OCR Text
By PAUL J. MILLER, JR.. America's Authority on Social Chess. Alekhin Hu 2-Point Lead. LAYING brilliantly against Dr. Max Euwe, world champion, in the 18th game of their series of 30 matches for the world title. Dr. Alexander Alekhin, former champion, disarmed the Dutch mathematics professor after 51 moves had been recorded, forcing a draw out of a most precarious position. The contest for the championship crown now stands: Alekhin, 8; Euwe, 4; drawn, 8. The 19th game was scheduled for play last night at Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
The consensus of American chess columnists is that Alekhin is the superior tactician, is capable of more profound ingenuity in traps and stratagems, and will regain the world title that he lost to Euwe two years ago. provided he maintains the sterling skill he has displayed in the last 18 skirmishes. All the world knows now that Alekhin has been on a special buttermilk diet for months and it is rumored even that he has a favorite Jersey “bossy” which he keeps with him to be sure he gets the needed refreshment with the least possible delay. Can you picture the current chess championship battle, that is being played in a half down prominent Netherlands towns, dependent upon the traveling propensities of a docile bovine? Game No. 5—Queen’s Gambit.
Game No. 6—Slav Defense. (Queen’s Gambit.) Game No. 7—Slav Defense. (Queen’s GambH.) Thanksgtvtng; Cham Bally. 'po THE chess fans of Washington 1 and its environs. Greetings, and take cognisance of this public proclamation : Wednesday. November 24,1937, anne Domini, is herewith set aside and dedicated as a day of Thanksgiving for all lovers and followers of the "Game of Kings,” and you are Invited cordially to Journey to the Parksidc Hotel, 1336 I street N.W., and enjoy chess to your heart’s content, between the hours of 8 and 11 p.m. May you attend oar openhouse party and find there them friends frees divers puts and ehsba ef the rity. With the compliments of the season to you from your own— Metropolitan Chess Association.
Cheat Problem No. 111. By A. ELLERMAN. Social Chess Quarterly BLACK—7 MEN. WHITE—S MEN. White te Pley sad Mete la Tw». 'DOTTACCHI’S problem, No. 109, & U solved by the key: R-B4. Lad derites are cautioned to mail their so lutlons promptly (within one week a the latest of publication of each ccm test problem).
The deadline is flxec and this copy son to press on Thurs day. Three pointers on No. lOfl are Dante Breeskin (also S points for No. 108). Oer aid M. Clemenee. E. W. Allen. Emanue Simnson. Reuben Suttkus (lest Sunday'; column appeared in the following Monday' Star. The omission was “one of thosi things'’ that happens once In tvo years my friend). C. D. Pranks. William Burko "Oorsonsola.” David H. Slbbet. George F Gorham. Norman Le Roux (a tabulatloi soon), Stephen XKurts. A. O. Dreyer (see both Allen and Cop pace, who Is now li Oklahoma State, want Angel chess seta foi prises ana I neve only one). J. E. Cowllns C. V. Moore. Guy Smith (would that thi Eroblem lovers would visit the Social Chesi ounce. Parkslde Hotel, any evening an< this Item, when presented by them. Is ac centsbu aa a guest ticket) and Raymont W. Lewis, while a single la taUied by J. G Wright. Divan Grows in Strength. XYVBRNIOHT a group of cheas adv dicta may form a club and foi several months may experience i mushroom growth. But the test o: Any chess club is Its stability, character of membership, activity program and facilities.
Applying tha test to the Washington Serial Chess Divan tha result Is a hatting average ef practically 188 par east Located at the Parkatds Hotel fa the hut Ms months the Dima hai weathered the hot summer month shewing an increase each month i.i personnel. Hie headquarters of ti." Divan will continue to be the Paivside Hotel for another year; that is the business arrangement alreac agreed to. The membership embraces more chess players than any other club Washington has boasted in many years. Retired business men, doctor., lawyers, merchants—all are represented. Women exhibit an active interest in social chess.
From the local schools come the best to delight in utilizing the beautiful club-sire chessmen and inlaid boards, imported from Europe. Facilities are ample; chess dockbooks, magazines and naws clippings enable the beginner to familiarize himself with the far-flung tournaments in the countries of the world. Among the membership are progressing two tournaments. There is the general tournament for all players and the major tournament for the class A stars. ESvtry is optional.
But there is a progressive ladder for those who like competitive chess. Instructional lectures are featured. Educational displays afford the public an opportunity to see the place chess occupies as a cultural, intellectual and recreational pastime. Now is the time to think of "community chess." You personally may help put over the local organized chess t program by visiting the Social Chess Lounge, official headquarters for the Metropolitan Chess Association, horns of 8ocial Chess Education for the en tire United States, and the playgroun* for the Divan, the largest chess clia in the Nation’s Capital. Attend the Thanksgiving rally i far the betterment af “cominanity chess.” CheaapoorrL QBOROES KOLTANOWSKI tralne* 1 ^ to best the world record for sim' ultaneous blindfold play of 32 boards by not playing chess for six months i ... he broke the record by playing 34 i boards at Edinburgh without sight of ' any game. . . . Reshevsky, United I States champion, was mistaken for the Duke of Windsor at Semmerlng, Austria.
. . . Thousands turned out to see him play tennis and his opponent, i a crack Austrian player, constantly addressed him as “His Highness.” > En Passant is the title of Koltanow| ski’s first chess book in English. . . . The Belgian champion has a racy style. .. . R. H. 8. Stevenson, business manager of the British Chess Magazine, on October 19 married' Vera Menchik, woman chess champion of the world. . . . Like the cinema stars. Miss Menchik will retain her maiden , name for chess proclivities. . . . Humor and poetry are welcomed by this column.... Send us your favorite verse or joke. Read "CheuT in The Washington Star every Sunday.
