OCR Text
CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER, Address All Mail to Chess Editor TIMES PROBLEM NO. Bt M. Fcrti. Um Anselea welcome to our ladder, E. L Rubin. ! L. A. Victor welcome to our ladder) J P Walsh. B J MrCpnil. T. Mar B. H Qnayle. D. M. Pw. C. W. i Ktvsinf .weicnme i our ladder F Au R G. Kingsbury. Mrs. P. Tovar. I A. 8 Weils. A D. Reynolds Sr.. J W. i GerrelL E. H. Schade. H Bnihn. O A. ' Hail. J. Fonwa. J. Davidson, C. B Coi-I t'.r.s. 1. C. Drake. L A. Sa edn. W. C. Nnltinc. M. Morris. E- A. Ri"KnnL R. Swinder (welcome to our ladder.)
DOUBLE SACRiriCE This game is fine example of a double sacrifice which culminates tn a niiif.
The winner of the game tn Teich-mann.- hw play was always fea'ured bv aggressiveness. The opponent of Teieh-mann i not known, but thia fact dneg not detract from the beauty of lh mate. The tamo it taken from Or. Tartaicower a ' A Breviary of Chess." Trichmana Another iTeirhmann Annthi White mates in two. ,wh. 10: Bl. II ) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1401 Br M. Havel Fourth Pr.i ''til: .! : l'; h? -; ",.'? r-:i( " "jST L'J te-J :..vl S i-si i ? '.- Wh.ir 1- P-K4 2- PxP 3- Kt-OB3 4- KI-B3 &-B-B4 5- P-KRJ Black P-04 QtP Q-QI B-K'5 P-K3 BxKt P-QB3 While Biark 8-P-03 Q-B3 J-Q-Kt3'a Kl-KP.3h 10- B-KKI5 O-K'3 11- Kt-KtS'ePxKidi 12- QxKtchci RxQ 13- BxP and mate ifj a Quite rishtlr White refusen the exchange of queens, which would undulr simplify the same The maneuver in the text contains two tactical threats, name-l.
breakms into the ame br 10 CB7 and attacking: Black's Queen br 10 B-KtS. M A mistake. The knwht la hadlr placed here and will be in permanent need of support. If. however. P-KR3: 10 Q-B7. For all these reasons black should hsve realized that his eiehth mote ss overhsstr and tried to repair the damage even at the expense of further loint time by recalling the atieen to Ql. His game would then hare been difficult, while now it will soon be com-promised. fine White mates In three. tWh. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 9; Bl. 10.1 NO. 1397: K-Q4 SOLUTIOM TO PROBLEM NO. 1398: B-B2. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dode. J. Warnack. W. Harmon. D. A. Innes. R. C. Manknwskl.
verr knicht. which Is so threatens 12 i combination. The boldly given up. Kt-B7ch, followed by Ktxit. idi This shortsightedness is immediately punished. He should have defended ihe position as Ions as possible with Kt-R3. (e The second surprise Is Ihe point of the first. In capturing the kmsht While only expected 12 BxPch. Kt-B3. after which he still could have held out. But the sacrifice in the text eliminates Blacks defending piece. tf The action of the two bishops in this mating position is truly artistic.
NUREMBERG 1889 EVANS GAMBIT Tarrasch Kelx Tarrasch, White Black White 1- P-K4 P-K4 12-Kt-Q5 2- KI-KB3 Kt-QB3 13-BxKt 3- B-B4 B-B4 14-P-KS 4- P-OKt BxP 15-BxKt 5- P-B3 B-R4 1-Kt-K5 fi-P-34 PxP 17-Q-Kt3 7- Castlej PxP 18-Q-Kt5 8- Q-KI3 Q-B3 19-QR-Q l-P-KS Q-K13 20-B-Kt2 10- KtxP KKI-K2 I 21-Kt-B7 11- B-R3 QR-Kl I SICILIAN DEFENSE Gates Radspinner White Black 1-P-K4 P-QB4 2-KI-KB3 P-KKI3 Kt-KB3 PxP P-Q3 B-KI2 Castles Kt-B3 Kels Black KtxKt P-KI4 BPxP PxB Q-KS P-KI3 P-KI5 Castles R-KI4 Resigns 3-P-04 4- KI-B3 5- KtxP 6- B-K2 7- B-K3 8- Q-Q2 9-CstlesQR B-02 10- P-KR4 P-KR4 11- P-B3 Kt-K4 12- P-KKt R-B 13- P-K'5 Kt-K 14- KR-Kt Kt-B5 Oates Radspinner White Black 15- BxKt RxB 16- K.tiQ4)-K2 Q-R4 17-B-Q4 18- BxB 19- Kt-QS 20- KtxPch 21- KI.-B3 22- Kt-Kt 23- P-Kt3 24- Kt-Q5 25- Kt-B6ch 2fi-KtxB 27-Q-Q5 P-KI4 KixB OxP K-R2 O-RSch P-Kt5 R-Bfi KR-B K-R RxKtP RxPch 28-KxR Q-KIT mate We hare had mane Inqniriea about solvinr of problems and are therefore puhli.hlnv the following interesting articles by B. G. Laws from his hook entitled "Chess Problems and How to Solve Them." (Continued from last Sunday) No. 13 By O. E. Carpenter version!
