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CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER TIMES PROBLEM KO. U0S by R. c. Mankowski Los Angeles, Cal. INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTEI Address All Mail to Chess Editor, L. A. Times Whit mate in two. (Wh. 10: BL 9.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM MO. 1406 Composed for the Loa Angel Time FINALS CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT 1 Meyer Gee Werden .... Thornton CONSOLATION FLIGHT 1 Austin -4 3 Morris Burn Hale THIRD FLIGHT Johnson Cortell Faulkner ... Carter Applegate and Hunkin joined the armed force, so withdrew. by E. wood. H. Quayle and D. M. Poole, West trial White mate In three. (Wh. 8; Bl. 6 ) TO PROBLEM NO. 1401: SOLUTION Q-K3. SOLUTION Q-R3. A. S. TO PROBLEM NO. 1402; WELLS WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH 2HII POINTS W eonrratulale Mr. Wells for winning the contest the first time. Mr. Wells has been with us for a long time but finally came to the top and alls from Los Angeles. This is the score ef last month' par ticipants. Those who took part pre. viously will have their score stand and should they end In solution acain they will be added and published assin. F. Aki, 5ft: H. Bruhn 7, 173: I. Byrne. 7; B. Bushueff. 149; c. B. Collins. 248; J. C. Drake (3.) 104: J. O. Dodge (6.) 232. J. Davidson (4,) 221: C. P, Ford (2.1 17; J. Fonseca. 116; Mis B. Grace, 2: H. Oimeno, 4; J. Oracely, 19; J. W. Gorrell. 3. W. Harmon i8. 142; O. A. Hall 5 78; D. A. Innes t3.) 193; W. L. Koethen 3. 124: R. O. Kingsbury. 40: C. W. Kayalna, 5: R. C. Mankowskl. 92; M. Morris. 134: F. Mar. garetten. 103; Capt. N. Maximow. 33; S. J. McConnell, 82: W. M. Clauson. 0; W. C. Noltinr tl, 220: Rev. P. Prichard '4.1 60: E. H. Quayle. 186: D. Poole. 1R6: E. A. Rosecrans, 34: W. L. Reynolds. 28; M. Rudholm i4.i 178: A. D. Reynolds Sr.. 248: L. A. Salxado (2.) 13: E. L. Rubin. 12; E. H. Schadee 14. 80: Mrs. F. Tovar, 27: Lieut. D. B. Sloromb. 2; Dr. R. 8. Schmdrr. 5; L. A. Victor, 7; B Westenwel-, 5: J. P. Walsh (1, 250: W. L. Welsinger, 2: J, Warnack, 3; A. S. Well (winner,) 280. Score Include Problem No. 1393-1402.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winner of earn month a contest win receive a three-month subscription to the Chess Review, a month'a membership In the Chess and Checker Club of Lo Anele.. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Holly, wood Ches Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave , where they may discuss composinc and solving of problems and end games.
Every winner will be marked with a number showing times he was a winner In climbing the ladder. The system will enable 12 lor more in a case of a tie) aoiven to win. Solut on sent In answer lo thl prob lem will be acknowledged within two weeks after publication if you wish to figure In the "up-to-the-minute ladder. the time limit being seven days. Otherwise credit can only be given In a later ladder. Problems m tnis column may oesm with a castllna key or have castling as defense, unless It can be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal, cap ture keys, "en passant" key and checking key are also tolerated, but all the above tyDes are rather uncommon. The capture oi a pawn, however, is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no solu tion" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variations are necessary when sending in the three-movers.
Keys only need be given In two-ers. although It is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two point. Three. movers receive three points on our ladder.
The prize Is awarded to the leading solver once a month. (HI cor 1 then can celed! Solvers may become ladderitea at any time. They are expected to solve as individuals or team but not consult otherwise. Anyone desiring Informstlon for ches literature, chess lessons, address of chest clubs, or whatever information concerning the game nt chess, should send a self. addressed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Stelner, Chess Editor.
Los Angeles Times. Reouests for back Issues and subserip. tlons should be directed to the Circula tion Department. This column appears on Sunday. SACRAMENTO CITY CHESS CHAMPION SHIP, 1943 RULES AND REGULATIONS The tournament was conducted tinder the rules of the United States Chess Federation with certain special rules.
The time limit wa 40 moves for the first two hours and 20 moves for each hour thereafter. No player could refuse to play with clocks If hi opponent so desired. In the qualifying round clock were as signed at the- discretion ot tne tournament director, and In the final round clocks were reserved for the championship flight and the consolation flight. Any player might adjourn the game at 12 p m. if he so desired.
