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By PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. Alexander alekhin resigned the thirtieth and final game in the return match series with Max Euwe after 40 moves in which Alekin, world champion after two years of the ex-role, played the Queen's Gambit with the white pieces. The twenty-ninth game was also a resignation for Alekhin and another win for Euwe, raising the latter's total to 12V4 points as contrasted with Alekhin’s 17 H. Up to the twenty-fifth game when Alekhin regained the title, he displayed steadfastness in play.
After that game his play seems to fall short. The last two games at least should have been draws. But the champion M.I.W*. UPUw<t M(N preferred the easy way. Perhaps like Euwe he wishes rest.
Euwe has declined an invitation to participate in the Christinas Hastings tournament in England and plans a vacation in the Swiss Alps. Alekhin sails in February for Uruguay where he will compete in a South American masters tournament. Final standings of the world championship aeries of 30 games played between Alekhin and Euwe in The Netherlands during the last two months: Alekhin, 11; Euwe, 6; drawn, 13. Finals in 1935, when Euwe defeated Alekhin: Euwe, 9; Alekhin, 8; drawn, 13. United States Championship.
APRIL 2 is the tentative date that has been set by the National Chess Federation, U. 8. A., for the second biennial national tournament to Involve the United State* chess championship crown that was relinquished voluntarily by Frank J. Marshall of New York City two years ago. According to Silas W. Howland, chairman of the Tournament Committee in 1935 and who serves again in similar capacity for the forthcoming fray, the following players will not have to prove their skill in the preliminary tourney: Samuel Reshevsky, Reuben Fine, Israel Horowitz, Frank Marshall, D. S. Polland, Arthur W. Dake. A. C. Simonson, Isaac Kashdan and George N. Treysman. The preliminary or qualifying tournament will be held prior to April S and entrants should Die their applications with Louis J. Wolff, 44 Wall street, Manhattan, N. Y„ who has been designated as managing director. Washington should be represented by Donald H. Mugridge, Martin Stark. Carl Hesse. L. N. Ponce, George Rousseau, Carl Hesse, Vincent Eaton, Walter Jacobs and Max Kessler. They are tops in local circles and the experience of a national battle would be invaluable. Mugridge has made a most favorable showing in the last two national congresses of the American Chess Federation. CASUAL and major tournament ^ chess in the evenings at the Social Chess Lounge, 1338 I street N.W., where modern chess magazines and types of divers styles and patterns of chessmen and boards are on display for your inspection.
WALKER AFTER DODGERS. NEW YORK, Dec. 18 UP).—'The Dally Mirror says that a syndicate headed by James J. Walker, former Mayor of New York, has been organized to purchase control of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
After that game his play seems to fall short. The last two games at least should have been draws. But the champion M.I.W*. UPUw<t M(N preferred the easy way. Perhaps like Euwe he wishes rest.
Euwe has declined an invitation to participate in the Christinas Hastings tournament in England and plans a vacation in the Swiss Alps. Alekhin sails in February for Uruguay where he will compete in a South American masters tournament. Final standings of the world championship aeries of 30 games played between Alekhin and Euwe in The Netherlands during the last two months: Alekhin, 11; Euwe, 6; drawn, 13. Finals in 1935, when Euwe defeated Alekhin: Euwe, 9; Alekhin, 8; drawn, 13. United States Championship.
APRIL 2 is the tentative date that has been set by the National Chess Federation, U. 8. A., for the second biennial national tournament to Involve the United State* chess championship crown that was relinquished voluntarily by Frank J. Marshall of New York City two years ago. According to Silas W. Howland, chairman of the Tournament Committee in 1935 and who serves again in similar capacity for the forthcoming fray, the following players will not have to prove their skill in the preliminary tourney: Samuel Reshevsky, Reuben Fine, Israel Horowitz, Frank Marshall, D. S. Polland, Arthur W. Dake. A. C. Simonson, Isaac Kashdan and George N. Treysman. The preliminary or qualifying tournament will be held prior to April S and entrants should Die their applications with Louis J. Wolff, 44 Wall street, Manhattan, N. Y„ who has been designated as managing director. Washington should be represented by Donald H. Mugridge, Martin Stark. Carl Hesse. L. N. Ponce, George Rousseau, Carl Hesse, Vincent Eaton, Walter Jacobs and Max Kessler. They are tops in local circles and the experience of a national battle would be invaluable. Mugridge has made a most favorable showing in the last two national congresses of the American Chess Federation. CASUAL and major tournament ^ chess in the evenings at the Social Chess Lounge, 1338 I street N.W., where modern chess magazines and types of divers styles and patterns of chessmen and boards are on display for your inspection.
WALKER AFTER DODGERS. NEW YORK, Dec. 18 UP).—'The Dally Mirror says that a syndicate headed by James J. Walker, former Mayor of New York, has been organized to purchase control of the Brooklyn Dodgers.