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Best of Chess Fischer Newspaper Archives
• Robert J. Fischer, 1955 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1956 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1958 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1959 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1960 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1961 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1962 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1963 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1964 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1965 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1966 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1967 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1968 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1969 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1970 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1971 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1972 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1973 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1974 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1975 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1976 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1977 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1978 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1979 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1980 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1981 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1982 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1983 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1984 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1985 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1986 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1987 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1988 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1989 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1990 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1991 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1992 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1993 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1994 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1995 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1996 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1997 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1998 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1999 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 2000 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 2003 ➦
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December 26, 1943 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 26 Dec 1943, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor Dec. 26. 1943 L A. TIMES PROBLEM N- H3 Br Burner . Marshall. Bhrrrenort, La. Thanking ynu for your kindness in ad-Taac. w rpmnin. CPL. PAUL R ALABOKI5S. CPL. W. B. CLOtlgFTR, CPL. K. S. LEWIS. CPL. M S BAKER JR. EDITOR'S NOTE Tn lookinc n-pr thp problem sent in hy the above.
the editor fntind several errors in the fftup and ss time fines not alio thp npcpssary crvrrectmn. we shall post-pnne the pvtblishini for a Inter dm. In-ytparl. your editor has composed snd dedl-cates the (oiiovmg Uttl muitaiure to our four noble marines and wishes them Gnrispeed and a fulfillment of all thetr wishes. Trte messate is formed in the destcn of the solution.
coMPOsen fob tht l.s. making CORPS BY HERMAN STEINER Wh mates in no. Wh. v Bl. 12 i L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 14M By Rev. . M. Nrill j I faswrf i4! -. 1 1 r i Whit nutts in three. IWh. 10;
CORRECTIONS Bl. 9.) In the artirU These rrehleme and Hew t Solve Them. In the rrehlem Vs. I. a While Irasa Whites flBt miesinc. la N. 44 the salatien is tWea in teslav'e article. The eetua Ns. II. ay F. Oererstam. White: K at Qft. O at K.V;. It at KN4. t at OB'.' aad KM. N at KR.V Black: K at KBli. N , at OKI a4 Q. B at KRti. r. at QN5 aad KRt. White saatea la ta.
SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 159: "Cooked ' Q-Qs and B-R7. si J t 1 White mates in two. iWh. : Bl. 1 ' Plajer in th Los Ansriea eit ehea championship tourney. 194.V TO
PROBLEM NO. 140: 80LUTIOM B-KB4. We received aoluttnns from the follow-in: D. M Poole. E H. euairle. M. Rud-holm. W. C. Everett. J. O Dode. J P. Walsh. O A Hall. Mat. J. W Plsher. 8. K. Oold, J Davidson. E. H Schadee, D A. Innes alad to see you bark.) J. L. Reckerd. F Aks. L A Vinor. E. L Rubtn. C. P. Ford. H. Bruhn. R H H. I. Ppero tweieome to our ladder. w. B. Tudor. A. n. Rpynoins Sr. Rpv. p. Pnrhard, G C. Frepman. Mrs D. Enfield tm picome tn our ladder. O W. Oorreli. C B. Collins. L. A. Norton. M. H. Jen-ninas. G C. Lawaon 'welcome back. I M-Morris, C. L. Weeks. W. C. Noiuns.
J. C. Drake. EDITOR NOTE Taur editor wishes ta thank the readers for their ceneraus expressions af rood wishes and extends ta all his season's areetlnvs! Your editor just received Ihe Jolloaing: International Chess Master, Los Anaelea Times, Los Ameies. Cal.
Dear Sir: We. marines of this one mass of mor- ! tals, are indeed areat lovers of chess out. : side ih line of duty. Chess has invariably ; played a irand part in the bunding of i sound minds along with our phvsical fit-! ness. Time n arovint near and there i win be a day soon ahen we will connect I our sound minds and physical fitness into an inferno of fire for some unlucky Japs.
