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By PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. HAVING “also run” in the team tournament of the Metropolitan Chess Association, in so far as final honors are concerned although the last round will not be played until Friday, the players ©f the Social Chess Divan are concentrating on the general tournament under way tomorrow evening at the Farkside Hotel. In the “even” section Elledge lost to Stubbs, Saporito dropped a game to Willnich and Stubbs scored against Thompson. In the “odd” division F. W. F. Gleason won from Joseph Chmielewski, Brand topped Reil, Mrs. H. E. Kittredge lost to Fuglister and Perris trumped Skefflngton. William Reynolds and Walter Jacobs remain tied in the major tournament for the Divan championship. Simon Naidel is runner-up. Chesspourri. fA SCHMIDT announces that the Seattle (Oreg.) Chess Club now has a modern clubroom, spacious and comfortable, equipped for exhibitions, instructional lectures and tournaments and that Washingtonians visiting the West Coast are welcome to drop in for a casual game . . . November issue of Games Digest, edited by Ely Culbertson, has a chess section edited by F. R. Perkins . . . Culbertson says, "The chess section of Games Digest has received more fan mail than any Other department.” ... In the 1936-37 brochure devoted to employe activities of the Department of Agriculture appears a neat snapshot of Alexander Sturges, "dictator” of the Agriculture Ch|ss Club, and G. R. Paschal, oneA time Aggie champion, playing a game while A. C. Hoffman looks on . . . Gracias to D. S. Burch for the souvenir .. . Vincent L. Eaton of Washington is to judge the 1937 problemcomposing tourney of the Correspondence Chess League of America . . . Several years ago young Eaton edited the problem section of the American Chess Bulletin, official organ of the National Chess Federation, U. S. A. Tomorrow morning at 9:15 o’clock Prof. Paul Miller, chess editor of The Star will address the general asesmbly of Tech High School on the cultural and educational advantages of chess. Catalogue No. XIII of the University Place Book Shop, New York City, is titled, “The Royal Game of Chess, 1916-1937.” ...
It says Benjamin Franklin authored the first chess book in America and lists 387 available items on the royal game . . . Over at Eastern High School the girls are takin0 a lively interest in chess and shortly will compete with the boys’ club. Cinema Chess.
OFTEN this column calls your attention to the introduction of chess scene, in many of the hit pictures of the day. You remember “Pennies Prom Heaven” in which Bing Crosby forgets to croon while a child teaches him? Franchot Tone spent a month on the lot in one game —bt^veen scenes of course. This week Manager Hardie Meakin of Keith’s Theater brings to you the excellent , cinema portrayal of "Victoria the Great.” Best shot (to us): Prince Albert and his brother studying languages while their tutor plays.
It says Benjamin Franklin authored the first chess book in America and lists 387 available items on the royal game . . . Over at Eastern High School the girls are takin0 a lively interest in chess and shortly will compete with the boys’ club. Cinema Chess.
OFTEN this column calls your attention to the introduction of chess scene, in many of the hit pictures of the day. You remember “Pennies Prom Heaven” in which Bing Crosby forgets to croon while a child teaches him? Franchot Tone spent a month on the lot in one game —bt^veen scenes of course. This week Manager Hardie Meakin of Keith’s Theater brings to you the excellent , cinema portrayal of "Victoria the Great.” Best shot (to us): Prince Albert and his brother studying languages while their tutor plays.