Both hem and offis treatment. Hours daily 10 te 5; Eves., Tues. A Frl., 6 to 8 p.m. D. W. HUMPHREY, M.D. Fersttfly Med leal Dlreetar L. A. Gland Cllnn 2506V2 SUNSET BLVD. Mate in two moves. Two-movers, wherein the Knight makes the pure waiting kev are rather rare, but ihe examples here alven, carrying out in a more complex manner the idea of No. 9 will be found interesting.
It is soon realized that the Knlsht. is the only man which can be moved without disturbing the set mates. NO. 14 Mate in two moves. The contrivance Is ingenious inasmuch as this piece has Ave squares at cal. KR1 Is the only square which does not obstruct the diagonal paths of White's Queen or his King's Bishop. By NO. 15 C. Mate In two moves. So tar no Illustrations have been given of pure waiting moves made by Queen, Rook or Pawn. In order to complete the series, a specimen of each class may be useful. Very seldom is the rook utilised for such a purpose and examples are consequently somewhat scarce.
The Rook is an awkward piece to manage In strategy of the waiting order, and Indeed, more difficult to handle in any class of composition when its movement Is part of a scheme. It, Is left to the reader to discover the reasons why moves other than the keys given will not. answer the conditions of the problem. In doing this for himself (snd he knows for certain the type of key move to be determined unoni he will be materially assisting his faculties for successful solving and better appreciate some of the niceties of construction which Invite false attacks admitting of Ingenious and satisfactory evasion. No. IS la rather artificial In Its layout, and there are some duals, but of its class its key is quite good. (Continued next Sunday)
DOUBLE SACRiriCE This game is fine example of a double sacrifice which culminates tn a niiif.
The winner of the game tn Teich-mann.- hw play was always fea'ured bv aggressiveness. The opponent of Teieh-mann i not known, but thia fact dneg not detract from the beauty of lh mate. The tamo it taken from Or. Tartaicower a ' A Breviary of Chess." Trichmana Another iTeirhmann Annthi White mates in two. ,wh. 10: Bl. II ) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1401 Br M. Havel Fourth Pr.i ''til: .! : l'; h? -; ",.'? r-:i( " "jST L'J te-J :..vl S i-si i ? '.- Wh.ir 1- P-K4 2- PxP 3- Kt-OB3 4- KI-B3 &-B-B4 5- P-KRJ Black P-04 QtP Q-QI B-K'5 P-K3 BxKt P-QB3 While Biark 8-P-03 Q-B3 J-Q-Kt3'a Kl-KP.3h 10- B-KKI5 O-K'3 11- Kt-KtS'ePxKidi 12- QxKtchci RxQ 13- BxP and mate ifj a Quite rishtlr White refusen the exchange of queens, which would undulr simplify the same The maneuver in the text contains two tactical threats, name-l.
breakms into the ame br 10 CB7 and attacking: Black's Queen br 10 B-KtS. M A mistake. The knwht la hadlr placed here and will be in permanent need of support. If. however. P-KR3: 10 Q-B7. For all these reasons black should hsve realized that his eiehth mote ss overhsstr and tried to repair the damage even at the expense of further loint time by recalling the atieen to Ql. His game would then hare been difficult, while now it will soon be com-promised. fine White mates In three. tWh. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 9; Bl. 10.1 NO. 1397: K-Q4 SOLUTIOM TO PROBLEM NO. 1398: B-B2. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dode. J. Warnack. W. Harmon. D. A. Innes. R. C. Manknwskl.
verr knicht. which Is so threatens 12 i combination. The boldly given up. Kt-B7ch, followed by Ktxit. idi This shortsightedness is immediately punished. He should have defended ihe position as Ions as possible with Kt-R3. (e The second surprise Is Ihe point of the first. In capturing the kmsht While only expected 12 BxPch. Kt-B3. after which he still could have held out. But the sacrifice in the text eliminates Blacks defending piece. tf The action of the two bishops in this mating position is truly artistic.
