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By PAUL J. MILLER. Jr. D EPLETTE with aggressive play, round No. 4 of the team tournament for the District championship gave the Divan an overwhelming victory against Agriculture, Government Printing Office wrecked the Ledies’ Chess Club’s doll house end Paul Morphy C. C. attained a hard-fought triumph over the Interhigh Chess Association. High lights of last evening's matches were the drawn games between Vincent Eaton and Robert Hoetier, and the tug-ofwar between D. S. Burch and Simon Xaidel.
Undoubtedly the school chessists are developing a keen Insight into the royal game. Individual scoring of the teams: Divan va. Arricnlture. Carl Heese _1 Alex. Sturges-0 Simon Naidel_Va D. 8. Burch -Va Anton Hesse_1 E. R. Shepard-0 Gen. Bogoljubov-1 N. D McDowell—0 Stuart Wagman 1 H. Richardson—O -H. Richardson_0 4'* — Government Printing Office vs. Ladies' C. C. A. A Dillon -I Mrs. Kittredge—O Maurice Magnug n Mrs. Anna Bran.l •William Field..1 Maud Sewell ...0 Leonard Keplan_i Mrs. L. Jones-n Marcel Propper . l Mary Owen-0 4 1 rOX’MorDhylto» Va. Interbiah. Vincent Eaton_Vi Robert Hostler --Vi Max Kessler-1 Samuel Bass-n G. R. Paschal_1 Malcolm Bers—0 J NeOfeld_0 R. McWilliams—1. David Bard_1 Edith Johnson n S'-i 1V4 Pairings for round No. S for next Friday are Agriculture v». Paul Morphy.
Ladies vs. Divan and Government Printing Office vs. Interhigh Chess Association. Omar Khayyam Entertains. EFFERVESCENT with good spirits.
the members of the Omar Khayyam Chess Club of George Washington University enjoyed fully its initial chess social at Columbian House under the direction of blue-eyed, goldenhaired Audrey Fuller, club secretary and hostess. President George Derr announced an intra-club tournament and stated that the membership goal for the current year is IN. Introducing the chess editor of The Star as speaker of the occasion. Denspoke favorably of the program of the Metropolitan Cheas Association, while Prof. Paul Miller outlined tersely the organised chess program of the United States and the "social chess” program of the American Foundation for Chess Education.
Thursday the college players meet at 8 pm. Columbian House, to engage in tournament play.
Undoubtedly the school chessists are developing a keen Insight into the royal game. Individual scoring of the teams: Divan va. Arricnlture. Carl Heese _1 Alex. Sturges-0 Simon Naidel_Va D. 8. Burch -Va Anton Hesse_1 E. R. Shepard-0 Gen. Bogoljubov-1 N. D McDowell—0 Stuart Wagman 1 H. Richardson—O -H. Richardson_0 4'* — Government Printing Office vs. Ladies' C. C. A. A Dillon -I Mrs. Kittredge—O Maurice Magnug n Mrs. Anna Bran.l •William Field..1 Maud Sewell ...0 Leonard Keplan_i Mrs. L. Jones-n Marcel Propper . l Mary Owen-0 4 1 rOX’MorDhylto» Va. Interbiah. Vincent Eaton_Vi Robert Hostler --Vi Max Kessler-1 Samuel Bass-n G. R. Paschal_1 Malcolm Bers—0 J NeOfeld_0 R. McWilliams—1. David Bard_1 Edith Johnson n S'-i 1V4 Pairings for round No. S for next Friday are Agriculture v». Paul Morphy.
Ladies vs. Divan and Government Printing Office vs. Interhigh Chess Association. Omar Khayyam Entertains. EFFERVESCENT with good spirits.
the members of the Omar Khayyam Chess Club of George Washington University enjoyed fully its initial chess social at Columbian House under the direction of blue-eyed, goldenhaired Audrey Fuller, club secretary and hostess. President George Derr announced an intra-club tournament and stated that the membership goal for the current year is IN. Introducing the chess editor of The Star as speaker of the occasion. Denspoke favorably of the program of the Metropolitan Cheas Association, while Prof. Paul Miller outlined tersely the organised chess program of the United States and the "social chess” program of the American Foundation for Chess Education.
Thursday the college players meet at 8 pm. Columbian House, to engage in tournament play.