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the details for forthcoming team tournaments. The association functions as a coordinate. co-operative unit of the Metropolitan Chess Association of the District, the only official city-wide aggregation of organized chess players. Trophies are provided the interhigh player* through the auspices of the M. C. A., which lay* down all rules governing such awards. The open assembly this evening will clarify regulations for approved tournaments. as the individual interscholastic championship for the "Y” trophy and medal, and the new interhigh club trophy that will be offered this Winter, the L S. Turover trophy having been won honorably by Central Chess Club under ‘'Hoyle” rules, as announced in this column over a year ago. ^ORVAL WIGG INTON, assistant chess director and treasurer of the Washington Social Chess Divan, invites the feminine fans in the District to visit the Social Chess Lounge tonight at 8 o'clock as guests of the Divan.
Simon Naidel, tournament director, announce* a robin tour^ney for Divan member* and 'their friends. Presently a aeries of skittles will be featured at the lounge, 'tuch will be regulated by time clocks. Prize awards will be made as customary. BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr.
CHESS is neither local nor national, it is pre-eminently a universal pastime. With correspondents from California to Australia, The Evening Star column seeks to give its readers an up-to-date picture of the progress of the oldest game in the world. The set-to between G. Koshnitsky and C. J. S. Purdy, editor of the Australasian Chess Review since 1929, to determine which shall play M. E. Goldstein for the championship of ► "nr'n Australia, has resulted in the score: Purdy, 4; Koshnitsky, 1; drawn. 9.
So the current match is Goldstein vs. Purdy. \iyiNNING the Tenth Championship Tournament of the U. S. S. R. at Tiflis by the point score of 12Vi, a half-point lead over the two runnerups, A. M. Konstantinopolsky and V. V. Ragozin, 48-year-old G. J. Lovenflsch, oldest player in the field of 20 masters, may engage Mikael M. M. Botvinnik, Soviet champion, in & title match in the Fall.
T EWIS J. ISAACS. 724 West Roosevelt drive, Chicago, heads the Chicago committee in charge of the thirty-eighth national tournament of the American Chess Federation, offshoot of the renowned Western Chess Association that came into existence in September, 1900, at Excelsior, Minn, bordering the blue waters of Lake Minnetonka. The A. C. F. tourney is an open battlefield that in recent years has seeded players into three or four sections according to,the Kirk D. Holland qualifying system, which enables the committee to run off a large Held of match games in a comparatively short period. Beginning on August 24. the current congress will probably last 11 days.
Interhigh Players Convene Tonight. pOLLOWING up the preliminary meeting last evening at the Social Chess Lounge, all Individual and club members of the Washington Interhigh Chess Association will meet tonight at 7:30 o’clock at the Parkslde Hotel, 1336 I street northwest, to iron out
Simon Naidel, tournament director, announce* a robin tour^ney for Divan member* and 'their friends. Presently a aeries of skittles will be featured at the lounge, 'tuch will be regulated by time clocks. Prize awards will be made as customary. BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr.
CHESS is neither local nor national, it is pre-eminently a universal pastime. With correspondents from California to Australia, The Evening Star column seeks to give its readers an up-to-date picture of the progress of the oldest game in the world. The set-to between G. Koshnitsky and C. J. S. Purdy, editor of the Australasian Chess Review since 1929, to determine which shall play M. E. Goldstein for the championship of ► "nr'n Australia, has resulted in the score: Purdy, 4; Koshnitsky, 1; drawn. 9.
So the current match is Goldstein vs. Purdy. \iyiNNING the Tenth Championship Tournament of the U. S. S. R. at Tiflis by the point score of 12Vi, a half-point lead over the two runnerups, A. M. Konstantinopolsky and V. V. Ragozin, 48-year-old G. J. Lovenflsch, oldest player in the field of 20 masters, may engage Mikael M. M. Botvinnik, Soviet champion, in & title match in the Fall.
T EWIS J. ISAACS. 724 West Roosevelt drive, Chicago, heads the Chicago committee in charge of the thirty-eighth national tournament of the American Chess Federation, offshoot of the renowned Western Chess Association that came into existence in September, 1900, at Excelsior, Minn, bordering the blue waters of Lake Minnetonka. The A. C. F. tourney is an open battlefield that in recent years has seeded players into three or four sections according to,the Kirk D. Holland qualifying system, which enables the committee to run off a large Held of match games in a comparatively short period. Beginning on August 24. the current congress will probably last 11 days.
Interhigh Players Convene Tonight. pOLLOWING up the preliminary meeting last evening at the Social Chess Lounge, all Individual and club members of the Washington Interhigh Chess Association will meet tonight at 7:30 o’clock at the Parkslde Hotel, 1336 I street northwest, to iron out