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CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor Aug 01, 1943 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1421 By F. Noveiarque 15th Pr) White mates in two.
(Wh. 10; BL 13.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1422 Composed for the Los Anceles Times by R. C. Mankowski. Los Angeles. White mates In three. (Wh. 6; Bl. 6.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1417: B-R4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1418: B-N4. CORRESPONDENCE CHESS The meeting elect ameers will he held en Thursday evening, Au. . at P.m., at the headquarter at the Hnllv-eed Chess Group, Jim N. Formosa Ave.
All those interested ar cordially invited to attend the meeting.
I. O. DODGE WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH Ifi POINTS We renrratnlate Mr. Dodse far ha'vlnr van the seventh time! He is the enlv one hesides W. Harmon from Memphis. Tenn.. whe wan elshl times, to climb the ladder seven times. This should prove an In-sviration to the rest of the ladderltes! This Is the scar of last month's participants. Those who took part previoaslv will have (heir score stand and should ther send in solutions asaln they will he added and published again.
F. Aks. 71: R. O Alderson. g: H. Bruhn iS,) 192: B. BuchuelT. 1S3: C. F. Beck. D. J. Clark. D. w. Clark, 3; C. B. Collins 'l.i 14: J. C. Drake (3.1 144: J. O Dodge (7 winner, i 2fi9: J. Dubin, 5: F. T. Chaee. 11: J. B. Faulkner. 4B; J. Fonseca, 127: C. P. Pord (2.1 27: H. Gimeno, 7; J. W. Oorrell, 23: O. O Oallagher. 4: W. Harmon 8. 187: o. At Hall (S 2: D. A. Innes (3 1 207: w. L. Koethen (3 130: c. W Ka.vtn. 13; R. O. Kineshury. 4"; R. c. Mankowski. 97: M. Morrlss. 150; F Marssretien. 118; S. J. McConnell, 84; O. Monri. 0; W. C. Noltins 1.) 240: E H. Quayle. D. M. Poole. 211; E. A. Rosecrans. 57; E. L. Rubin. 42: A. D. Reynolds Sr.. 258: M. Rudholm i4,l 211; E. H. Srhsdee (Si flfi; A. R. Sand-ford. 0; L. J. Slupko, 8; Mrs. F. Tovar. 57; L. A. Victor. 3fi: J. T. Watson 4.) K0: J. P. Walsh il.) 284: A. 8 Wells (1.1 IS; J. Warnack. 3: A. D. Wells. 6. Score Includes Problems No. 1411-1418. RI I FS OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest will receive a three-month subscription to the Chess Review, a month's membership In the Chess and Checker Club of Los Anseles. 124 W. Fourth 8i.. and the Hollv-wood Chess Group. 108 N. Formosa Ave.. where they may discuss composinr and solving of problems and end games. Every winner will be marked with a number showing times he was a winner in climbing the ladder. The system will enable 13 (or more in a esse of a tie solvers to win. Solutions sent in answer to this problem will he acknowledged within two weeks after publication if you wish to figure in the "up-io-the-mlnii'- ladder, the time limit being seven days.
Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder. Problems in this column msv begin with a castling key or have castling as a defense, unless it can he definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant." keys and cheeking keys are also tolerated, hut all the above types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however, is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no aolu tlon" must bo claimed In order to score-points.
The principal variations are necessary when sending in the three-movers. Keva only need be given in two-ers. although It is excellent practice to writs out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points. Three-movers receive three points on our ladder.
The prire Is awarded to the leading solver once a month. (His score ia then canceled.) Solvers may boeome ladderltes at an time. They are expected to solve as Individuals or teams but not consult otherwise. Anyone desiring information for chesa literature, chess lessons, address of chesa clubs, or whatever information concerning the game of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or caid to Herman Steiner, Chess Editor, Loa Angeles Times. ReQuo&ts for back Issues and subscriptions should be directed to the Circulation Department.
This column appears en Sundsy. John Van Fssen wing 1943 Long Beach city chess title.
FINAL STANDING W. L. Van Essen 14 Petersen 12 Streeter 10 Bang 10 Fort 9 The Long 3 5 s 8 8 Beach Duff Baseotn Howard Stone Espinou Chess Club. Bert Fickes. secretary. Municipal Auditorium. Long Beach, wants team matches on Sundays with Hollywood. Los Angeles, or other strong chess clubs, where trans portation is convenient.
Will plsy 8 t 10-man team and plsy at home or abroad. The Lone Beach Chess and Checker Club is open seven days a week and evenings. Continued from last Sunday)
THE BLOCK TWO-MOVER (Continued I The following elementary examnle (No 24i displays a similar idea worked with) the Rook. Here there Is no appearanc of labored effort. No. s By W. A. Shinkman Mate in two moves, t W. A. Shinkmsn Is resnnnslhl fnr ouaint. little two-mover of the same typo as the last. It was. when published years ago. commented upon by a popular chess editor as "a gopd specimen of tho mixed waiting move." a remark which showed the writer appreciated that tho move of 1. R-KB8 contained more point than a key which merely Idled time away. In this position thero are not many promising tries, yet the solution Is more difficult than might at first blush bo Imsgtned.
