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By PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. SIMON NAIDEL, tournament director of the Washington Social Chess Divan, says that although the general tournament comef to a formal close on the night of December 14, participants will be permitted extra time until Christmas Day for the completion of all adjourned games and incompleted schedules. In order to close the tourney by Christmas it will be necessary tc cancel out the scores of those players who have played less than half of theii total number of booked matches.
Between Christmas and New Year Day the results of the general toumametn will be computed and final standings published. Effective January 1, individual challenge-play will succeed formal tournament play nd changes in the respective standings of each contestant will be determined according tc the Naidel system of “progressive ladder” ranking. Meantime Winfred Horn, assistant tournament director, gives the current percentages: Odd Section. Won. Lost.
Tomorrow night at the Parkside Hotel the membership of the Divan will have a short business meeting with Prof. Paul Miller presenting the nature of the Social Chess program for 1938. Friday night, 8 o’clock, 20 of ttu Divan’s strongest players will Vat Witt an equal number from the combined fighting units of Paul Morphy and Agriculture Chess Clubs, respectively No admission fee. Thursday evening the Social Chesi Lounge, 1336 I street ,N.W., Invites th« public to its "open house" party with* out chars*
Between Christmas and New Year Day the results of the general toumametn will be computed and final standings published. Effective January 1, individual challenge-play will succeed formal tournament play nd changes in the respective standings of each contestant will be determined according tc the Naidel system of “progressive ladder” ranking. Meantime Winfred Horn, assistant tournament director, gives the current percentages: Odd Section. Won. Lost.
Tomorrow night at the Parkside Hotel the membership of the Divan will have a short business meeting with Prof. Paul Miller presenting the nature of the Social Chess program for 1938. Friday night, 8 o’clock, 20 of ttu Divan’s strongest players will Vat Witt an equal number from the combined fighting units of Paul Morphy and Agriculture Chess Clubs, respectively No admission fee. Thursday evening the Social Chesi Lounge, 1336 I street ,N.W., Invites th« public to its "open house" party with* out chars*