A player falling to fln- RTJY LOPEX Gee Thornton Gee Thornton Whit Black White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4 13-BPxB Q-Q2 2- N-KBJ N-OB3 14-N-B3 P-QN3 3- B-N5 P-QR3 15-N-K4 R-Q 4- B-R4 N-B1 16-G-N4 K-R 5- O-O NxP 17-Q-R5 N-B 6- R-K N-B4 18-R-KB P-N3 7- NxP B-Kl 19-Q-R4 P-KR4 8- BxN QPxB 20-Q-B6ch K-N 9- P-Q4 N-K3 21-Q-N5 N-R2 10- B-K3 O-O 22-N-BSch K-N2 11- P-QB4 B-B3 23-Q-R6ch K-R 12- P-B4 BxN 24-QxN mate QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Wnrden Meyer Worden Meyer White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 19-NxRP R-R 2- N-KBJ N-KBJ 20-R-B7 Q-Q 3- P-QB4 P-QB3 21-QxNP N-Q3 4- N-B3 P-KN3 22-Q-B6 R-B 8-P-K3 B-N2 23-B-N4 RxR 6- B-Q3 O-O 24-NxR M(Q3i-K 7- P-KR3 N-Q2 25-NxN NxN 8- 0-0 R-K 26-B-N5 N-B3 9- PxP PxP 27-P-QR4 F-K.3 10- Q-N3 N-N3 28-P-RS B-B 11- B-Q2 P-KR3 29-BxB ' OxB 12- OR-B B-O'l 30-Q-B5 Q-Q 13- N-KS R-KB 31-B-Q3 N-K 14- NxB QxN 32-P-QN4 Q-N 15- N-N5 KR-QB 33-P-N5 N-Q3 18-RxR NxR 34-P-N6 K-N2 17- R-B P-R3 35-Q-B7 Resigns 18- N-B7 R-N SLAV DEFENSE Worden Gee Worden Gee White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 H-KB3 19-P-KN3 NxRP 2- N-KB3 P-Q4 20-RxN P-N4 3- P-QB4 P-QB3 21-NxP QxN 4- N-QB3 PxP 22-R-R5 QP 5- P-OR4 B-B4 23-R-KRJ F-N4 6- N-K5 QN-Q2 24-R-Q4 RxR 7- NxPB4) P-K3 25-QxR Q-N8ch B-B-N5 B-K2 2S-K-N2 Q-N3 9-P-K3 O-O 27-Q-QN5 Q-N 10- B-Q3 BxB 28-R-01 Q-K 11- QxB P-B4 29-Q-N7 B-B 12- 0-0 PxP 30-RxP'B7) K-N 13- QxP N-B4 31-RxKRP R-N 14- BxN PxB 32-QxRP Q-QB3ch 15- Q-N4ch K-R 33-K-F3 Q-K 16- KR-Q Q-B2 34-N-Q6 Q-N3 17- P-QN4 R-N 35-R-KR4 Q-N8 18- Q-K2 Q-B3 36-Q-B7 mate FRENCH DEFENSE Meyer Thornton Meyer Thornton White Black White Black 1- P-K4 P-K3 17-P.QN't P-QR3 2- P-Q4 P-Q4 18-N-Q3 Q-R2 3- N-QB3 N-KB3 19-N-B5 P-QN3 4- P-K5 KN-Q2 20-NxB QxN 5- QN-K2 P-QB4 21-OR-B P-QN4 6- P-QB3 N-QB3 22-N-Q2 Q-R2 7- P-KB4 Q-N3 23-Q-R5 P-N3 8- N-KB3 P-B3 24-Q-R3 B-Q 9- P-QR3 PxKP 25-N-N3 P-QR4 10- BPxP PxP 2S-B-Q.1 PxP 11- PxP B-K2 27-BxQNP Q-N3 12- N-B4 O-O 28-P-R4 R-K2 13- B-Q3 R-K 29-B-KRS N-Q2 14- B-B3 N-B 30-Q-KB3 B-B2 15- 0-0 B-Q2 31-RxN NxP 16- B-K3 QR-B 32-Q-B8ch Resigns
FRENCH DEFENSE Mever Worden Meyer Worden White Black White Blsrk 1- P-K4 P-K3 17-K-N R-KB 2- P-Q4 P-24 18-Q-N3 RxN 3- N-Q2 N-KP3 19-PxR N(Q2lxP 4- P-K5 KN-Q2 20-B-NS B-Q3 5- B-Q3 B-K2 21-P-B4 N-N5 6- Q-N4 K-B 22-KR-N N-K2 7- N-K2 P-OB4 23-B-Q3 B-QB4 8- P-QB3 N-QB3 24-P-B3 B-B7 9- P-KR4 PxP 25-Q-N2 P-Q5 10- PxP P-KR4 26-BxP BxB 11- Q-B4 P-B3 27-NxB B-Q4 12- N-KB3 K-N 28-B-K4 BxBrh 13- B-Q2 PxP 29-PxB QxP 14- PxP P-QN3 30-NxP Q-K4 15- B-B3 B-N2 31-R-8ch Resigns lfi-O-O-O Q-B2 CHCKR$ -BY M. L. DAVIS Address all mail to the Checker Editor, care of The Times, Los Angeles. PROBLEM NO. 515 White 16, .'50. 32; king, 21. Black 3, 21, 23; king, 31. Black to move and draw. WITH OUt SOLVERS Correct solutions to Problem lsh half of his game was automatically disqualified and his score canceled. Due to war condition mere was no i. . nor was there a definite closing date set. Armitagc, Santa Maria, and Fred The field wa divided Into three flights. players were divided into three section of approxlmately equal trengtri.
