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By PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. ROBERT FEENEY yielded to the forceful attack of Walter Jacobs in their encounter for the title of the Social Chess Divan, while William Reynolds, former interhigh champion, scored against the New Yorker. So far Carl Hesse has drawn with Reynolds and Simon Naidel has dropped a match game to Jacobs, for mer problem editor of Chess Review of New York City. Anton Hesse has been unable to defend his claim to the title, but shortly he will be heard from University Chess League. 'T'HE Metropolitan Chess Association now seeks to oo-ordinate the several local colleges and universities into an intercollegiate chess league of the District. If your college does not have a real active chess unit, then contact the chess editor of The Star by letter and arrangements can be made for playing facilities and meetings to stimulate club organization oU your campus. It is presumed that every college chess player will be interested in competitive tournament within a campus organization and between sundry colleges. % Members dt neh unite-will to etigi ble for participation in the Intercollegiate Chess Association of America, the American Academy of Chess and honor bids to Chi Eta Sigma, honorary “Phi Beta Kappa” chess society.
George Washington Club. STUDENTS and faculty members of George Washington University are invited to attend a special meeting Thursday, 8 p.m., Parkside Hotel, at which time plans will be made for the formation of a George Washington University “social chess” club that will have national contacts. A 10-second lightning tourney will be staged at 8:30, the winner to receive a copy of Alfred Klahre’s humorous book, “Chess Potpourri.” Modern chess magazines from all parts of the world and current chess texts will be featured in an educational display. Any college student is welcome and beginners will find the entertainment attractive. Campus students may contact Audrey Fuller at Strong Hall for details of the “social chess” program.
Divan’s General Tourney. COME 29 tyros, amateurs and beginners are battling for honors in the "odd” and “even” section of the general tournament of the Divan, with E. E. Williams and D. E. Brand, leaders in the former group, and Winfred Horn, Vincent Saporito, Raymond Lewis, Kenneth Stubbs and J. G. Fairchild occupying equal favor in the latter group. Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock the Divan players will initiate round No. 4, says Director Simon Naidel.
Late entries contact Winfred Hom. Visitors are welcome to atfjfnd the Social Chess Lounge, 1316 I street..
George Washington Club. STUDENTS and faculty members of George Washington University are invited to attend a special meeting Thursday, 8 p.m., Parkside Hotel, at which time plans will be made for the formation of a George Washington University “social chess” club that will have national contacts. A 10-second lightning tourney will be staged at 8:30, the winner to receive a copy of Alfred Klahre’s humorous book, “Chess Potpourri.” Modern chess magazines from all parts of the world and current chess texts will be featured in an educational display. Any college student is welcome and beginners will find the entertainment attractive. Campus students may contact Audrey Fuller at Strong Hall for details of the “social chess” program.
Divan’s General Tourney. COME 29 tyros, amateurs and beginners are battling for honors in the "odd” and “even” section of the general tournament of the Divan, with E. E. Williams and D. E. Brand, leaders in the former group, and Winfred Horn, Vincent Saporito, Raymond Lewis, Kenneth Stubbs and J. G. Fairchild occupying equal favor in the latter group. Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock the Divan players will initiate round No. 4, says Director Simon Naidel.
Late entries contact Winfred Hom. Visitors are welcome to atfjfnd the Social Chess Lounge, 1316 I street..