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May 02, 1937, Evening Star, Washington, District of Columbia Chess by Paul J. Miller

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ChessChess 02 May 1937, Sun Evening star (Washington, District of Columbia)

OCR Text

BY PAUL J. MILLER, JR., AMERICA'S AUTHORITY ON SOCIAL CHESS. Metropolitan Chess Association. ORIGINALLY founded in January, 1936, by players representative of chess clubs in the Department of Agriculture, University of Maryland and the Interhigh Chess Association and organised to conduct a District open team tournament, the Metropolitan Chess Association—active "clearing house” for all District chess activities today—has grown rapidly. One salient reason for Its success lies in the genuine co-operation that it has received from the players in Washington and environs.
Another important factor in its development has been the adequate leadership during periods of trying times and grave issues. E. V. Fineran, president of the Washington Gas Light Co. Chess Club, was the first executive of the Metropolitan Chess Association, commonly known by its initials: M. C. A. Under his tutelage the association gained strength, made many valuable contacts, and inaugurated a very successful team tournament which was won by the War Department Chess Club, now the Paul Morphy Chess Club. Abe Seidenberg, president of the University of Maryland Chess Club, personally directed the progress of the tournament in which 12 quintets were entered with 8 completing the schedule. Under Fineran's capable hand the M. C. A. fostered the idea of a citywide club for chess-play, instituted a series of educational chess exhibits and instructional chess lectures in conjunction with the chess department of The Evening Star. Sponsors All District Tournaments. ^JN JANUARY 1 the opening round for the special bronze Y Chess Trophy for the individual champion of all District schools was played at the Central Y. M. C. A. Fineran lent his support to this school tournament and the Y agreed to i r-operate 100 per cent with the Metropolitan Chess Association, which was to have complete jurisdiction over the annual school tourney for the Y trophy and the award of an individual Y medal for the District school champion. The Interhigh Chess Association, under President Robert Knox, supported the District school tourney and heartily indorsed the annual frav.
Acting chairman of the new year school tourney was Earl Kunkle, president of the War Department Chess Club and captain of the quintet that won the first team tournament sponsored by the M. C. A. Kunkle succeeded Fineran as chief executive of the Metropolitan Chess Association and under his competent leadership the M. C. A. crystallized its program to embrace a District amateur chess championship, a District women's chess championship and a champion of champions tournament for the District of Columbia, the latter to supplant any private committee arrangement for the District title byclass A players or any other chess oligarchy operating on a smug, undemocratic basis. Through the courtesy of I. S. Turover, one of the greatest players in the District (if not the greatest), the chess editor of The Evening Star obtained a silver cup as a trophy for annual competition by teams representing all high schools in the District.
The Washington Interhigh Chess Association conducts the annual school team tourneys and the M. C. A. has jurisdiction over the Turover School Trophy, which has been twice won by Central High. New President Seeks Unity.
Kunkle's resignation, that he might better guide the destinies of the chess club emanating from the War Department personnel, Prof. Paul J. Miller, honorary adviser to the M. C. A., was elected unanimously to chart the future course of the association.
Other officers are: Vice president, D. S. Burch, Department of Agriculture Chess Club; secretary, Abe Seidenberg, University of Maryland Chess Club; treasurer, Mrs. Anna Bran. Ladies’ Chess Club, and historian, William Reynolds, president of the Washington Interhigh Chess Association and Central High Chess Club, respectively.
The new president of the Metropolitan Chess Association plans to carry out in concrete form the principles enunciated and policies outlined by his two predecessors, The M. C. A. president invites all players and clubs to affiliate with the association and develop organized chess in the District to the Nth degree. To affiliate with the association a player merely has to file his name and address with President Paul Miller, Apartment 2, 2012 O street northwest.
