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BY PALL J. MILLER, JR. WALTER JACOBS, although a newcomer to local chessdom, is a skilled hand at the royal game as Simon Naidel, tournament director of the Social Chess Divan, will testify with great gusto, for Jacobs wrested from the District veteran a well deserved victory in their initial encounter for the Divan championship title. Other Divan satellites who will finish initial games before Saturday are C. C. Betti nger, Robert J. Feeney, William Reynolds, Anton and Carl Hesse. Pairings for the general tournament that progresses to round No. 2 tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at the Divan's club room will be posted today by Winfred Horn. Inability to play on Tuesday does not mean a forfeit but the scheduled pairing must be completed by the official date set for round No. 3. Simultaneous Play Tonight. pNGAGING all beginners in overthe-board individual matches this evening, 8 o'clock, Social Chess Lounge, 1336 I street northwest, the chess editor of The Star will indulge in simultaneous exhibition play for his first time during the last five years. The explanation for actual match play is due to the fact that a recent operation makes extended speaking a difficulty and it will be several weeks before educational lectures lasting an hour may be resumed. Any beginner may take a board in the simultaneous pyrotechnics and the first to score a victory will be awarded a copy of Klahre'g humorous book, “Chess Potpourri.” Board fee is 25 cents per entry.
School Lads Accetp Challenge. ENTHUSIASTICALLY, representatives from the various chess clubs In the Interhigh Chess Association met yesterday to formulate plans for the biennual association tourney and to draft a slate of officers for the current school year. The Metropolitan Chess Association committee for the District team championship tournament threw down the gauntlet to the interhigh chessists and Robert Hostler, as acting captain of a proposed interhigh quintet, accepted the invitation to play in the team tournament. Hostler says that the entry will be composed of such players as Robert Feeney, Robert MacWilliams, Wallace Magathan, Paul Miller, Samuel Bass, Robert Parr, Sol Breeskln, John Dickman, John Earle and Guy Goodman. "Captain" Hostler requests that these and other qualified school players meet Friday, 7:30 p.m., Parkside Hotel, at which time the flrst-string quintet will be selected and alternates named.
Also a permanent captain will be chosen. Chairman Alexander Sturges of the District Team Committee announces pairings: Paul Morphy vs. Divan, Agriculture vs. Government Printing Office, Ladies’ C. C. vs. Interhigh Chess Association and George Washington University vs. Procurement Division. George Derr, president of the Omar Khayyam Chess Club, has called a meeting for Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Columbian House, Twenty-first and G streets northwest. Audrey Fuller, acting secretary, invites all George Washington University students to be present.
School Lads Accetp Challenge. ENTHUSIASTICALLY, representatives from the various chess clubs In the Interhigh Chess Association met yesterday to formulate plans for the biennual association tourney and to draft a slate of officers for the current school year. The Metropolitan Chess Association committee for the District team championship tournament threw down the gauntlet to the interhigh chessists and Robert Hostler, as acting captain of a proposed interhigh quintet, accepted the invitation to play in the team tournament. Hostler says that the entry will be composed of such players as Robert Feeney, Robert MacWilliams, Wallace Magathan, Paul Miller, Samuel Bass, Robert Parr, Sol Breeskln, John Dickman, John Earle and Guy Goodman. "Captain" Hostler requests that these and other qualified school players meet Friday, 7:30 p.m., Parkside Hotel, at which time the flrst-string quintet will be selected and alternates named.
Also a permanent captain will be chosen. Chairman Alexander Sturges of the District Team Committee announces pairings: Paul Morphy vs. Divan, Agriculture vs. Government Printing Office, Ladies’ C. C. vs. Interhigh Chess Association and George Washington University vs. Procurement Division. George Derr, president of the Omar Khayyam Chess Club, has called a meeting for Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Columbian House, Twenty-first and G streets northwest. Audrey Fuller, acting secretary, invites all George Washington University students to be present.