The A Correct SOlUtlOn 10 rroblom sections were double round with four j-n 514 was received from player to a section. M. O. Mever and T s. w. Appiegte. as defending champion Charles H. Bissett, La Crescenta. and runner-up. respectively, were auto- f. nmhlfim fnr tnHav is not mstically qualified for the championship piOOICin lor UKldy l noi flight.. The three winners of the qualify, difficult, Wit illustrates a neat little trick that must be watched for in similar positions. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 514 By Fred A. Miller Black kings, 9, 15.
White 22, 23; king, 12. White to move and win.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winner of earn month a contest win receive a three-month subscription to the Chess Review, a month'a membership In the Chess and Checker Club of Lo Anele.. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Holly, wood Ches Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave , where they may discuss composinc and solving of problems and end games.
Every winner will be marked with a number showing times he was a winner In climbing the ladder. The system will enable 12 lor more in a case of a tie) aoiven to win. Solut on sent In answer lo thl prob lem will be acknowledged within two weeks after publication if you wish to figure In the "up-to-the-minute ladder. the time limit being seven days. Otherwise credit can only be given In a later ladder. Problems m tnis column may oesm with a castllna key or have castling as defense, unless It can be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal, cap ture keys, "en passant" key and checking key are also tolerated, but all the above tyDes are rather uncommon. The capture oi a pawn, however, is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no solu tion" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variations are necessary when sending in the three-movers.
Keys only need be given In two-ers. although It is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two point. Three. movers receive three points on our ladder.
The prize Is awarded to the leading solver once a month. (HI cor 1 then can celed! Solvers may become ladderitea at any time. They are expected to solve as individuals or team but not consult otherwise. Anyone desiring Informstlon for ches literature, chess lessons, address of chest clubs, or whatever information concerning the game nt chess, should send a self. addressed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Stelner, Chess Editor.
Los Angeles Times. Reouests for back Issues and subserip. tlons should be directed to the Circula tion Department. This column appears on Sunday. SACRAMENTO CITY CHESS CHAMPION SHIP, 1943 RULES AND REGULATIONS The tournament was conducted tinder the rules of the United States Chess Federation with certain special rules.
The time limit wa 40 moves for the first two hours and 20 moves for each hour thereafter. No player could refuse to play with clocks If hi opponent so desired. In the qualifying round clock were as signed at the- discretion ot tne tournament director, and In the final round clocks were reserved for the championship flight and the consolation flight. Any player might adjourn the game at 12 p m. if he so desired.
