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BY PAUL J. MILLER. Jr. AGERLY awaiting the sound of the bell that will start them in major and minor tournament play at the regular meeting of the Washington Social Chess Divan are a host of chess addicts who delight in the royal game as the weather dips below the sweltering point. Current officers of the divan are I. J. Curran, president: Mrs. Mabel E. McPherson, secretary, and Norval P. Wigginton.
treasurer. These officers have served loyally for the past six months but the policy j of the divan for the Fall season is [ to be decided at the first regular assembly in October, at which time an election will be held. Meantime active members of the divan are advised to be weighing care- ! fully their choice for the coveted berths. Divan Play Tonight. “^JLEAN the alate" is the slogan for activity at the Socrial Chess ! Lounge this evening at 8 o'clock at ; the Parkside Hotel, when the W. S. C. D. will bring to a close all Summer tourneys and formulate plans for iniatlon of the Naidel 3-point tourney. Top players in the major tournament and minor tournament will receive awards, and all players will be ranked according vto their respective score in either tourney for "progressive challenges” to follow. Director Simon Naidel Says the tourney is open to all divan members and that formal play may be arranged on nights other than Wednesday.
Norval Wigginton, who has performed an excellent job as chess director of the divan for the last month, is a bit lax in activity of late, for there is an air of expectancy at the Wigginton mansion, and at any hour a young Morphy or an astute Menchik may arrive. Our compliments to one of the best workers in the District for the cause of organized chess. __ _ " MPirnpoman (.new rrogram. PHAIRMAN ALEXANDER A STURGES of the Department of Agriculture Chess Club is optimistic at the response accorded his announcements concerning the forthcoming tournament open to all chess groups for the District team championship. Promptly at 8 this evening at the Parkside Hotel all chess groups will have spokesmen on hand to discuss the final rules for the team tournament and erase any minor details that will slow up the playing schedule.
Tomorrow the Department of Agriculture Chess Club meets to adopt a unique attitude with respect to the District team tourney. Dr. George W. Hervey opines that the Aggies are going to suspenfl all official club meetings pending play of the team matches that will be held every Thursday evening at the Social Chess Lounge. 1336 I street northwest, and that those members who do not participate in active play will, attend the rounds as spectators, thus, lending their moral support to the program of organized chess.
Undoubtedly this stepjby the Agricultural Chess Club is most unselfish and expressive of genuine co-operation toward making the team tourney a marked success. D. S. Burch and Alexander St urges are behind the Aggies, and that means real action! yyrITH half a dozpn tournaments in the offing, the Metropolitan Chess Association is doing business on a grand scale. Recently Prof. Paul Miller, association president, returned to the city and is whipping M. C. A. activities into shipshape condition. Any chess group in the District may affiliate with the association.
Merely write Prof. Miller, Parkside Hotel, and he will he glad to forward you an application blank. Individuals may take out an annual membership for only *1. which enti- ties them to certain co-operative priv- ileges to be announced in the Sunday column. Officers of the association include D. S. Burch, vice president. Department of Agriculture Chess Club: Abe Seidenberg, secretary. University of Maryland C. C.; Mrs.
Anna Bran, treasurer, Ladies' Chess Club; William Reynolds, historian, Interhigh Chess Association. New officers of the M. C. will be elected shortly. Meanwhile the following are active chairmen of the several tournaments planned fo; the Fall and Winter program: Anton Y. Hesse, champion of champions tourney; Alexander Sturges, team tourney: Edith Johnson, girl's tourney: C. E. Fleming, interscholastic tourney; officers of the Interhigh Chess Association, school team tourney; Maud Sewall. ladies’ District championship; R. S. MacCreadv. departmental tourney, and A. Y. Hesse, District amateur championship. To register for any of these tournaments, write the M. C, A., Parkside Hotel, now. If you are interested in organized chess, attend the rally tonight at X o'clock. Social Chess lounge, Parkside Hotel. Ladies always welcome.
treasurer. These officers have served loyally for the past six months but the policy j of the divan for the Fall season is [ to be decided at the first regular assembly in October, at which time an election will be held. Meantime active members of the divan are advised to be weighing care- ! fully their choice for the coveted berths. Divan Play Tonight. “^JLEAN the alate" is the slogan for activity at the Socrial Chess ! Lounge this evening at 8 o'clock at ; the Parkside Hotel, when the W. S. C. D. will bring to a close all Summer tourneys and formulate plans for iniatlon of the Naidel 3-point tourney. Top players in the major tournament and minor tournament will receive awards, and all players will be ranked according vto their respective score in either tourney for "progressive challenges” to follow. Director Simon Naidel Says the tourney is open to all divan members and that formal play may be arranged on nights other than Wednesday.
Norval Wigginton, who has performed an excellent job as chess director of the divan for the last month, is a bit lax in activity of late, for there is an air of expectancy at the Wigginton mansion, and at any hour a young Morphy or an astute Menchik may arrive. Our compliments to one of the best workers in the District for the cause of organized chess. __ _ " MPirnpoman (.new rrogram. PHAIRMAN ALEXANDER A STURGES of the Department of Agriculture Chess Club is optimistic at the response accorded his announcements concerning the forthcoming tournament open to all chess groups for the District team championship. Promptly at 8 this evening at the Parkside Hotel all chess groups will have spokesmen on hand to discuss the final rules for the team tournament and erase any minor details that will slow up the playing schedule.
Tomorrow the Department of Agriculture Chess Club meets to adopt a unique attitude with respect to the District team tourney. Dr. George W. Hervey opines that the Aggies are going to suspenfl all official club meetings pending play of the team matches that will be held every Thursday evening at the Social Chess Lounge. 1336 I street northwest, and that those members who do not participate in active play will, attend the rounds as spectators, thus, lending their moral support to the program of organized chess.
Undoubtedly this stepjby the Agricultural Chess Club is most unselfish and expressive of genuine co-operation toward making the team tourney a marked success. D. S. Burch and Alexander St urges are behind the Aggies, and that means real action! yyrITH half a dozpn tournaments in the offing, the Metropolitan Chess Association is doing business on a grand scale. Recently Prof. Paul Miller, association president, returned to the city and is whipping M. C. A. activities into shipshape condition. Any chess group in the District may affiliate with the association.
Merely write Prof. Miller, Parkside Hotel, and he will he glad to forward you an application blank. Individuals may take out an annual membership for only *1. which enti- ties them to certain co-operative priv- ileges to be announced in the Sunday column. Officers of the association include D. S. Burch, vice president. Department of Agriculture Chess Club: Abe Seidenberg, secretary. University of Maryland C. C.; Mrs.
Anna Bran, treasurer, Ladies' Chess Club; William Reynolds, historian, Interhigh Chess Association. New officers of the M. C. will be elected shortly. Meanwhile the following are active chairmen of the several tournaments planned fo; the Fall and Winter program: Anton Y. Hesse, champion of champions tourney; Alexander Sturges, team tourney: Edith Johnson, girl's tourney: C. E. Fleming, interscholastic tourney; officers of the Interhigh Chess Association, school team tourney; Maud Sewall. ladies’ District championship; R. S. MacCreadv. departmental tourney, and A. Y. Hesse, District amateur championship. To register for any of these tournaments, write the M. C, A., Parkside Hotel, now. If you are interested in organized chess, attend the rally tonight at X o'clock. Social Chess lounge, Parkside Hotel. Ladies always welcome.