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BY PAUL J. MILLER. Jr. EXCITING is not the word descriptive of chess matches, according to the anticipated opinion of Jawn Public, but the opening team clashes last evening between aujgtets from Paul Morphy Chess Club, Government Printing Office, Agriculture Chess Club and the Ladies’ Chess Club were packed with thrills and spills from the initial play to the finish, when Mrs. H. E. Kittredge of the amazons stoutly contested her game with Sturges of the Aggies to the very last move, thus giving the District championship team tournament a baptism of fire. Both the Morphy and Agriculture clubs literally mowed down their opposition to register whitewash victories of five point# each. Individual scoring by teams: Nil Marshy C. C. n. Gavarnmant printing Office. V. L. Baton ... 1 A. A. Dillon 0 Msg L. Kessler_1 Maurice Magnus 0 Q. R. Paschal_1 William Pleld O J. Neufeld _1 Louts Kaplan __ 0 David Bard_1 Marcel Propper--. n *F 0 Asrienltnra vs. Ladies C. C. Alexander Bturges 1 Mrs. H. E. Kltt'ga 0 A. C. Hoffman_1 Mrs. Anna Bran 0 A. R. Sabin —1 Maud Bewail_n H. B Richardson.
1 Marie Wilde_0 N. D. McDowell-—! Mary Owens_0 T T Chairman Sturges says tha^ four other teams will qualify within a few days for match play. These entries will be from George Washington University, Interhlgh Chess Association, 8ocial Chess Divan and Procurement Division. The team that wins the greatest number of team matches will gain custody of the M. C. A. Trophy unless there is a tie in match scoring, in which case the team with the greatest number of individual points will be acclaimed the District champion. Divan Starts Major Tournament. TT IS not a case of separating the 1 black and the white sheep, but an attempt to truly select a champion of the Social Chess Divan as it* major tournament formally opens tonight at 8 o'clock, Parkside Hotel.
Contestant* for the title of "champeen” are Simon Naidel. Walter Jacobs, C. C. Bettinger, Carl Hesse, William Reynolds, Anton Y. Hes*e, Robert J. Feeney and possibly Abe Seidenberg. This is the strongest aggregation ever mastered In Divan over-the-board play and constitutes its Initial tournament for stars only. The public is welcome to drop In and see how the "little masters” do It to each other, quarter neither being asked nor given. A R- SABIN, A. Y. Hesse and Dr. George W. Harvey are localites who are fighting for premier honors In the national postal tourney—Paul Morphy Centennial, sponsored by the Correspondence Chess League of America. The member* of all high school chess clubs will hold a special organisation meeting tomorrow at S p.m., Parkside Hotel. Every school enthusiast for the royal game urgently is requested to attend this rally.
Current officers are to be nominated. Simultaneous exhibition play against all beginners is scheduled by the evening at the Social Chess Lounge, evening at t he Social Chess Lounge, 1338 I street northwest, at the cover charge of 25 cents with a book prise to the first victor.
1 Marie Wilde_0 N. D. McDowell-—! Mary Owens_0 T T Chairman Sturges says tha^ four other teams will qualify within a few days for match play. These entries will be from George Washington University, Interhlgh Chess Association, 8ocial Chess Divan and Procurement Division. The team that wins the greatest number of team matches will gain custody of the M. C. A. Trophy unless there is a tie in match scoring, in which case the team with the greatest number of individual points will be acclaimed the District champion. Divan Starts Major Tournament. TT IS not a case of separating the 1 black and the white sheep, but an attempt to truly select a champion of the Social Chess Divan as it* major tournament formally opens tonight at 8 o'clock, Parkside Hotel.
Contestant* for the title of "champeen” are Simon Naidel. Walter Jacobs, C. C. Bettinger, Carl Hesse, William Reynolds, Anton Y. Hes*e, Robert J. Feeney and possibly Abe Seidenberg. This is the strongest aggregation ever mastered In Divan over-the-board play and constitutes its Initial tournament for stars only. The public is welcome to drop In and see how the "little masters” do It to each other, quarter neither being asked nor given. A R- SABIN, A. Y. Hesse and Dr. George W. Harvey are localites who are fighting for premier honors In the national postal tourney—Paul Morphy Centennial, sponsored by the Correspondence Chess League of America. The member* of all high school chess clubs will hold a special organisation meeting tomorrow at S p.m., Parkside Hotel. Every school enthusiast for the royal game urgently is requested to attend this rally.
Current officers are to be nominated. Simultaneous exhibition play against all beginners is scheduled by the evening at the Social Chess Lounge, evening at t he Social Chess Lounge, 1338 I street northwest, at the cover charge of 25 cents with a book prise to the first victor.