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BT PAUL J. MILLER, America's Aalberlty ea Serial Chesi. Alekhine Succumbs to Euwe. TWO years ago this Winter Dr. Alexander Alekhine yielded the world chess crown to Dr. Max Euwe after holding the title (or eight yeara. , Last week at The Hague the same grandmasters met again to contest the world championship, with Alekhine the challenger, acting the same role as in 1927 when he wrested the crown from Jose Capablanca of Cuba. In their opening encounter Euwe obtained a pawn ahead of the Franco-Russian star in a difficult rook and pawn endgame to force a win. Rotterdam will be the stage for the second act and succeeding matches will be alternated between prominent Dutch cities. Chess Problem No. 105. (Fall Problem Contest.) By C. B. KIPPING. Social Chess Quarterly.
BLACK—9 MEN. WHITE—11 MEN. While to Play oad Mate la Twe. HR. GILBERT DOBBS’ problem No. 100 that has the key move, Kt5, U solved also by W. T. Cook, Reuben Suttkus, A. O. Dreyer, Henry Lybrand, George P. Gorham (No. M correct) and E. W. Allen. One point la tallied by C. L. Salford, Heins Johannsen and Marguerite Owens. Problem Ne. 101 seams to have two key*, but atlll I try to resolve this emblem Into one aohitian. Problem'Mo. 103 by Havel and Coppage. as each hai solved all problem* up to No. J ul. Illerinan'i two-mover. No. 3 0*?. was Intended to be solved by K—Kl. Three pointrila nr? Guy Smith. Carroll Melts. Stephen J. Kurtz, Gerald M. Clemente. E W. Allen. William Burko. A G. Dreyer, Reuben Suttkuv Gorgonzola (thanks for the analysis) and C. D. Pranks. The R—K2 move tooled several problemists.
Singles were registered by Charles A. Carrico. Heinz Joliaunsen. Emanuel Simpson Henry I.ybrand. Norman I.e Roux. J. E. Cowling. Clara Ix)Uise Safford 'put solutions on .separate sheets, please, with name on eachi. David IT. Sibbet and Raymond W. Lewis scored three points on No. 302 (analysis received). The member* ef all high school chow club* will hold a special organisation meeting today at 3 p.tn., Parkslde Hotel. Attend this rally! M. C. A. Team Tournament. JNTERCLUB match play under the auspices of the Metropolitan Chess Association for the title of District team champion opened at the Social Chess Lounge this week with players from seven clubs striving for the trophy annexed last year by the Paul Morphy Chess Club. Captains of the teams are; Roland G. Morrisette, Procurement Division C. C.: Earle W. Kunkle, Paul Morphy C. C.; Maud Sewall, Ladies’ Chess Club; Marcel Propper, Government Printing Office; Alexander Sturges, Agriculture C. C., and Acting Capts.
Robert Hostler of the Interhigh Chess Association and Simon Naldel, Social Chess Divan. President George L. Derr af the Omar Khayyam Chew Club •f George Washington rapidly I* whipping the outfit Into shape and a late entry may be forthcoming. Members of the women's team according to rating; Mrs. H. E. Klttredge, Mrs. Anna Bran, Maud Sewall, Mrs. Marie Wilde and Mary Owens. Government Printing Office is represented by A A. Dillon, Maurice Magnus, William Field, L. Kaplan and Marcel Propper. Rounds are scheduled for every Friday night at 8 o'clock at the Parkside Hotel. Kerm Trumps CMtaldi. JkAUL KERES, the 31-year-old Estonian chess genius, displays canny precision in his attack against Castaldl of Italy in the following game played in the Stockholm world team tourney that was won by the American entry for the fourth eoneeeuttve ttM. . White. Black, White. Black. Cm»l»ldl. Major Divan Championship. ^LTHOUGH functioning for the last year aa the strongest exclusive chess club in District annals, the Washington Social Chesa Divan commenced its first formal major championship with eight player* In the eligible list of class A. The tourney list includes 8tmon Naidel, C. C. Bettinger, Abe Seidenberg, Carl Hesse, Walter Jacobs, Robert J. Feeney, Anton Y. Hesse and William Reynolds, who will vie for the medal award and seek the highest cluh rating in keeping with the announced Naidel 3-point tourney program. Play Is every Saturday evening at the Parkside Hotel. Several chess time clocks have been ordered for the major fray, thus bringing the facilities of the Social Chess Lounge up-to-date. Officers of the Social Chess Divan, elected to serve from October, 193T, through March, 1938, are: Dr. Alexander Brooks, president: Norval P. Wlgglnton, vice president; Mr*. Mabel McPherson, secretary; Vincent Saporlto, treasurer; William Reynolds, correspondent; Simon Naidel, tournament director; Mrs. Pearl V. Spiclcnall, social director; vice president, membership director per ae; Winfred Horn and V. Colonna, directors at large, and Prof. Paul Miller, honorary adviser . Meetings are held every Wednesday at 8 p.m., Parkside Hotel. Casual players are extended a friendly welcome at all times. Additional pairings in the general tournament are: V. Colonna-H. Ly. brand and Mrs. H. E. Kittredge-Kenneth Stubbs.
