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BY PAUL J. MILLER, Jr. TEAM tourneys will be finished st the meeting of the Washington Social Chess Divan tonight at 8 o'clock, and Norval Wiggington, chess director, announces play-off between the leaders. Robert Feeney, G. B. Jones. Gen. Basil Bogoljubov anrl Conrad Willnleh. William Reynolds entered the leader's single round robin affair at the eleventh hour with the eanction of Simon Naidei, tournament director. In the opening round Reynolds mowed down Jones of Swarthmore, Feeney also defeated Jones and the Dutchman, Willnich.
The general was indisposed. The semi-final play of the team tournament was a surprise when Robert MacWilliams lucked out on Stuart Wagman. Stuart missed a prophylactic move that would have permitted his passed pawn to obtain the promotion rank, which would have netted him a victory. William E. Bryant smashed through MacWilliams’ tinsel barrage In their initial encounter for a neat win.
Robert Hostler then evened the score between teams A and B by sweeping Wigginton from the board in 80 moves. Tonight Bryant meets MacWilliams and the fate of A and B teams hangs in the balance. Visitors are welcome to attend the play this evening at S o'clock at the Parkside Hotel. Recent additions to the Pall membership of the divan include Winfred Horn, Mrs. Pearl Spicknall, J. M. Skefflngton and W. R. Reynolds. Membership monthly with lectures and exhibits costs $1.
FRANK J. MARSHALL, erstwhile champion of the United States and captain of Uncle Sam's team that defeated quintets from all nations in the ' m i Stockholm world championsnip team tourney, thus winning the HamiltonRussell Gold Trophy for the fourth consecutive time, arrived in New York City this week on the S. S. Bremen. Marshall was accompanied by his wife.
Prior to sailing for the States the American master essayed 14 consultation games in Holland, scoring nine wins and flve draws. The Hamilton-Russell Trophy departed from it# accustomed place in the Marshall Chess Club of New York in the custody of Isaac. Kashdan two month# ago to be displayed at Stockholm during the world matches. Israel Horowits, member of the American team, has returned the trophy to it# six-year home.
The general was indisposed. The semi-final play of the team tournament was a surprise when Robert MacWilliams lucked out on Stuart Wagman. Stuart missed a prophylactic move that would have permitted his passed pawn to obtain the promotion rank, which would have netted him a victory. William E. Bryant smashed through MacWilliams’ tinsel barrage In their initial encounter for a neat win.
Robert Hostler then evened the score between teams A and B by sweeping Wigginton from the board in 80 moves. Tonight Bryant meets MacWilliams and the fate of A and B teams hangs in the balance. Visitors are welcome to attend the play this evening at S o'clock at the Parkside Hotel. Recent additions to the Pall membership of the divan include Winfred Horn, Mrs. Pearl Spicknall, J. M. Skefflngton and W. R. Reynolds. Membership monthly with lectures and exhibits costs $1.
FRANK J. MARSHALL, erstwhile champion of the United States and captain of Uncle Sam's team that defeated quintets from all nations in the ' m i Stockholm world championsnip team tourney, thus winning the HamiltonRussell Gold Trophy for the fourth consecutive time, arrived in New York City this week on the S. S. Bremen. Marshall was accompanied by his wife.
Prior to sailing for the States the American master essayed 14 consultation games in Holland, scoring nine wins and flve draws. The Hamilton-Russell Trophy departed from it# accustomed place in the Marshall Chess Club of New York in the custody of Isaac. Kashdan two month# ago to be displayed at Stockholm during the world matches. Israel Horowits, member of the American team, has returned the trophy to it# six-year home.