but decided that after the next move the exchange of my KB fur the White Kt would tend to help my The Women’s Auxiliary of the Young Tien's Christian Association tomorrow afternoon in the social rooms of the Y M C A will hold a Lenten service conducted by the Rev Dr Wallace II inch pastor of Chester Hill Methodist Episcopal Church Vocal solos will be rendered by Mrs John D Sherman The match with Greenwich scheduled for last Monday evening was postponed at the last moment due to circumstances which prevented the visitors from coining to Mount Vernon A few of the local players adjourned to Crome-lin's where Louis Davis nnd M J1 Lyons played their sixth round match in the club tournament Lyons played a rench Defense and Davis' succumbed after 35 moves This game changes the standing given above for the Second Group since Lyons’ score is now 4-1 and Davis 4-2 Problem DciMirtment The Key move to Problem No 4 1 B-Kt2! Problem No 6 on KR and KR7 B I’cnty cases were reported for last week compared to 26 for the preceding week The number of cases of chickenpox dropped from 4 6 to 38 but the cases of measles rose from 19 to 5-1 There was a slight increase from 12 to 17 in cases of mumps Scarlet fever cases dropped off from 20 to 17 The number of cases of whooping cough was almost doubled rising from 18 to 3 1 One new case of d-iph'therta was reported that of a nine-year-old child in Mamaroneck who had received three doses of toxin-antitoxin for immunization but had not completed the treatment by the Snick lest In the listing of concentre1-tion of cases Ossining in shown with almost an epidemic of measles Of 54 cases in the district 31 were in Ossining last week One case ofUphold fever rare in TV estchester was reported at Larchmont No More Gas In Stomach 11 11 W to bp permanent lr re-linid of CT steninili nnl bnwelo mac nonlmmin s Gm Tnbletw which are preimrerl espei'lnlly for htonmeh n ami all the bnd effects resulting fnmi Ks pressure Thnf PtniHy fi-nnwInR- frrlliur id Ihr pit of iho stonwuh will dkRnnoRr Unit nnvlons nertoun frolinv with hriirt pnl-nlhillnn will duiMi mid V(iu will ai'nin he nble tn fnko a drop breath without1 isioin fort lrowy slpopy ferlinjr after din- 0 r P L Cromelin Black.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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