It is a catchy little study, mit does not rise to the dignity of high-class work..
(Wh. 10; BL 13.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1422 Composed for the Los Anceles Times by R. C. Mankowski. Los Angeles. White mates In three. (Wh. 6; Bl. 6.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1417: B-R4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1418: B-N4. CORRESPONDENCE CHESS The meeting elect ameers will he held en Thursday evening, Au. . at P.m., at the headquarter at the Hnllv-eed Chess Group, Jim N. Formosa Ave.
All those interested ar cordially invited to attend the meeting.
I. O. DODGE WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH Ifi POINTS We renrratnlate Mr. Dodse far ha'vlnr van the seventh time! He is the enlv one hesides W. Harmon from Memphis. Tenn.. whe wan elshl times, to climb the ladder seven times. This should prove an In-sviration to the rest of the ladderltes! This Is the scar of last month's participants. Those who took part previoaslv will have (heir score stand and should ther send in solutions asaln they will he added and published again.
F. Aks. 71: R. O Alderson. g: H. Bruhn iS,) 192: B. BuchuelT. 1S3: C. F. Beck. D. J. Clark. D. w. Clark, 3; C. B. Collins 'l.i 14: J. C. Drake (3.1 144: J. O Dodge (7 winner, i 2fi9: J. Dubin, 5: F. T. Chaee. 11: J. B. Faulkner. 4B; J. Fonseca, 127: C. P. Pord (2.1 27: H. Gimeno, 7; J. W. Oorrell, 23: O. O Oallagher. 4: W. Harmon 8. 187: o. At Hall (S 2: D. A. Innes (3 1 207: w. L. Koethen (3 130: c. W Ka.vtn. 13; R. O. Kineshury. 4"; R. c. Mankowski. 97: M. Morrlss. 150; F Marssretien. 118; S. J. McConnell, 84; O. Monri. 0; W. C. Noltins 1.) 240: E H. Quayle. D. M. Poole. 211; E. A. Rosecrans. 57; E. L. Rubin. 42: A. D. Reynolds Sr.. 258: M. Rudholm i4,l 211; E. H. Srhsdee (Si flfi; A. R. Sand-ford. 0; L. J. Slupko, 8; Mrs. F. Tovar. 57; L. A. Victor. 3fi: J. T. Watson 4.) K0: J. P. Walsh il.) 284: A. 8 Wells (1.1 IS; J. Warnack. 3: A. D. Wells. 6. Score Includes Problems No. 1411-1418. RI I FS OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest will receive a three-month subscription to the Chess Review, a month's membership In the Chess and Checker Club of Los Anseles. 124 W. Fourth 8i.. and the Hollv-wood Chess Group. 108 N. Formosa Ave.. where they may discuss composinr and solving of problems and end games. Every winner will be marked with a number showing times he was a winner in climbing the ladder. The system will enable 13 (or more in a esse of a tie solvers to win. Solutions sent in answer to this problem will he acknowledged within two weeks after publication if you wish to figure in the "up-io-the-mlnii'- ladder, the time limit being seven days.
Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder. Problems in this column msv begin with a castling key or have castling as a defense, unless it can he definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant." keys and cheeking keys are also tolerated, hut all the above types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however, is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no aolu tlon" must bo claimed In order to score-points.
The principal variations are necessary when sending in the three-movers. Keva only need be given in two-ers. although It is excellent practice to writs out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points. Three-movers receive three points on our ladder.
The prire Is awarded to the leading solver once a month. (His score ia then canceled.) Solvers may boeome ladderltes at an time. They are expected to solve as Individuals or teams but not consult otherwise. Anyone desiring information for chesa literature, chess lessons, address of chesa clubs, or whatever information concerning the game of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or caid to Herman Steiner, Chess Editor, Loa Angeles Times. ReQuo&ts for back Issues and subscriptions should be directed to the Circulation Department.
This column appears en Sundsy. John Van Fssen wing 1943 Long Beach city chess title.
FINAL STANDING W. L. Van Essen 14 Petersen 12 Streeter 10 Bang 10 Fort 9 The Long 3 5 s 8 8 Beach Duff Baseotn Howard Stone Espinou Chess Club. Bert Fickes. secretary. Municipal Auditorium. Long Beach, wants team matches on Sundays with Hollywood. Los Angeles, or other strong chess clubs, where trans portation is convenient.
Will plsy 8 t 10-man team and plsy at home or abroad. The Lone Beach Chess and Checker Club is open seven days a week and evenings. Continued from last Sunday)
THE BLOCK TWO-MOVER (Continued I The following elementary examnle (No 24i displays a similar idea worked with) the Rook. Here there Is no appearanc of labored effort. No. s By W. A. Shinkman Mate in two moves, t W. A. Shinkmsn Is resnnnslhl fnr ouaint. little two-mover of the same typo as the last. It was. when published years ago. commented upon by a popular chess editor as "a gopd specimen of tho mixed waiting move." a remark which showed the writer appreciated that tho move of 1. R-KB8 contained more point than a key which merely Idled time away. In this position thero are not many promising tries, yet the solution Is more difficult than might at first blush bo Imsgtned.
It is a catchy little study, mit does not rise to the dignity of high-class work..