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By PAUL J. Miller, Jr. THE brief message from Alexander Alekhin, challenger, to Max Euwe, world chess champion, offering a draw in the ninth ame of the series for the world title ,-as accepted after 41 moves had been made, thus the score now stands: ilekhin, 4; Euwe, 2; drawn 3. Last evening the tenth game was ceduled for play at the Hague. Notation of the fourth game in the match series reveals that on the eventh move Alekhin varied from the rthodox concept of the Slav Defense dopted by Euwe as Alekhin advanced is pawn on king’s bishop's file prearatory to development of the king’s awn. The Queen’s Gambit played by lekhin has been thrice countered by Uwe with the Slav Defense. By hanging his pace the challenger moroughly tested the champion’s nowledge of the Slav Defense.
Divan Meets Tonight. V SPECIAL meeting of the member^ ship of the Washington Social hess Divan will be held tonight at o’clock. 1336 I street, and committees >r social, membership and tournament ctivities will be designated by the jspective chairmen. Beginners and would-be chess players are invited to attend the Social Chess Lounge and engage in off-hand matches during the divan assembly. November memberships are available ow and prospective affiliates should e present for detailed information ancerning the program of the divan.
Entries to the general tournament ] dll be accepted at this late hour by j Vinfred Horn, acting assistant to ’ournament Director Simon Naidel. Norval Wigginton, vice president and hairman of the Membership Comlittee, requests new members to consct him in person or dial Decatur 279 after 8 p.m. on any night other han Wednesday. College Chess, Thursday. JJTUDENTS and members of the faculty of George Washington Unlersity will meet tomorrow evening t 8 o’clock, Parkside Hotel, to form “Social Chess” Club.
Audrey Puller i serving as secretary and may be sached in the interim at Strong Hall n the college campus. A display of modern chess studies and current magazines from all parts of the world will be featured, together with a 10second tourney for the skittle .players, the winner to receive a book award. The entertainment is free and ollege students from any local uniersity are welcome to participate in he meeting as plans will be formulated Dr the development of the University :hess League, under the aupices of the letropolitan Chess Association. CHAIRMAN ALEXANDER STURGES of the District Team Tournament announces round No. 4 for tiday evening, all matches to begin at :16 sharp, Parkside Hotel.
Divan Meets Tonight. V SPECIAL meeting of the member^ ship of the Washington Social hess Divan will be held tonight at o’clock. 1336 I street, and committees >r social, membership and tournament ctivities will be designated by the jspective chairmen. Beginners and would-be chess players are invited to attend the Social Chess Lounge and engage in off-hand matches during the divan assembly. November memberships are available ow and prospective affiliates should e present for detailed information ancerning the program of the divan.
Entries to the general tournament ] dll be accepted at this late hour by j Vinfred Horn, acting assistant to ’ournament Director Simon Naidel. Norval Wigginton, vice president and hairman of the Membership Comlittee, requests new members to consct him in person or dial Decatur 279 after 8 p.m. on any night other han Wednesday. College Chess, Thursday. JJTUDENTS and members of the faculty of George Washington Unlersity will meet tomorrow evening t 8 o’clock, Parkside Hotel, to form “Social Chess” Club.
Audrey Puller i serving as secretary and may be sached in the interim at Strong Hall n the college campus. A display of modern chess studies and current magazines from all parts of the world will be featured, together with a 10second tourney for the skittle .players, the winner to receive a book award. The entertainment is free and ollege students from any local uniersity are welcome to participate in he meeting as plans will be formulated Dr the development of the University :hess League, under the aupices of the letropolitan Chess Association. CHAIRMAN ALEXANDER STURGES of the District Team Tournament announces round No. 4 for tiday evening, all matches to begin at :16 sharp, Parkside Hotel.