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December 11, 1932 It's Your Move by W. H. Steckel, Morning Call

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ChessChess 11 Dec 1932, Sun The Morning Call (Allentown, Pennsylvania)

OCR Text

"IT'S YOUR MOVE" The Morning Call's Chess Column Chess Queries. Problems. Gaines and News Items Solicited. By W. H. STECKEL BLACK Sharp Leads Tournament With the completion of all but one match In the semi-final round, Syd-ny T. Sharp, Pennsylvania State champion, maintained his lead in the championship tourney cf the Mer-tantile Library Association. la this adjourned zame Sharp has the advantage in position against F. L. Bpucler.
Should he win he will rnter the final iound with a lead of one-half point over Messrs. Jacob Levin anl Drasin. The latter secured only a draw in the tenth round against H. Morris which, with Levin's victory over P. B. Driver, enabled Levin to mcve up to a tie for second and third places with Thasin J Jcrtion, by virtue of a win from David G. Weintr, who is fourth. The standing to date follows: S. J. Sharp. 7-2; J. Levin, 7 1-2-2 1-2; Dra-in, 7 1-2-2 1-2; J. Gordon. 7-3: F. S. Beucler. 5 1-2-3 1-2; D. J. Wei-er. 6-1: A. Regen. 6-4; H. 1-2-17 1-2; J. Wilkinson, 2-8; R. J. Go-rlich, 1 1-2-8-1-2; J. Martinez, 1-9. Champsionship Finals Frllay The iinals of the Allentown city championship tournament will be plaved on Friday evening in the local Y. M. C. A. between Armin Hermann, a former title holder and W. H. Bteekel. the defending champion.
Henry Malz. another contender for Citv honors drcpned from competition bv lo-Ing to W. H. Stecl:el in the semi-finch on Friday evening. On losing to Steckel Mr. Mart-? played an unusually fine name. The game lasted qu:t" b.te in the evenine. taking about f i.Ttv moves to complete. Kcr'i Defeats Foley Charles I'crh defeated Edward Fc'ey. bo'h of this citv. in their match that started almost three months aqo. Both plavc-rj had defeated each other three times with two names drawn up to th? last pame which was nlavcd during tn week gahvns; a pood posi- EXD GAME No. 19J Black 3 Pieces. White 3 Pieces.
White to play and draw, Jewish Five Plays Reading Community Center Opposes Strong Midgal Quintet Here Tonight The Jewish Community Center basketball team has another strong opponent booked for tonight on its home court at Sixth and Chew streets, meeting the strong Reading Midgals in a game .scheduled to get under way at 8.30 o'clock sharp. The Reading team defeated the local Jewish passers last season at Reading, and Coach Dink Feldman's ...ill Vvrt 'm rr fry T"r"H'n1 no tlnnal oHvrmt-uro THr Tf,vh fnreort piuwycs v. in iuvb m u,6v. Jd-nto win the match by j VUnnnaTme between the one , twQ junior tcams -jh start at eight Chess Devotees Disappointed j clock.
Regret among cness players here will be general when thev learn that Dr. Alexander Alekhine will not come back to New York as was hoped. The world chamnion has returned from Canada to Chicago, where he arrived early last week. There he waited a favorable message relating to the pro-pcvd tournament in New York in which he expected to participate. In this he was disappointed.
Lack of financial support caused the abandonment of the project. It is understood that the champion will proceed to the Pacific Coast and, sometime during this month, take ship for the Orient. Playing against thirty opponents in the gymnasium cf the Hamilton club, Dr. Alekhine scored twenty-six wins, including one blindfolded game, one loss to Jack Collins of the University of Chicago, and four draws with L. J. Isaacs, F. Sherwood. C. Elison and L. Zolucka.
(New York Sun) Kupchik Leads Tournament A. Kupchik defeated D. MacMurray in the fourth round, assumed the lead in the championship tournament of the Manhattan Chess club with a score of 3-1. Robert Willman, however, stands well with 2'2 points out of 3 and a good position in an adjourned game with I. Kashdan, whose score is lz-'z. Y. M. C. A. Cagers Turn Back St. Peter's Cubs City Leaguers Hang Up 35 to 11 Victory on Home Floor The Y. M. C. A. cagers took the St. Peter s Cubs three to one on the Y lloor last nisht, licking the Cubs 33 to 11. The line playing of the Y's pivot man, Kohler. stood out prominently, for he continually stole the jump from his opponent. Beside his excellent work in the middle of the floor he starred when it came to dropping in the sphere, hurling four baskets to net himself eight points. Fauerbach.
Y captain and guard luminary, played smart ball with his mates. He grasped the ball from the Cub forwards on numerous occasions when it looked as though another field try would be counted for St Peters. Y. M. C. A. Coals Wescoe. F 2 lolwell. P O Kohler. C 4 Daniels. G 2 Fauerbach.
