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Chess Problem Choose your house or apartment ? from the many offered today toy.
The following position is very probable and no doubt has turned up in many games. However tha win can be easily overlooked It only requires- four moves to wint This is prooiem no ou Black— 3 nieces White— 3 pieces White to move and win in four.
The main idea behind last week& end game was to sacrifice the white bishop for the' rook pawn After this the white king captures the bishop pawn Meanwhile’ Blade cleans up White’s pawns while the-' white king seeks safety at the QKt -square.
In this position Blade -cannot dislodge him with a pawn bishop and king Here is how it-i done: ’ 1— BxP PxB: 2— K-Q4 BxP 3— KxBP aud then aoes to QKil Additional correct solutions td'- problem 57 were received from Peter- A Swart Buffalo W Krafft and H G Peters Kenmore and rank Spencer and Kenneth Temple NU agara alls Correct solution to problem 7 waM-received from G G Staines Buf- falo
The following position is very probable and no doubt has turned up in many games. However tha win can be easily overlooked It only requires- four moves to wint This is prooiem no ou Black— 3 nieces White— 3 pieces White to move and win in four.
The main idea behind last week& end game was to sacrifice the white bishop for the' rook pawn After this the white king captures the bishop pawn Meanwhile’ Blade cleans up White’s pawns while the-' white king seeks safety at the QKt -square.
In this position Blade -cannot dislodge him with a pawn bishop and king Here is how it-i done: ’ 1— BxP PxB: 2— K-Q4 BxP 3— KxBP aud then aoes to QKil Additional correct solutions td'- problem 57 were received from Peter- A Swart Buffalo W Krafft and H G Peters Kenmore and rank Spencer and Kenneth Temple NU agara alls Correct solution to problem 7 waM-received from G G Staines Buf- falo