NUREMBERG 1889 EVANS GAMBIT Tarrasch Kelx Tarrasch, White Black White 1- P-K4 P-K4 12-Kt-Q5 2- KI-KB3 Kt-QB3 13-BxKt 3- B-B4 B-B4 14-P-KS 4- P-OKt BxP 15-BxKt 5- P-B3 B-R4 1-Kt-K5 fi-P-34 PxP 17-Q-Kt3 7- Castlej PxP 18-Q-Kt5 8- Q-KI3 Q-B3 19-QR-Q l-P-KS Q-K13 20-B-Kt2 10- KtxP KKI-K2 I 21-Kt-B7 11- B-R3 QR-Kl I SICILIAN DEFENSE Gates Radspinner White Black 1-P-K4 P-QB4 2-KI-KB3 P-KKI3 Kt-KB3 PxP P-Q3 B-KI2 Castles Kt-B3 Kels Black KtxKt P-KI4 BPxP PxB Q-KS P-KI3 P-KI5 Castles R-KI4 Resigns 3-P-04 4- KI-B3 5- KtxP 6- B-K2 7- B-K3 8- Q-Q2 9-CstlesQR B-02 10- P-KR4 P-KR4 11- P-B3 Kt-K4 12- P-KKt R-B 13- P-K'5 Kt-K 14- KR-Kt Kt-B5 Oates Radspinner White Black 15- BxKt RxB 16- K.tiQ4)-K2 Q-R4 17-B-Q4 18- BxB 19- Kt-QS 20- KtxPch 21- KI.-B3 22- Kt-Kt 23- P-Kt3 24- Kt-Q5 25- Kt-B6ch 2fi-KtxB 27-Q-Q5 P-KI4 KixB OxP K-R2 O-RSch P-Kt5 R-Bfi KR-B K-R RxKtP RxPch 28-KxR Q-KIT mate We hare had mane Inqniriea about solvinr of problems and are therefore puhli.hlnv the following interesting articles by B. G. Laws from his hook entitled "Chess Problems and How to Solve Them." (Continued from last Sunday) No. 13 By O. E. Carpenter version!
Both hem and offis treatment. Hours daily 10 te 5; Eves., Tues. A Frl., 6 to 8 p.m. D. W. HUMPHREY, M.D. Fersttfly Med leal Dlreetar L. A. Gland Cllnn 2506V2 SUNSET BLVD. Mate in two moves. Two-movers, wherein the Knight makes the pure waiting kev are rather rare, but ihe examples here alven, carrying out in a more complex manner the idea of No. 9 will be found interesting.
It is soon realized that the Knlsht. is the only man which can be moved without disturbing the set mates. NO. 14 Mate in two moves. The contrivance Is ingenious inasmuch as this piece has Ave squares at cal. KR1 Is the only square which does not obstruct the diagonal paths of White's Queen or his King's Bishop. By NO. 15 C. Mate In two moves. So tar no Illustrations have been given of pure waiting moves made by Queen, Rook or Pawn. In order to complete the series, a specimen of each class may be useful. Very seldom is the rook utilised for such a purpose and examples are consequently somewhat scarce.
The Rook is an awkward piece to manage In strategy of the waiting order, and Indeed, more difficult to handle in any class of composition when its movement Is part of a scheme. It, Is left to the reader to discover the reasons why moves other than the keys given will not. answer the conditions of the problem. In doing this for himself (snd he knows for certain the type of key move to be determined unoni he will be materially assisting his faculties for successful solving and better appreciate some of the niceties of construction which Invite false attacks admitting of Ingenious and satisfactory evasion. No. IS la rather artificial In Its layout, and there are some duals, but of its class its key is quite good. (Continued next Sunday)