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BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. MAUD SEWALD, chairman of the District cham lonship for women, says that any feminine player may enter In the open-title tourney, « which the second round will be played tonight at 8 o'clock at the Parkside Hotel. Eight women now are entered in the tournament and each plays the other one game under the official laws of the International Chess Federation. Present contestants include Mesdames Vivian Jeffers, E. R. Shepard, Chanotte Hallett, Dr. M. Fitzgerald. H. E. Kittredge and Anna Bran, and Misses Mary Owens and Maud Scwall. Other official title tournaments on the association's annual agenda are: District team championship, individual interscholastic championship, champion of champions tourney, interh;gh quintet rhampionship—naming a few of the more prominent events of the year. It is the intent of the M. C. A. to have a trophy award for each event.
Occasional Play at Lounge Tonight. WITH the possibilities of an intradivan tournament in the offing, the Washington Social Chess Divan will meet this evening at 8 o'clock for over-the-board play among June members. Interested fans may affiliate with the divan by attending the entertainment tonight and conferring with the divan officers.
Central Battles George Washington. WILLIAM REYNOLDS. Antonio Higuera. (the Porto Rican lad i who came to this country just to | learn the English tongue), and Robert Hostler—the trio that vanquished the topnotchers in the Procurement Chess Club a fortnight ago and the leading players of the victorious Central quintet that captured the Interhigh Chess Association championship for the third consecutive time—will [ tackle Champion George Derr, Win| fred Horn and either Sam Kate or Seymour Podnos, stellar players of the Omar Khayyam Chess Club of George Washington University Thursday evening promptly at 8 o'clock at the Social Chess Lounge. Sunday, 7:30 p.m., the six club units of the Washington interhigh Chess Association will have a special conclave at the Social Chess Lounge. President Reynolds advises that several changes will be made in the present constitution of the association and plans formulated for Fall activity.
Occasional Play at Lounge Tonight. WITH the possibilities of an intradivan tournament in the offing, the Washington Social Chess Divan will meet this evening at 8 o'clock for over-the-board play among June members. Interested fans may affiliate with the divan by attending the entertainment tonight and conferring with the divan officers.
Central Battles George Washington. WILLIAM REYNOLDS. Antonio Higuera. (the Porto Rican lad i who came to this country just to | learn the English tongue), and Robert Hostler—the trio that vanquished the topnotchers in the Procurement Chess Club a fortnight ago and the leading players of the victorious Central quintet that captured the Interhigh Chess Association championship for the third consecutive time—will [ tackle Champion George Derr, Win| fred Horn and either Sam Kate or Seymour Podnos, stellar players of the Omar Khayyam Chess Club of George Washington University Thursday evening promptly at 8 o'clock at the Social Chess Lounge. Sunday, 7:30 p.m., the six club units of the Washington interhigh Chess Association will have a special conclave at the Social Chess Lounge. President Reynolds advises that several changes will be made in the present constitution of the association and plans formulated for Fall activity.