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By PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. Frank j. marshall, retired chess champion of the United States, is leading the field of 13 players battling for tha championship of the Marshall Chess Club, New York City, having scored three straight wins. Probably the strongest aggregation of local chess amateurs ever to compete in match play will assemble Friday night, 8 o’clock, Parkside Hotel, when the combined fighting units of the Department of Agriculture and Paul Morphy Chess Clubs will tilt with 20 specially qualified players representing the Washington Social Chess Divan, strongest of District chess clubs.
Should the Aggies and Morphyites win, then such a victory will vindicate their supremacy as interclub champions. But if the Divan puts forward a combination headed by Carl Hesse, Walter Jacobs, Simon Naidel, William Reynolds, Anton Hesse and Robert Feeney, you may be assured that when these lads give up the ghost it will be a sight worth seeing. The public is invited. JDERHAP8 you have bam wondaring how you could become an active member of the largest chess unit In the District, namely, the club known as the Washington Social Chess Divan, which meets and plays at the Parkslde Hotel, where the Social Cheas Lounge, operated on a non-profit oasis, is located. Hera Is yoar opportunity to become a member of the Divan and a booster of the "organized Social Chess” program.
Merely fill out the following pledge, Inclose $1, clip and mail today and a membership card will be sent promptly to you. Dec. 8, 1937. Chess Editor, The Washington Star. Please accept my support for 1938 of the organized Social Chess program, and I agree to be a member of the non-profit Washington Social Chess Divan for 1938 at the special rate of 81 per month, payable monthly or quarterly, In advance.
Name _ Address _... Among the 1938 pledges received (and we want to close this drive for "community chess” by December 31, for all pledges will ballot on the 1938 Board of Directors of the Divan shortly after January 1) so far in response to this published subsistence membership pledge are: John V. Bergen. William Burko Dr. A Brooks. Raymond W. Lewis. R J. Fiigluter, Simon Naldel, Henry Reil. Richard Jenkins. Mrs. Ida Frohltn. Joseph Tishler Maud G. Sewall. Francis Stoeterer. Mrs. H. E Klttredte. Gen Basil Bogoljubov. Hubert W. Horn. James H Terrill. C J. S:am A Y. Hesse. Stuart Wagman. Carl Hesse. James P Huss. Robert I. Martens. Dr. Carrie W. Smith William N Reynolds Norval P Wlgginton. Paul Miller. John W. Dubin and J. G. Fairchild. Every afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6. Gen. Bogoljubov is available for instructional over-the-board chess.
Call District 3230 for appointment or visit 1336 I street N.W., between the stated hours. Friday afternoon the six Interhigh chess clubs will play at the Social Chess Lounge unless President Robert Hostler releases late hour changes which will be given in this column on Wednesday. Women are welcome to play at the lounge any evening this week as guests.
Should the Aggies and Morphyites win, then such a victory will vindicate their supremacy as interclub champions. But if the Divan puts forward a combination headed by Carl Hesse, Walter Jacobs, Simon Naidel, William Reynolds, Anton Hesse and Robert Feeney, you may be assured that when these lads give up the ghost it will be a sight worth seeing. The public is invited. JDERHAP8 you have bam wondaring how you could become an active member of the largest chess unit In the District, namely, the club known as the Washington Social Chess Divan, which meets and plays at the Parkslde Hotel, where the Social Cheas Lounge, operated on a non-profit oasis, is located. Hera Is yoar opportunity to become a member of the Divan and a booster of the "organized Social Chess” program.
Merely fill out the following pledge, Inclose $1, clip and mail today and a membership card will be sent promptly to you. Dec. 8, 1937. Chess Editor, The Washington Star. Please accept my support for 1938 of the organized Social Chess program, and I agree to be a member of the non-profit Washington Social Chess Divan for 1938 at the special rate of 81 per month, payable monthly or quarterly, In advance.
Name _ Address _... Among the 1938 pledges received (and we want to close this drive for "community chess” by December 31, for all pledges will ballot on the 1938 Board of Directors of the Divan shortly after January 1) so far in response to this published subsistence membership pledge are: John V. Bergen. William Burko Dr. A Brooks. Raymond W. Lewis. R J. Fiigluter, Simon Naldel, Henry Reil. Richard Jenkins. Mrs. Ida Frohltn. Joseph Tishler Maud G. Sewall. Francis Stoeterer. Mrs. H. E Klttredte. Gen Basil Bogoljubov. Hubert W. Horn. James H Terrill. C J. S:am A Y. Hesse. Stuart Wagman. Carl Hesse. James P Huss. Robert I. Martens. Dr. Carrie W. Smith William N Reynolds Norval P Wlgginton. Paul Miller. John W. Dubin and J. G. Fairchild. Every afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6. Gen. Bogoljubov is available for instructional over-the-board chess.
Call District 3230 for appointment or visit 1336 I street N.W., between the stated hours. Friday afternoon the six Interhigh chess clubs will play at the Social Chess Lounge unless President Robert Hostler releases late hour changes which will be given in this column on Wednesday. Women are welcome to play at the lounge any evening this week as guests.