Tournament matches are played every Tuesday at 8 p.m. Informal Lecture for Tyros, CIMULTANEOUS play against all chess beginners, with Informal comment* on each game, will be the lecture featured tomorrow night at 8 o’clock at ths Social Chess Lounge, 1338 I street northwest, by Prof. Paul Miller. Cover charge, 38 cent*. (Copyright.
BLACK—9 MEN. WHITE—11 MEN. While to Play oad Mate la Twe. HR. GILBERT DOBBS’ problem No. 100 that has the key move, Kt5, U solved also by W. T. Cook, Reuben Suttkus, A. O. Dreyer, Henry Lybrand, George P. Gorham (No. M correct) and E. W. Allen. One point la tallied by C. L. Salford, Heins Johannsen and Marguerite Owens. Problem Ne. 101 seams to have two key*, but atlll I try to resolve this emblem Into one aohitian. Problem'Mo. 103 by Havel and Coppage. as each hai solved all problem* up to No. J ul. Illerinan'i two-mover. No. 3 0*?. was Intended to be solved by K—Kl. Three pointrila nr? Guy Smith. Carroll Melts. Stephen J. Kurtz, Gerald M. Clemente. E W. Allen. William Burko. A G. Dreyer, Reuben Suttkuv Gorgonzola (thanks for the analysis) and C. D. Pranks. The R—K2 move tooled several problemists.
Singles were registered by Charles A. Carrico. Heinz Joliaunsen. Emanuel Simpson Henry I.ybrand. Norman I.e Roux. J. E. Cowling. Clara Ix)Uise Safford 'put solutions on .separate sheets, please, with name on eachi. David IT. Sibbet and Raymond W. Lewis scored three points on No. 302 (analysis received). The member* ef all high school chow club* will hold a special organisation meeting today at 3 p.tn., Parkslde Hotel. Attend this rally! M. C. A. Team Tournament. JNTERCLUB match play under the auspices of the Metropolitan Chess Association for the title of District team champion opened at the Social Chess Lounge this week with players from seven clubs striving for the trophy annexed last year by the Paul Morphy Chess Club. Captains of the teams are; Roland G. Morrisette, Procurement Division C. C.: Earle W. Kunkle, Paul Morphy C. C.; Maud Sewall, Ladies’ Chess Club; Marcel Propper, Government Printing Office; Alexander Sturges, Agriculture C. C., and Acting Capts.
Robert Hostler of the Interhigh Chess Association and Simon Naldel, Social Chess Divan. President George L. Derr af the Omar Khayyam Chew Club •f George Washington rapidly I* whipping the outfit Into shape and a late entry may be forthcoming. Members of the women's team according to rating; Mrs. H. E. Klttredge, Mrs. Anna Bran, Maud Sewall, Mrs. Marie Wilde and Mary Owens. Government Printing Office is represented by A A. Dillon, Maurice Magnus, William Field, L. Kaplan and Marcel Propper. Rounds are scheduled for every Friday night at 8 o'clock at the Parkside Hotel. Kerm Trumps CMtaldi. JkAUL KERES, the 31-year-old Estonian chess genius, displays canny precision in his attack against Castaldl of Italy in the following game played in the Stockholm world team tourney that was won by the American entry for the fourth eoneeeuttve ttM. . White. Black, White. Black. Cm»l»ldl. Major Divan Championship. ^LTHOUGH functioning for the last year aa the strongest exclusive chess club in District annals, the Washington Social Chesa Divan commenced its first formal major championship with eight player* In the eligible list of class A. The tourney list includes 8tmon Naidel, C. C. Bettinger, Abe Seidenberg, Carl Hesse, Walter Jacobs, Robert J. Feeney, Anton Y. Hesse and William Reynolds, who will vie for the medal award and seek the highest cluh rating in keeping with the announced Naidel 3-point tourney program. Play Is every Saturday evening at the Parkside Hotel. Several chess time clocks have been ordered for the major fray, thus bringing the facilities of the Social Chess Lounge up-to-date. Officers of the Social Chess Divan, elected to serve from October, 193T, through March, 1938, are: Dr. Alexander Brooks, president: Norval P. Wlgglnton, vice president; Mr*. Mabel McPherson, secretary; Vincent Saporlto, treasurer; William Reynolds, correspondent; Simon Naidel, tournament director; Mrs. Pearl V. Spiclcnall, social director; vice president, membership director per ae; Winfred Horn and V. Colonna, directors at large, and Prof. Paul Miller, honorary adviser . Meetings are held every Wednesday at 8 p.m., Parkside Hotel. Casual players are extended a friendly welcome at all times. Additional pairings in the general tournament are: V. Colonna-H. Ly. brand and Mrs. H. E. Kittredge-Kenneth Stubbs.
Tournament matches are played every Tuesday at 8 p.m. Informal Lecture for Tyros, CIMULTANEOUS play against all chess beginners, with Informal comment* on each game, will be the lecture featured tomorrow night at 8 o’clock at ths Social Chess Lounge, 1338 I street northwest, by Prof. Paul Miller. Cover charge, 38 cent*. (Copyright.