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BY PAUL J MILLER, Jr. ANTONIO HIGUERA, our correspondent in Santurce. Puerto Rico, who attended District schools last year in order to “brush” up on his mastery of the English tongue, says the island territory is preparing a team to assist Panama in the forthcoming Olympics. Candidates for the team are Rafael Cintron, champion of Puerto Rico; Padilla. San Juan champion; F. Soler, ex-champion of San Juan; Francisco Benitez, Cancio, Gotay and Sitiriche, champion of Caguas. Semmering Tourney Simmers. ConfLICTING news releases on the ^ “world candidate” international masters' tournament at. Semmering, Austria, scheduled for opening a month ago, are appearing in the chess columns of the country. Our latest unofficial observer declares the tournament Ls to be played, that Capablanca was the fly in the ointment, but everything is hotsytotsy now; that Reuben Fine and United States Champion Samuel Rei shevsky will participate, and the Pannans Hotel has invited Paul Keres.
V. Petrow. Salo Flohr. V. Ragostn, Erich Eliskases, in addition to all ex-world champions.
But we query—Why does Sovietland refuse to enter their stars in any of the international contests? Botvtnnik was tops at Nottingham. England, but since that eventful occasion you have heard no more of the Soviet champion in foreign chessdom. metropolitan Activity increases. JNCREASING interest is being mani| fested in the Metropolitan Chess Association by the various chess groups in the city that have no direct affiliation with any parent organization. It cannot be overly stressed the necessity of all chess clubs and private playing factions to support the M. C. A and become a co-operative part of the organized chess program of the District. If you wish to help chess to grow', then discuss affiliation with your group now and file a letter of application. Write: Metropolitan Chess Association. Parkside Hotel.
Earl Kunkle, president of the Paul Morphy Chess Club, announces that Its activity for the Fall season starts Thursday. Perhaps President Kunkle will extend the hand of co-operation this Winter by scheduling meetings of his club at the Parkside Hotel every Thursday evening. Any club may meet in the social chess lounge by arranging with Chess Director Norval Wigginton, Parkside Hotel. All official interhigh club matches probably will be held at the lounge, and the Washington Interhigh Chess Association will have the monthly sessions there under the auspices of the M. C. A., which it loyally supports. "Y” Trophy tourneys will be held at the lounge and Chairman C. E. | Fleming of the Interscholastic Touri nament Committee is an ardent supporter of the organized program. Chairman Maud Sewall will stage the second ladies’ chess championship battle for District honors at the lounge this Winter.
Edith Johnson requests ; girls in the ’teen age to register now for the girls’ tourney. Drop a line to Alexander Sturges, Vienna, Va., If your club intends to compete for the District team championship that commences In October. Any group may enter a team of five ! players, or more than one team, but no team may have more than two class a players.
V. Petrow. Salo Flohr. V. Ragostn, Erich Eliskases, in addition to all ex-world champions.
But we query—Why does Sovietland refuse to enter their stars in any of the international contests? Botvtnnik was tops at Nottingham. England, but since that eventful occasion you have heard no more of the Soviet champion in foreign chessdom. metropolitan Activity increases. JNCREASING interest is being mani| fested in the Metropolitan Chess Association by the various chess groups in the city that have no direct affiliation with any parent organization. It cannot be overly stressed the necessity of all chess clubs and private playing factions to support the M. C. A and become a co-operative part of the organized chess program of the District. If you wish to help chess to grow', then discuss affiliation with your group now and file a letter of application. Write: Metropolitan Chess Association. Parkside Hotel.
Earl Kunkle, president of the Paul Morphy Chess Club, announces that Its activity for the Fall season starts Thursday. Perhaps President Kunkle will extend the hand of co-operation this Winter by scheduling meetings of his club at the Parkside Hotel every Thursday evening. Any club may meet in the social chess lounge by arranging with Chess Director Norval Wigginton, Parkside Hotel. All official interhigh club matches probably will be held at the lounge, and the Washington Interhigh Chess Association will have the monthly sessions there under the auspices of the M. C. A., which it loyally supports. "Y” Trophy tourneys will be held at the lounge and Chairman C. E. | Fleming of the Interscholastic Touri nament Committee is an ardent supporter of the organized program. Chairman Maud Sewall will stage the second ladies’ chess championship battle for District honors at the lounge this Winter.
Edith Johnson requests ; girls in the ’teen age to register now for the girls’ tourney. Drop a line to Alexander Sturges, Vienna, Va., If your club intends to compete for the District team championship that commences In October. Any group may enter a team of five ! players, or more than one team, but no team may have more than two class a players.