No fee is required. Any active club may affiliate with the association by filing its name and address, listing current officers and all members, with their addresses and telephone numbers where possible. There is no club fee. Each club is entitled to two delegates on the Board of Directors of the M. C. A Each club elects its own delegates to serve at the will of the club. Clubs co-operating with the Metropolitan Chess Association are: Department of Agriculture Chess Club, Paul Morphy Chess Club, Montrose Chess Club, Ladies' Chess Club. Northeast Chess Club, University of Maryland Chess Club, George Washington University Chess Club. Procurement Division Chess Club. Farm Bureau Chess Group, Interhigh Chess Association.
including chess clubs at Eastern, Central, Tech, Roosevelt, Wilson and Western High Schools: President A. Y. Hesse of the former District of Columbia Chess League. Washington Gas Light Co. Chess Club.
Y. M. C. A. Chess Group, Treasury Chess Group and special chess groups in fraternal and Masonic orders in the District.
Official Chess Center, Parkside Hotel. (^LUBS that have not elected their two delegates to serve on the M. C. A Board of Directors are urged by the association president to act at once, as an official assembly will be announced shortly. Any questions relative to the Metropolitan Chess Association may be answered by writing the M. C. A., care of this column. Official headquarters of the M. C. A. for future meetings will be the "social chess lounge” at the Parkside Hotel, 1336 I street northwest—an excellent center for chess activity in the District. as it may be reached easily from any section of the city. Horowitz Outwits Kashdan. QAMES played last Summer in the official national tournament of the American Chess Federation at Philadelphia are being publicized in outstanding foreign periodicals. Essaying the Reti opening.
Isaac Kashdan. New York State champion, in his joust with Israel Horowitz, editor of Chess Review, met with a stout rebuttal. Horowitz won the federation title for 1936. April. 103,. p. 21ft. Chess pourri.
ARTHUR DAKE. instructor In chess for Milwaukee public schools, is the city champion now. with Arpad E. Elo the only player to obtain even a draw in the municipal tourney . . . Elo. president of the American Chess Federation, resides at 3529 North Twenty-fourth place. Milwaukee. Telephone chess is a fascinating pastime for Arthur St. Vincent Burnaby of the Kennedy-Warren Apartments. For a game dial Adams 8666 . . . Carlos Guimard of Santa Fe is the champion of the Argentine Chess Federation, scoring 13>2 points out of a possible 17 in the major touranament . . . Elaine Saunders, 11year-old, victorious in the twelfth annual tournament for the world championship for girls, sponsored by the International Chess Federation, also won the 1936 title. Procurement Division Chess Club's sole official is Chairman R. G. Morrlsette (Treasury, branch 697» . . . Floyd Wirsing is coaching the club at Eastern High . .
. J. c. Ingram, formerly boys’ director at the Y. M. C. A., and largely responsible for the Y Chess Trophy, has found greener pastures and Washington has lost a fine leader for youth . . . How did chess pie get its name? Chess Problem No. 68. By t. S. KIPPING. L Echiquier, 1936.
BLACK—13 MEN. ___ _ WHITE—10 MEN. White to Play ,nd Mile in Three. CHARLES A. CARRICO opines problem No, 66 is “too easy" and points out the correct key as: Q-R3 Perhaps Kipping s :t-er will hold Carrico down. Or what do the topnotchers in the Angel chess ladder say to a scrips <' four-movers? The grade has got to be steep to eliminate some of these ice solvers. Ladderites tallying six points on No F,6 are L. C Docklncs. Seret, Alton coppice. V H. Waller Druei! Huskerson. E. \y. Allen, W L. Crawford, Clair J Bressler A G Dreyer ' "X certainly do enjoy those chess poems ' * and Jack sronce A solution to No. from Charles Howell in acknowledged .Washington has no group known as the .Metropolitan Che. ^ Club). Special II. C. May Ladder Contest.
pOR the sole entertainment ot the many chess veterans, beginner... tyros and novices in the District of Columbia, a problem-solving tourney for the month of May only, is initiated with the following problem No. 69. Who may compete? Any reader of this column residing in the District of Columbia. What is the prize? The winner’s choice of either a Star problem medal, or chess hook, or set of chessmen, or $5 in cash! Here is an easy two-mover.
White moves first, Black makes any re- !’• move and then White che-icmates. As simple as falling off a log I Chess Problem No. 69. By W. W. WALLIS Social Chess Quarterly. BLACK—7 MEN. WHITE—a MEN. White to PI»y and Mate in Two Moves. Send in your solution, giving nr-- •> and address.
Number your problems. You are eligible to win first prize, provided you never have won a problem-solving contest in the District of Columbia. All solutions must be mailed to the Chess Editor, The Evening Star, within one week from date of each publication. This column welcomes chess inquiries, news. )acts and views.
A self-addressed, stamped envelope brings a reply. (Copyright. May 1. 1037. by Paul Miller.)

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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