A player falling to fln- RTJY LOPEX Gee Thornton Gee Thornton Whit Black White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4 13-BPxB Q-Q2 2- N-KBJ N-OB3 14-N-B3 P-QN3 3- B-N5 P-QR3 15-N-K4 R-Q 4- B-R4 N-B1 16-G-N4 K-R 5- O-O NxP 17-Q-R5 N-B 6- R-K N-B4 18-R-KB P-N3 7- NxP B-Kl 19-Q-R4 P-KR4 8- BxN QPxB 20-Q-B6ch K-N 9- P-Q4 N-K3 21-Q-N5 N-R2 10- B-K3 O-O 22-N-BSch K-N2 11- P-QB4 B-B3 23-Q-R6ch K-R 12- P-B4 BxN 24-QxN mate QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Wnrden Meyer Worden Meyer White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 19-NxRP R-R 2- N-KBJ N-KBJ 20-R-B7 Q-Q 3- P-QB4 P-QB3 21-QxNP N-Q3 4- N-B3 P-KN3 22-Q-B6 R-B 8-P-K3 B-N2 23-B-N4 RxR 6- B-Q3 O-O 24-NxR M(Q3i-K 7- P-KR3 N-Q2 25-NxN NxN 8- 0-0 R-K 26-B-N5 N-B3 9- PxP PxP 27-P-QR4 F-K.3 10- Q-N3 N-N3 28-P-RS B-B 11- B-Q2 P-KR3 29-BxB ' OxB 12- OR-B B-O'l 30-Q-B5 Q-Q 13- N-KS R-KB 31-B-Q3 N-K 14- NxB QxN 32-P-QN4 Q-N 15- N-N5 KR-QB 33-P-N5 N-Q3 18-RxR NxR 34-P-N6 K-N2 17- R-B P-R3 35-Q-B7 Resigns 18- N-B7 R-N SLAV DEFENSE Worden Gee Worden Gee White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 H-KB3 19-P-KN3 NxRP 2- N-KB3 P-Q4 20-RxN P-N4 3- P-QB4 P-QB3 21-NxP QxN 4- N-QB3 PxP 22-R-R5 QP 5- P-OR4 B-B4 23-R-KRJ F-N4 6- N-K5 QN-Q2 24-R-Q4 RxR 7- NxPB4) P-K3 25-QxR Q-N8ch B-B-N5 B-K2 2S-K-N2 Q-N3 9-P-K3 O-O 27-Q-QN5 Q-N 10- B-Q3 BxB 28-R-01 Q-K 11- QxB P-B4 29-Q-N7 B-B 12- 0-0 PxP 30-RxP'B7) K-N 13- QxP N-B4 31-RxKRP R-N 14- BxN PxB 32-QxRP Q-QB3ch 15- Q-N4ch K-R 33-K-F3 Q-K 16- KR-Q Q-B2 34-N-Q6 Q-N3 17- P-QN4 R-N 35-R-KR4 Q-N8 18- Q-K2 Q-B3 36-Q-B7 mate FRENCH DEFENSE Meyer Thornton Meyer Thornton White Black White Black 1- P-K4 P-K3 17-P.QN't P-QR3 2- P-Q4 P-Q4 18-N-Q3 Q-R2 3- N-QB3 N-KB3 19-N-B5 P-QN3 4- P-K5 KN-Q2 20-NxB QxN 5- QN-K2 P-QB4 21-OR-B P-QN4 6- P-QB3 N-QB3 22-N-Q2 Q-R2 7- P-KB4 Q-N3 23-Q-R5 P-N3 8- N-KB3 P-B3 24-Q-R3 B-Q 9- P-QR3 PxKP 25-N-N3 P-QR4 10- BPxP PxP 2S-B-Q.1 PxP 11- PxP B-K2 27-BxQNP Q-N3 12- N-B4 O-O 28-P-R4 R-K2 13- B-Q3 R-K 29-B-KRS N-Q2 14- B-B3 N-B 30-Q-KB3 B-B2 15- 0-0 B-Q2 31-RxN NxP 16- B-K3 QR-B 32-Q-B8ch Resigns
FRENCH DEFENSE Mever Worden Meyer Worden White Black White Blsrk 1- P-K4 P-K3 17-K-N R-KB 2- P-Q4 P-24 18-Q-N3 RxN 3- N-Q2 N-KP3 19-PxR N(Q2lxP 4- P-K5 KN-Q2 20-B-NS B-Q3 5- B-Q3 B-K2 21-P-B4 N-N5 6- Q-N4 K-B 22-KR-N N-K2 7- N-K2 P-OB4 23-B-Q3 B-QB4 8- P-QB3 N-QB3 24-P-B3 B-B7 9- P-KR4 PxP 25-Q-N2 P-Q5 10- PxP P-KR4 26-BxP BxB 11- Q-B4 P-B3 27-NxB B-Q4 12- N-KB3 K-N 28-B-K4 BxBrh 13- B-Q2 PxP 29-PxB QxP 14- PxP P-QN3 30-NxP Q-K4 15- B-B3 B-N2 31-R-8ch Resigns lfi-O-O-O Q-B2 CHCKR$ -BY M. L. DAVIS Address all mail to the Checker Editor, care of The Times, Los Angeles. PROBLEM NO. 515 White 16, .'50. 32; king, 21. Black 3, 21, 23; king, 31. Black to move and draw. WITH OUt SOLVERS Correct solutions to Problem lsh half of his game was automatically disqualified and his score canceled. Due to war condition mere was no i. . nor was there a definite closing date set. Armitagc, Santa Maria, and Fred The field wa divided Into three flights. players were divided into three section of approxlmately equal trengtri.
The A Correct SOlUtlOn 10 rroblom sections were double round with four j-n 514 was received from player to a section. M. O. Mever and T s. w. Appiegte. as defending champion Charles H. Bissett, La Crescenta. and runner-up. respectively, were auto- f. nmhlfim fnr tnHav is not mstically qualified for the championship piOOICin lor UKldy l noi flight.. The three winners of the qualify, difficult, Wit illustrates a neat little trick that must be watched for in similar positions. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 514 By Fred A. Miller Black kings, 9, 15.
White 22, 23; king, 12. White to move and win.