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ΒY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. IMON NAIDEL, tournament director of the Washington Social Chess Divan, announces a knockout tourney for all members of the divan, the opening round to be played this Wednesday at Parkaide Hotel. 8 p.m. Norval Wigginton, chess director of the divan, is conducting four intradivan team matches in which each quintet Is playing a double round robin.
Team C is composed of Conrad Willnich, L. W. Ferris, J. G. Fairchild, J. H. Terrill and V. Colonna. Gen. Basil Bogoljubov heads team D, ably supported by Ε. E. Williams. Joseph Chmielewski, Henry Reil and A. W. Whittaker.
In the encounter recently between Willnich and Gen. Bogoljubov, the latter scored one victory and drew one. Fairchild and Chmielewski, Terrill end Reil split their two-match games. Fairchild and Reil drew in their initial round, while Ferris lost two games to Reil. Successive rounds will be played Wednesday between teams A, B, C and D.
It is probable that two other teams may enter the four-cornered tournament. Metropolitan Chess Association. "P\ISTRICT social chess activity this Fall will be limited by the monies available for an organized program. The public may become chess boasters by affiliating with the Metropolitan Chess Association, taking out an annual membership for only $1. The M. C. A. seeks to obtain 1,000 members thif Fall to help put across a real live chess program in the District. Masters from New York City, Chicago, etc., may be brought to Washington for the entertainment of the chess-minded. Suitable prizes are needed for District title toumeye sponsored by the association as official contests for local honors.
A "war chest" is needed to carry on the program of social chess in the District and every $1 booster is a helping hand toward making the Nation's Capital a mecca for chess play and nationally famous as a chess center. Regardless of whether you are a Chess beginner, amateur, veteran, or a spectator watching the parade go by, you can put your shoulder to the Wheel and shove the social chess program over the top for the Fall •eason by becoming an active backer Of the Metropolitan Chess Association. The cheec editor of The Star will reoetre any membership application in the IL Ο. A. and forward same to the fteoetatian'· officials.
Team C is composed of Conrad Willnich, L. W. Ferris, J. G. Fairchild, J. H. Terrill and V. Colonna. Gen. Basil Bogoljubov heads team D, ably supported by Ε. E. Williams. Joseph Chmielewski, Henry Reil and A. W. Whittaker.
In the encounter recently between Willnich and Gen. Bogoljubov, the latter scored one victory and drew one. Fairchild and Chmielewski, Terrill end Reil split their two-match games. Fairchild and Reil drew in their initial round, while Ferris lost two games to Reil. Successive rounds will be played Wednesday between teams A, B, C and D.
It is probable that two other teams may enter the four-cornered tournament. Metropolitan Chess Association. "P\ISTRICT social chess activity this Fall will be limited by the monies available for an organized program. The public may become chess boasters by affiliating with the Metropolitan Chess Association, taking out an annual membership for only $1. The M. C. A. seeks to obtain 1,000 members thif Fall to help put across a real live chess program in the District. Masters from New York City, Chicago, etc., may be brought to Washington for the entertainment of the chess-minded. Suitable prizes are needed for District title toumeye sponsored by the association as official contests for local honors.
A "war chest" is needed to carry on the program of social chess in the District and every $1 booster is a helping hand toward making the Nation's Capital a mecca for chess play and nationally famous as a chess center. Regardless of whether you are a Chess beginner, amateur, veteran, or a spectator watching the parade go by, you can put your shoulder to the Wheel and shove the social chess program over the top for the Fall •eason by becoming an active backer Of the Metropolitan Chess Association. The cheec editor of The Star will reoetre any membership application in the IL Ο. A. and forward same to the fteoetatian'· officials.