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Chess Problems The half-way has been reached in the schedule of the 1933-34 city chess championship tournament' now under way in the rooms of"tha Buffalo Chess Club -in the Lafayette The players again will meet each other in a second round where they play the opposite color pieces Visitors are welcome in the club rooms on Saturday afternoons and evenings when there are scheduled tournament games Welcome news for checker players has arrived from Scotland The Dundee Courier and Advertise of the issue of January 15th has the following news item: Draughts Champion for American tTS? world draughts champion Mr R Stewart Kelty has accepted a challenge issued from America for the world’s title.
The match is to be played in America win lose or draw Mr Stewart receives £300 with £200 expenses Dundee is about 25 miles from Kelty and this report should be authentic White-5 nieees White to move and draw The key move to last week’s miniature by R Cheney of Rochester N Y was B-Q4 with these two variations: 1— B-Q4 PxB 2— Kt-QB4 P-Q6 3— PxP mate 1— B-Q4 P-B5 S— Kt-Kt7 P-B6 J— Kt-B5 mate Correct solution received from Nairn Ringueberg Lockport Leonard H Tyler Perry Howard C Balliett and Harold Armstrong Niagara alls and Stephen Wasniew-ski Buffalo Although not difficult the following end-game No 58 might be overlooked easily by the average player in not seeing the drawing possibilities for White Thomas Evans of Norwalk is the contributor and asks the readers to find the draw which the great Morphy found for it is from one of his games Bltck-5 nieces lorida will act as host to Newell W Banks this month.
In Miami he will endeavor to play 30 opponents in a simultaneous blindfold exhibition The present world’s record is 27 games held by the late English champion Willie Gardner Robert Stewart world’s champion has a record of 26-successful games
The match is to be played in America win lose or draw Mr Stewart receives £300 with £200 expenses Dundee is about 25 miles from Kelty and this report should be authentic White-5 nieees White to move and draw The key move to last week’s miniature by R Cheney of Rochester N Y was B-Q4 with these two variations: 1— B-Q4 PxB 2— Kt-QB4 P-Q6 3— PxP mate 1— B-Q4 P-B5 S— Kt-Kt7 P-B6 J— Kt-B5 mate Correct solution received from Nairn Ringueberg Lockport Leonard H Tyler Perry Howard C Balliett and Harold Armstrong Niagara alls and Stephen Wasniew-ski Buffalo Although not difficult the following end-game No 58 might be overlooked easily by the average player in not seeing the drawing possibilities for White Thomas Evans of Norwalk is the contributor and asks the readers to find the draw which the great Morphy found for it is from one of his games Bltck-5 nieces lorida will act as host to Newell W Banks this month.
In Miami he will endeavor to play 30 opponents in a simultaneous blindfold exhibition The present world’s record is 27 games held by the late English champion Willie Gardner Robert Stewart world’s champion has a record of 26-successful games