We have on hand a chess problem, t planned and solved by four chess lovers. ! This problem has been born by the minds j of four marines. We would greatly ap-preciate it if you would put this problem In this week s Lo Angeles Times. The list of names before us must be large but our time is unbelievably short Leaving ihn one small and compact problem in the States will Indeed please us all We are looking forward to the day when we will return Irora, overseas and Play chesi in peace. While Steckel 1- P-04 2- P-OB4 3- N-QB3 -N-KB1 S-PxQP -NxP 7-B-NS H-P-K3 9-QxB 10- B-N.Vh 11- O-BS 12- OxQ 13- BxKM 14- P-K4. Li-NxP l-BxN 17- P-OR3 18- N-Q2 19- 0-0-0 20- P-N3 21- KR-K 22- RPxP 23- N-B3 24- K-N 25- RxR 2-K-R 27-N-KS 2H-P-N4 2S-P-B4 30-P-BS Black Croy P-04 P-K3 N-KB.l P-QB4 PxOP PxP B-B4 BxN B-K3 N-B3 O-NS PxO PxB PxP K-K2 PxB P-KB4 QR-Q KR-N PBS PxP R-NS R-BSch RxRch B-B4rh P-B4 R-B7 B-K.l R-N7 B-N . While Black 8tecket Croy 31-R-K K-O.3 3I-P-B8 P-N4 33- S-N B-04 34- K-B P-R4 35- PXP R-R1 3H-N-CJ3 RxPRS 37- K-Q2 R-B4 38- K-K3 F-BSC" 3-K-03 Rxr I 41-N-N4 B-N2 ' 4-'-R-KN R-Blch 43-K-B1 P-Bi i 44-R-Nhch K-B4 1 4R-R-N7 R-Bch 1 4-K-3? B-Ki 47- N-Rch K-Q5 48- R-Q7ch K-K4 45.N-BS R-B7ch 50-K-K3 RxP M-NxB P-BSch 52- K-B3 R-NSch 53- K-N4 KxN 54- R-K7ch K-OS 55- KxP RxP 5-R-(S7Ch K-B(i 57- K-K3 P-r-' 58- K-K2 P-N 59- R-KR7 P-N7 Resigns.
CORRESPONDENCE CHESS IP AG IE Of PACIFIC COAST J K Orr, swrftarr M th lacu. n-iwuncM a ?minm.eil tourtiamrnt in Jan- 1 uarr lor all ihre cla Hh Tour piay-I rra to each section- t 8mn tilh earh onponfnt . Entry cents for member.
: new member $1 a yr inrludina one section. Pooic prizes v, he eiven io'ion winners. No finals or femifinfti.. ! and game played to a finish. For fur- iher ir.formaUftn write J K- Orr. 3913 i Budlong Ave.. Los Anseles 37. Cal,, or phone HERMAV RTEINER PIMll.TASEOIi On Ihe first Mn.a even in af every ; anvniN at S p.m. Herman Sterner, inter-j natinal aaater. will give a ftiinnltaiiettu , ft h ib it tan and lertvre again! all center. The renane na been gnad. s make your reervatin for a tward eartv. rhane H Faster Kail ar HYammg H.MO. The ehibiti will He held at the headaaarter af the HtJd Chess (map at loA K. Fara Ave.
! blch weat of La Brea near Firtl St.) (Cantiaued frm Utt Sunday) Wa hay had many inauiries iMat aalvtnc af problems and are therefore publishing the follawing interetlng articles by It. G. Law from hi bh entitled "Cheg problems and How ta Solra Theos,1' tConiinuedi VIII. THE THREAT TWO-MOVER No. 44 wiH gve a fair iria of the threat cIim of probiem.
Category ta t The freedom of the two Black, knights ahowg that White must iose no time, and 1. . . . KtxB haa to he watched, X. Q-Ktfl 1 uselep on account n( 1. . B-B4 Moving the rook promtes nothing, and it cannot he surrendered to the king unless th CB and KBI are guarded, Thin cives the clue. 1. Q-FU does this, threatening mat at KBI leading to some very nice mating positions.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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