(C) G 3 Dantzer. G 1 Weiss. F 3 Fouls Totl. The sad death of Frederick D. Yates, many times chess champion of England, deprives the chess world of ons of its most colorful figures.
Yates was born in England, January 16, 1884 and according to our recollection was a lawyer by profession. He contested in the New York International tournament of 1924 and Totals 15 St. Peter's Cub Goals Gilly, F 0 Kurtz, r 1 Deutsch, C 0 Welder, C) G 2 ' Stroble, Q O Hacker. F 0 Kcssler, G 1 Totals 4 Referee Smith. Timer Hixon.
Fouls 1 33 Totl. 1 2 l o o 2 ll National Sokols Whip Herbst Cardinals, 47-24 Kline Tallies Eight Field Goals in Leading: His Mates to Victory was exceptionally Well posted on tne , for ,he Herbst Cardinals last night in their Ruy Lopez attack. ! game played on the Sokol Hall floor the Way back in 1910 Dr. Tarrasch, at i Vlumpn'"11 reBlstenng a declslve 47 t0 24 that time perhaps the world's greatest j Kline.' with eight field goals and a foul ior a total ui bgveuieeu yuiiiis, icu luc Sokols attack. Box score; a.iiona! Knknl Goals Fouls Munione, F 5 1 Cech.
F 1 0 Kline. O 8 1 Koianko. G 5 O Harsch, G 3 1 Yirovec. F O O Eschbach, F 0 0 tournament player, objected to the in elusion of Yates in the Hamburg international tournty on the ground that the young Britisher was not strong enough. Certainly, Yates at that time was just beginning his long international career but the joke is that of the sixteen games played by him at Hamburg, his only victory was over Tarrasch.
The game follows and the inclusion of other brilliant games played by this young master: QUEEN S GAMBIT DECLINE Tarrasca Yules larrascn White Black 3 Herbst Cardinals Goals Fouls Sweeney. F 1 2 Grim, F 1 1 Holler, u 4 u NaKle. G 3 1 Scheirer, G 1 O Totals 10 4 Referee Minnie.
Timer Pinky. All Soviet railway officials who ap pear on duty without uniforms will be punished. Q. G. D. KING'S INDIAN DEFENCE Alekhine F.D.Yates
RxQ; 43 BxRch, K-R; 44. R-K8ch, forcing checkmate RUY LOPEZ Yates Capablacca. White Jiac 18 KKtxKt Yates White
4 3 8 7 2 24 Michigan Awarded Despite Victory 1 P-Tt 2 Kt-KB3 3 B-Kt5 4 B-R4 5 Css'les 6 R-K 7 B-Kt3 8 P-B3 9 P-Q4 10 B-K3 11 PxP 12 B-B2 13 CKt-Q2 14 RxKt 15 Q-& P-K4 Kt-OBI ' P-OR3 Kt-B3 B-K2 P-OKt' P-Q3 Castles B-Kt5 PxP Kt-QR4 Kt-B5 Kt'R P-B4 Kt-Q2 Yates Canablanca White Black IS P-KR3 B-R4 17 PxP KtxP 18 R-Q R-B 19 P-K5 B-Kt4 20 R-B3 P-Kt5 21 R-B4 P-Q4 22 RxP Q-K2 23 KUB BxR 24 BxPch K-R 25 R-KR4 QlKt 26 P-B4 Q-K2 27 B-B?ch K-Kt 23 B-R7eh K-R 29 Drawn Wolverines Will Receive Trophy Emblematic of National Grid Championship CHAMPAIGN, ILL., Dec. 10. UP) Although Southern California's Trojans defeated Notre Dame today to finish their regular season undefeated and untied, tne university 01 micn-igan tonight was declared winner of the Knute K. Rockne Memorial trophy, symbolic of the national football championship, under tne uicmnson rating system. Southern California won one more game than the Wolverines, but Professor Frank G. Dickinson of the University of Illinois, originator of the system, said Michigan outranked the Trojans, because of the superiority of middle-western football in intersection al games. Michigan had a rating of 28.47 with Southern California second at 26.81. Pittsburgh, undefeated but tied by Ohio State and Nebraska, had 26.49 for this place, and Purdue ranked next with 26.33. Colgate, the only undefeated and untied major eastern eleven, rated fifth with 25.00 points. Southern California won the trophy last year, for the second time, having been ranked first In 1928.
Post season games are not considered by Dr. Dickinson in making his ratings, and the Tournament of Roses contest between Southern Cali fornia and Pittsburgh will have no bearing In nis calculations. A table of differential points, com piled on the basis of intersectional games, rated the various sections of the country as follows: Middle West, plus 4.77. Southwest, plus 1.36. East 0.00.
South, minus 2.59. Big Six, minus 2.60. Pacific Coast, minus 2.71. The trophy is sponsored by the fa' mous "Four Horsemen" of Notre Dame, members of the 1924 Irish regular backfield, Harry Sthuldreher, James Crowley, Don Miller and Elmer Layden. Ratings of the leaders: L. T. Pts. Michigan 8 O O 28.47 Southern California 9 o O 26.81 Pittsburgh 8 0 2 26.49 Purdue 7 O 1 26.33 Colgate 9 0 0 . 25.00 Ohio State 4 1 3 23.60 Notre Dame 7 2 0 20.44 Army 8 2 0 20.00 Tennessee ....9 O 1 19.16 Texas Christian ...9 0 1 19.12 Wisconsin ........ 6 1 I 18.80.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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