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BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. ISAAC KASHDAN, regarded as one of the foremost chess players In the United States and a runner-up in the 1932 International tournament in England, tonight will display his skill for the benefit of local chess enthusiasts at 916 Sixteenth street at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Capital City Chess Club. Every local chess enthusia;. should give the master a bon voyage sendoff by engaging a board (only *1) in the simultaneous exhibition.
Martin Stark of Capital City says that the public is welcome to come and meet the visiting master, one of the greatest chess experts in America. The president of the local Metropolitan Chess Association suggests that each club affiliated with the M. C. A. take at least two boards and that all individual members cooperate to make the Kashdan solo a financial success.
Martin Stark of Capital City says that the public is welcome to come and meet the visiting master, one of the greatest chess experts in America. The president of the local Metropolitan Chess Association suggests that each club affiliated with the M. C. A. take at least two boards and that all individual members cooperate to make the Kashdan solo a financial success.