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By PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. INTERHIGH CHESS ASSOCIATION recently held the most successful meeting since its inception two years ago, electing officers for the current semester, formulating interclub tournament rules and including representatives from six local high schools, namely: Roosevelt, Eastern, Tech, Western, Wilson and Central. Attending the conclave were George Miller, Robert Mostler, Paul Miller <nope, your columnist is not related to any Miller in the District, so chess proclivities are strictly on the level), Stanley Lonberger, Sidney Saha, Daniel Leenov. ftobert Parr, Oswald Schuette, Edith Johnson and Prof. Floyd Wirsing, chemistry instructor at Eastern High. The interhigh constitution provides for two official delegates from each school. The officers conduct two annual tournaments for team championships and one individual championship tour ney, the latter now being replaced by the interscholastic District championship for the Central Y. M. C. A. Trophy and individual medal, contributed also by the “Y.” Officers elected for the present semester are: President, Robert Hostler. Central; vice president. Sol Breeskin. Tech; secretary-treasurer, Robert MacWiTliams, Roosevelt, and honorary adviser, Prof. Paul Miller, chess editor of The Washington Star. Membership fee for each school affiliated with the association for the winter semester is $1. Interhigh Team Tournament. PRESIDENT ROTORT HOSTLER announces that formal play among the six team entries from District high school chess clubs is scheduled to bei gin the afternoon of Friday, December 3, each contest to be played eithe: at the school approved by the presi dent or on the neutral territory of thi Social Chess Lounge, Parkside Hotel The captain of each team will pro vide a list of first-string players am alternates according to respectivi strength and players must be matchei with opponents in the order named. Adjourned games will be consider?! as lceses for competing teams unti finished.
The championship will b< determined solely on the total poin basis. The complete facilities of the Social Chess Lounge for interhigh matches may be utilized without charge. The Interhigh Chess Association wil continue as a co-ordinate unit of th Metropolitan Chess Association am support the local program of ‘‘or ganized social chess.” President Hostler requests that al school clubs file at once a report o their membership, giving name, ad dress and telephone number of ac tive members, officers and facult; adviser. Such list shall be mailed to thi Interhigh Chess Association, Parksidi Hotel, at the earliest possible date 1 Membership lists must check with thi submitted lists of team toumamen players and alternates. A special session of the associatioi will be announced shortly for the re consideration of constitutional amendments.
Chess Rally Tonight. TTNDER the auspices of the Metro politan Chess Association a Dis trict-wide informal rally has beei announced for this evening at 1 o’clock, Parkside Hotel. The order of the entertainment is skittle chess, lightning chess and casual play. The public is welcome to share Ir the festivities. Equipment is ampli for 50-odd players; visitors may brlnj their own chessmen and board as the; choose.
Representatives from all chess uniti In the District are expected to participate In the Thanksgiving rally.
The championship will b< determined solely on the total poin basis. The complete facilities of the Social Chess Lounge for interhigh matches may be utilized without charge. The Interhigh Chess Association wil continue as a co-ordinate unit of th Metropolitan Chess Association am support the local program of ‘‘or ganized social chess.” President Hostler requests that al school clubs file at once a report o their membership, giving name, ad dress and telephone number of ac tive members, officers and facult; adviser. Such list shall be mailed to thi Interhigh Chess Association, Parksidi Hotel, at the earliest possible date 1 Membership lists must check with thi submitted lists of team toumamen players and alternates. A special session of the associatioi will be announced shortly for the re consideration of constitutional amendments.
Chess Rally Tonight. TTNDER the auspices of the Metro politan Chess Association a Dis trict-wide informal rally has beei announced for this evening at 1 o’clock, Parkside Hotel. The order of the entertainment is skittle chess, lightning chess and casual play. The public is welcome to share Ir the festivities. Equipment is ampli for 50-odd players; visitors may brlnj their own chessmen and board as the; choose.
Representatives from all chess uniti In the District are expected to participate In the Thanksgiving rally.