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BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. f ELSIE SHEPARD encountered her strongest opposition for the ladies’ chess championship of the District last Monday evening in the person of Anna Bran, who came to the United States from Poland some two years ago and made Washington her home, giving local feminine stars an opportunity to compete with chess as played by an European. In the Shepard-Bran match Mrs. Bran in the endgame had a knight, rook, queen and two pawns as opposed to Mr. Shepard's forces—rook, queen and four pawns. Inadvertently M,rs. Bran placed her knight in a precarious position and Mrs. Shepard, by aimultaneously attacking her opponent's knight and king, gained the minor piece, and began to push forward in a passed pawn barrage along the center files: Anticipating the result of the strong passed pawn maneuvers, Mrs. Bran, after the fashion of all sporting masters, gracefully resigned and Mrs. Shepard thereby added her sixth consecutive win to her string of victories. Only Charlotte Hallett remains to play Mrs. Shepard and if the match Is as much as drawn, then Elsie Shepard becomes the woman chess champion of the District. An outright loss by Mrs. Shepard to Miss Hallett may mean a tie for premier honors between Mesdames Bran and Shepard.
Individual scoring for round No. 3: Edel Kittrcdge_1 Mary Owens_] Elsie Shepard_1 Maud Sewall_1 Maud Sewall __ 0 Charlotte Hallett- - 0 Anna Bran _0 Charlotte Hallett - 0 Knox Accepts Reynolds’ Challenge. j^OBERT KNOX, who has just completed his first semester as a college student, has informed the president of the Metropolitan Chess Association that he will meet William Reynolds outstanding tournament player In all 1937 scholastic matches, in a series of three games, the victor to be the individual interscholastic chess champion of the District. The title carries with H a special individual medal a ware by the Y. M. C. A. and temporary possession of the “Y" Trophy. Official games will be played at the Social Chess Lounge under the a us pices of the Metropolitan Chess Association next week, exact date to be announced later In this column, Social Divan Play Tonight. pOLLOWING a short business meeting, members of the Washington Social Chess Divan will engage In over-the-board friendly games this evening at 8* o'clock at the Parkslde Hotel, 1336 I street northwest.
Visitors are welcome and accommodations are the most modern of any public or private club that has existed in the annals of local chessdom. PRESIDENT EARL KUNKLE says the annual election of officers of the Paul Morphy Chess Club will be held Thursday, 8 p.m., at the club’s headquarters, located at 1508 Fourteenth street northwest. According to an inside tip, refreshments will be served and the Morphy Club will celebrate the 100th birthday anniversary of Panl Charles Morphy, greatest chess player of all time, (or whom the club is named..
Individual scoring for round No. 3: Edel Kittrcdge_1 Mary Owens_] Elsie Shepard_1 Maud Sewall_1 Maud Sewall __ 0 Charlotte Hallett- - 0 Anna Bran _0 Charlotte Hallett - 0 Knox Accepts Reynolds’ Challenge. j^OBERT KNOX, who has just completed his first semester as a college student, has informed the president of the Metropolitan Chess Association that he will meet William Reynolds outstanding tournament player In all 1937 scholastic matches, in a series of three games, the victor to be the individual interscholastic chess champion of the District. The title carries with H a special individual medal a ware by the Y. M. C. A. and temporary possession of the “Y" Trophy. Official games will be played at the Social Chess Lounge under the a us pices of the Metropolitan Chess Association next week, exact date to be announced later In this column, Social Divan Play Tonight. pOLLOWING a short business meeting, members of the Washington Social Chess Divan will engage In over-the-board friendly games this evening at 8* o'clock at the Parkslde Hotel, 1336 I street northwest.
Visitors are welcome and accommodations are the most modern of any public or private club that has existed in the annals of local chessdom. PRESIDENT EARL KUNKLE says the annual election of officers of the Paul Morphy Chess Club will be held Thursday, 8 p.m., at the club’s headquarters, located at 1508 Fourteenth street northwest. According to an inside tip, refreshments will be served and the Morphy Club will celebrate the 100th birthday anniversary of Panl Charles Morphy, greatest chess player of all time, (or whom the club is named..