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Chess Problem.
Correct solution to chess problem 83 was received from John Goldbach Lancaster: Ralph Marshall Perry W G Daly Herkimer Harold Armstrong Niagara alls and Peter A Swart and John H Tusch Buffalo This end game No 85 is by A Mackenzie who has published many Interesting compositions in this phase of the game Though not having many pieces on the board one will find it just a little subtle Black — 2 pieces Bxkt(K3)ch 2— KI-Q5 mate PxKt 2 — Q-KR3 mate.
P-B5ch 3 — KtxP mate P-B4 2— Kt-Kt4 mate R moves 2 — Kt-B4 mate Kt moves 2 — Kt-B4 mate solution to last week's White — 4 pieces White to move and win.
The key to last week's two-mover was a well-hidden one K-Q3 Some solvers gave Q-KR2 as thd key but by moving the rook that is defeated and no matter what White moves it cannot mate on the second move.
The beauty of this two-mover can be appreciated if one will try the following variations: 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3.
Correct chess problem was received from W G Daly Herkimer N Y Peter A Swart John H Tusch and John Sendelbach Buffalo H G Peters Warren Pa Ralph Marshall Perry Richard Klurbin Kenmore
Correct solution to chess problem 83 was received from John Goldbach Lancaster: Ralph Marshall Perry W G Daly Herkimer Harold Armstrong Niagara alls and Peter A Swart and John H Tusch Buffalo This end game No 85 is by A Mackenzie who has published many Interesting compositions in this phase of the game Though not having many pieces on the board one will find it just a little subtle Black — 2 pieces Bxkt(K3)ch 2— KI-Q5 mate PxKt 2 — Q-KR3 mate.
P-B5ch 3 — KtxP mate P-B4 2— Kt-Kt4 mate R moves 2 — Kt-B4 mate Kt moves 2 — Kt-B4 mate solution to last week's White — 4 pieces White to move and win.
The key to last week's two-mover was a well-hidden one K-Q3 Some solvers gave Q-KR2 as thd key but by moving the rook that is defeated and no matter what White moves it cannot mate on the second move.
The beauty of this two-mover can be appreciated if one will try the following variations: 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3 1— K-Q3.
Correct chess problem was received from W G Daly Herkimer N Y Peter A Swart John H Tusch and John Sendelbach Buffalo H G Peters Warren Pa Ralph Marshall Perry Richard Klurbin Kenmore