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Tour timet weekly, with problems and garnet on Sunday. (Copyright, November 21, 1937, by Paul Miller.).
The consensus of American chess columnists is that Alekhin is the superior tactician, is capable of more profound ingenuity in traps and stratagems, and will regain the world title that he lost to Euwe two years ago. provided he maintains the sterling skill he has displayed in the last 18 skirmishes. All the world knows now that Alekhin has been on a special buttermilk diet for months and it is rumored even that he has a favorite Jersey “bossy” which he keeps with him to be sure he gets the needed refreshment with the least possible delay. Can you picture the current chess championship battle, that is being played in a half down prominent Netherlands towns, dependent upon the traveling propensities of a docile bovine? Game No. 5—Queen’s Gambit.
Game No. 6—Slav Defense. (Queen’s Gambit.) Game No. 7—Slav Defense. (Queen’s GambH.) Thanksgtvtng; Cham Bally. 'po THE chess fans of Washington 1 and its environs. Greetings, and take cognisance of this public proclamation : Wednesday. November 24,1937, anne Domini, is herewith set aside and dedicated as a day of Thanksgiving for all lovers and followers of the "Game of Kings,” and you are Invited cordially to Journey to the Parksidc Hotel, 1336 I street N.W., and enjoy chess to your heart’s content, between the hours of 8 and 11 p.m. May you attend oar openhouse party and find there them friends frees divers puts and ehsba ef the rity. With the compliments of the season to you from your own— Metropolitan Chess Association.
Cheat Problem No. 111. By A. ELLERMAN. Social Chess Quarterly BLACK—7 MEN. WHITE—S MEN. White te Pley sad Mete la Tw». 'DOTTACCHI’S problem, No. 109, & U solved by the key: R-B4. Lad derites are cautioned to mail their so lutlons promptly (within one week a the latest of publication of each ccm test problem).
The deadline is flxec and this copy son to press on Thurs day. Three pointers on No. lOfl are Dante Breeskin (also S points for No. 108). Oer aid M. Clemenee. E. W. Allen. Emanue Simnson. Reuben Suttkus (lest Sunday'; column appeared in the following Monday' Star. The omission was “one of thosi things'’ that happens once In tvo years my friend). C. D. Pranks. William Burko "Oorsonsola.” David H. Slbbet. George F Gorham. Norman Le Roux (a tabulatloi soon), Stephen XKurts. A. O. Dreyer (see both Allen and Cop pace, who Is now li Oklahoma State, want Angel chess seta foi prises ana I neve only one). J. E. Cowllns C. V. Moore. Guy Smith (would that thi Eroblem lovers would visit the Social Chesi ounce. Parkslde Hotel, any evening an< this Item, when presented by them. Is ac centsbu aa a guest ticket) and Raymont W. Lewis, while a single la taUied by J. G Wright. Divan Grows in Strength. XYVBRNIOHT a group of cheas adv dicta may form a club and foi several months may experience i mushroom growth. But the test o: Any chess club is Its stability, character of membership, activity program and facilities.
Applying tha test to the Washington Serial Chess Divan tha result Is a hatting average ef practically 188 par east Located at the Parkatds Hotel fa the hut Ms months the Dima hai weathered the hot summer month shewing an increase each month i.i personnel. Hie headquarters of ti." Divan will continue to be the Paivside Hotel for another year; that is the business arrangement alreac agreed to. The membership embraces more chess players than any other club Washington has boasted in many years. Retired business men, doctor., lawyers, merchants—all are represented. Women exhibit an active interest in social chess.
From the local schools come the best to delight in utilizing the beautiful club-sire chessmen and inlaid boards, imported from Europe. Facilities are ample; chess dockbooks, magazines and naws clippings enable the beginner to familiarize himself with the far-flung tournaments in the countries of the world. Among the membership are progressing two tournaments. There is the general tournament for all players and the major tournament for the class A stars. ESvtry is optional.
But there is a progressive ladder for those who like competitive chess. Instructional lectures are featured. Educational displays afford the public an opportunity to see the place chess occupies as a cultural, intellectual and recreational pastime. Now is the time to think of "community chess." You personally may help put over the local organized chess t program by visiting the Social Chess Lounge, official headquarters for the Metropolitan Chess Association, horns of 8ocial Chess Education for the en tire United States, and the playgroun* for the Divan, the largest chess clia in the Nation’s Capital. Attend the Thanksgiving rally i far the betterment af “cominanity chess.” CheaapoorrL QBOROES KOLTANOWSKI tralne* 1 ^ to best the world record for sim' ultaneous blindfold play of 32 boards by not playing chess for six months i ... he broke the record by playing 34 i boards at Edinburgh without sight of ' any game. . . . Reshevsky, United I States champion, was mistaken for the Duke of Windsor at Semmerlng, Austria.
. . . Thousands turned out to see him play tennis and his opponent, i a crack Austrian player, constantly addressed him as “His Highness.” > En Passant is the title of Koltanow| ski’s first chess book in English. . . . The Belgian champion has a racy style. .. . R. H. 8. Stevenson, business manager of the British Chess Magazine, on October 19 married' Vera Menchik, woman chess champion of the world. . . . Like the cinema stars. Miss Menchik will retain her maiden , name for chess proclivities. . . . Humor and poetry are welcomed by this column.... Send us your favorite verse or joke. Read "CheuT in The Washington Star every Sunday.
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Tour timet weekly, with problems and garnet on Sunday. (Copyright, November 21, 1937, by Paul Miller.).