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BY PAUL J. MILLER. Jr. NORVAL WIOGINTON, chess director of the Washington Social Chess Divan, ably assisted by a special Membership Committee, composed of Vincent Sapo| rito, F. W. F. Gleason and William Brysnt, is contacting the chess fans of the District in the furtherance of ! organized chess. Every Wednesday the divan players convene at the Parkside Hotel to eni gage in planned chess activity, as. for example, the team tournament scheduled tonight at 8 o'clock. Instructional lecture* for beginner* are featured and educational exhibit* aid the tyro to understand the manifold forma of chess play.
There is casual play for the drop-ln and serious chess for the student. Be cause of the lecture approach to chess, accompanied by over-the-board analysis. the future leaders in District chess will be boys and girls in the 'teen age, who now are “riding their chess hobby" at Central, Roosevelt, Eastern, Western and McKinely, under the unified program of the Interhigh Chess Association, a member unit of the local Metropolitan Chess Asdbclatlon. The Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street, is a mecca for all types of players. To It come school players, itinerant fans, problemists, endgame students.
Class A maestros, nascent beginners—representing age and youth, and of both sexes. Undoubtedly chess is booming in the Nation'* Capital and many letter* have come to our attention in which The Washington Star's part in this progressive movement Is lauded to the heavens. It is good to know that Jawn Public appreciates the stanch support of The Star toward popularizing the "royal game." L^T Sunday the Fall problemsolving tourney opened with problem No. 94. Each Sunday in this column will appear contest problems in the two and three move class, a prise to be given the winner of each, ladder, and honorable mention to be given the high scorers.
Enter the solving tourney this neat Sunday. Improve your "quick aight of the cheat board'* by tackling problems in The Sunday Star'* free-for-all. Clubs contemplating entering representative teams in the District championship team tournament should write Chairman Alexander Sturges, Vienna, Va. Any cheas group or club in the District may meet weekly at the 80cial Chess Lounge by arranging such details with Chess Director Norvsl Wigginton, Decatur 2279 or District 3230 in the evening.
There is casual play for the drop-ln and serious chess for the student. Be cause of the lecture approach to chess, accompanied by over-the-board analysis. the future leaders in District chess will be boys and girls in the 'teen age, who now are “riding their chess hobby" at Central, Roosevelt, Eastern, Western and McKinely, under the unified program of the Interhigh Chess Association, a member unit of the local Metropolitan Chess Asdbclatlon. The Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street, is a mecca for all types of players. To It come school players, itinerant fans, problemists, endgame students.
Class A maestros, nascent beginners—representing age and youth, and of both sexes. Undoubtedly chess is booming in the Nation'* Capital and many letter* have come to our attention in which The Washington Star's part in this progressive movement Is lauded to the heavens. It is good to know that Jawn Public appreciates the stanch support of The Star toward popularizing the "royal game." L^T Sunday the Fall problemsolving tourney opened with problem No. 94. Each Sunday in this column will appear contest problems in the two and three move class, a prise to be given the winner of each, ladder, and honorable mention to be given the high scorers.
Enter the solving tourney this neat Sunday. Improve your "quick aight of the cheat board'* by tackling problems in The Sunday Star'* free-for-all. Clubs contemplating entering representative teams in the District championship team tournament should write Chairman Alexander Sturges, Vienna, Va. Any cheas group or club in the District may meet weekly at the 80cial Chess Lounge by arranging such details with Chess Director Norvsl Wigginton, Decatur 2279 or District 3230 in the evening.