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CHESS BY PAUL J. MILLER, JR. UPON resumption of his final game In the international masters' tournament at Kemeri. Latvia, young Samuel Reshevsky, American champion, found himself in a complicated position from which his opponent, E. Book, champion of Finland, refused to yield, and with true sportsmanship the United States champion resigned, thus tieing with Salo Flohr of Czechoslovakia and V. Petrow of Latvia for first place by the score of 12-5, In the 17-round parley Reshevsky dropped three games, one to Dr Alexander Alekhin, ex-world champion and naturalized Frenchman; one tc L. Rellstab of Germany, and his final match to E. Book of Finland. Salo Flohr often places among the prize winners in international frays. However, he became the invincible in this parley, winning 7 matches and drawing 10, the only master who nevpr lost a game.
Petrow of Latvia was a dark horse who covered himself with glory. By sharing first place he passed from the rating of a national master to that of international master. Reuben Fine, the only other American in the battle, gave the mast disappointing exhibition of his skill in any tourney in which he has competed during the past three years Fine tallied nine points and lost eight Complete standings of the Latvian tournament: Won. Lost. Flohr _ Id .> Reshevsky _ id ft Petrow _ _ Id ft Alekhin _1 1 12 ft'a Keres _ 1 1 '2 ft'a Steiner _11 a Tartakower _ lli'a 6'/a Fine h H Stahlberg _ H'a S'/a Mikenas _ H !i Apscheneek _ 7'2 h'2 Book 7Va R’/a Rellstab__ _ 7'2 h'a Bera _ H'/a Ul'a Feigin _ ft'a 11'2 Landau _ ft'a 11'a Hasenfuss _ ft'a 13'a Ozols _ _ 3 ’.2 13'.
2 _ North American Tourney. A NNUALLY the Correspondent! Chess League of America sponsor! a problem composing tournament foi the North American chess fans. Problem Editor P. W. George, 395: Twenty-fifth avenue south, Minneapolis, Minn., says the 1937 compasinf contest is open and all problems musl reach him on or by November 1.
Prize* are: Two-move open, 14 and $3; two-move crosscheck, twomove mutate and three-move open, with first and second prizes of $4 and $3 respectively. Special School Rally. \ MOST important meeting of al officers and members of the Washington Interhigh Chess Associatioi and members of each high school ches. club affiliated with the associatioi is called for tomorrow night at 1 o'clock, Parkside Hotel, 1336 I stree northwest. In the absence of William Reynolds association president, Reamy Pierce vice president, will preside and th< team tournament of the six leadini high schools in the District will b< discussed In detail.
Petrow of Latvia was a dark horse who covered himself with glory. By sharing first place he passed from the rating of a national master to that of international master. Reuben Fine, the only other American in the battle, gave the mast disappointing exhibition of his skill in any tourney in which he has competed during the past three years Fine tallied nine points and lost eight Complete standings of the Latvian tournament: Won. Lost. Flohr _ Id .> Reshevsky _ id ft Petrow _ _ Id ft Alekhin _1 1 12 ft'a Keres _ 1 1 '2 ft'a Steiner _11 a Tartakower _ lli'a 6'/a Fine h H Stahlberg _ H'a S'/a Mikenas _ H !i Apscheneek _ 7'2 h'2 Book 7Va R’/a Rellstab__ _ 7'2 h'a Bera _ H'/a Ul'a Feigin _ ft'a 11'2 Landau _ ft'a 11'a Hasenfuss _ ft'a 13'a Ozols _ _ 3 ’.2 13'.
2 _ North American Tourney. A NNUALLY the Correspondent! Chess League of America sponsor! a problem composing tournament foi the North American chess fans. Problem Editor P. W. George, 395: Twenty-fifth avenue south, Minneapolis, Minn., says the 1937 compasinf contest is open and all problems musl reach him on or by November 1.
Prize* are: Two-move open, 14 and $3; two-move crosscheck, twomove mutate and three-move open, with first and second prizes of $4 and $3 respectively. Special School Rally. \ MOST important meeting of al officers and members of the Washington Interhigh Chess Associatioi and members of each high school ches. club affiliated with the associatioi is called for tomorrow night at 1 o'clock, Parkside Hotel, 1336 I stree northwest. In the absence of William Reynolds association president, Reamy Pierce vice president, will preside and th< team tournament of the six leadini high schools in the District will b< discussed In detail.