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November 28, 1943 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 28 Nov 1943, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS Nov. 28, 1943 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1455 By P. H. White mates in two. (Wh., 7; Bl.. 7.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 145 By O. Heathcote White mates in three. (Wh., 7; Bl., 8.)
Solution to Problem No. 1451: Q-Q3. Solution to Problem No. 1452: B-R2.
We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodae. M. Morris. E. H ; Schadee, W C. Nolumv. A D. Reynolds Sr., D. Wells. H. Bruhn. L. A. Victor. : J. I,. Recl.-rd. Mrs. F. lovar. O O OhI-lagher, Maj. J. W. Fisher. L. A. Norton. F B. Richard. J. P. Walsh, C B. Cmhns, J' C. Drake. C. P Ford. S J MiConnrll. M. Rudhotm, G. A. Hail. P. A's. Rv. P Prichard. R H. Rays. D M Pm. E. H. Qiiayic, W. C. Everett. C. L. Weeks.
HERMAN STEINER SIMULTANEOUS On the flrt Mondav eveninc on ever Bivnlh at H p.m. Herman Steiner, international master, will sivr a imuUaneiu exhibition and lecture acaint all comers. The repone haa been cood. o make tour reservation fr a board early. Phone Wt bMer KHl or U Vominc :f.M(. Your editor has Just returned from a ; short tour in Anzona, where he nave several sirmilr n neons exhibitions. On Nov. 19 he played acainst L'R piayers. in Sin Dieo, winning 3. drawing one at;d losine four.
San Diego can boast of a splendid club, strong players and warm hospitality Will the readers please he patient f 1 letters have not been answered, as time has not permuted. A smart ejarr.e played by correspondence in England.
PETROFF Richardson White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- NxP 4- N-KB3 5- P-Q4 H-B-Q3 7-0-0 R-R-Kl 9-P-B3 Home Richardson Hrne Black . wnue Hift-K P-K4 : 11-N B3-C32 K-KB3 12-P-KN3 P-03 13-KN NxP 14-BxP 4. P-Q4 15-K-N2 B-K2 I lfi-PxN N-OB3 17-PxP B-KN5 1B-N-B1 P-B4 19-Rf6ier. B-Q3 NxKBP1 ; P-BS K-Rl 1 NxP" PxP Q-B3 : OR-Kl ! 10-C3-B2 O-O The thrrat are ei'her RxR or R-K7 . If 13. RxR. 4XN : 20. K-R2. BxP - ; 21. KxB Q-Rti mate If 19 N-KT O-Bf. and OxP -. If 19. B-K3. RxB with the same continuation. Below are. reproduced a couple of trap from Chernov s column In the Chess Review. Here Is an important trap and the mighty pubiniein fell into th; tic In tournament play. YOU ARE WHIT 1- P-Oj P-Q4 2- P.QB4 PK1 3- K1-OB3 Kt-KBl 4- B-KtS B-K2 5- P-Q3 O-O B-K?-R3 QKI-02 7-R-B1 P-B3 R-Q-B2 P-OR3 -PxP KTxP 10- B-Q3 R-Kl 11- O-O P-P3 12- B-KB4 Kt-R4 1.1-KtxP: and wins an Important pann Biark cannot plav 13. . . . FxKt as 14. B-B7 wins the queen.
GAME NO. R Prom one of Schlechter's fames and It s a beauty! YOU ARE WHITE 1- P-04 P-Q4 2- P-QB4 P-QB3 3K--KB3 B-B4 4- Q-K'.31 OKt3 5- PxP QxQ fi-Px3 BxK. 7- PxP! B-KtS Blacic is preerte and trl"s to remain a piece ahead, but Vh:;e has a beaunful surprise win prepared Note that if White plavs B PxP. BxP Is the reply or, if 8. P-B7, then simpiy 8. . . . KI-OB3. Ho doe white do is? 8- RxP'l RxR 9- B-B7 and the pawn queens next move! Weaver W. Adams. Bnton chess master, earned the prize for 'he most brilliantly played aame in the rerent Ventnor City master tourney, as .ludeeri by Orand Master Reuben Fine Adam' prire-w inning" effort acatnst Walter B. Suesman of Providence is appended The prire waa donated by Ihe Washington Chess Divan.
BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Addrtst All Mail to he Chi tdilar Adams White 1-P-K4 2P-Q4 3- Kt-CJB3 4- KtxP 5- Kt-Kt3 K-P-KR4 7-Kt-B3 R-P-R.r 9-B-Q3 10- QxB 11- H-B4 12- B-02 13- Cart Irs C 14- P-B4 15- B-B3 Sue man Blarlc P-OB3 P-Q4 PxP B-B4 B-Kt3 P-KR3 Kt-Q2 B-R2 BB P-K3 Q-R4"h Q-B2 ! KKI-B3 Castles Kt-Kt5 Ailama White 16- Q-K2 17- Kt-K4 18- K-Kt 11-QKt-Q2 20- PxP 21- Kt-Q4 fiuesman Black B-Q3 B-BSch P-KB4 P-K4 KKtxKP KR-K 22-QKt-Kt3 Kt-Kt3 23- P-B5 24- B-R5 25- KxKBP 2fi-Kt-Qbch 27-PxR 2R-P-Kt3 29-RxKt Kt-Q4 P-QKI3 PxB RxKt OxP Q-B2 Resigns CATALIM OPENINQ Rhainswit White 1- P-Q4 2- P-C3B4 3- P-KKI3 4- B-Kt2 5- Kt-KB3 6- -R4rh 7- Castles 8- QxBP 9- PxP 10- Kt-B3 U-P-OKt4 12- Q-Q4 13- P-QR3 14- Kt-K4 Ir)-B-Kt2 lfi-BxQ 17-Kt-K5 lR-BxKt 11- B-B7 20- QR-Q 21- KxPch 22- BxB 23- R-Q7 24- BxKt 25- BxR levin Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 B-K2 PxP OKI-Q2 Castles P-B4 KtxP P-QR3 P-QKI4 Kt-Kt2 Kt-Q Kt-K'3 OxC3 Kt-B5 KtxKt P-B3 P.-Q2 B-B3 BxKf QR-B F-B2 RxR RxB Shainswlt White 2fi-BxPrh 27-R-Kt 2B-P-K3 2q-B-B5 30- RxR 31- B-B8 32- BxRP Levin Black K-B R-B7 B-Kt7 R-BS'-h BxR BxRP BxP K-K2 P-R3 K-B3 P-Kt4 PxP B-Q3 B-B4 B-KB K-Kt2 B-Q7 B-Kt4 K-B2 K-Kt2 B- B-B2 K-B B-O Resigns I 33-BxP ! 34-B-Q3 j 35-P-B4 ! 3S-K-B2 i 37-K-B3 ! 3B-KtPxP 1 3-K-Kt4 40-P-K4 i 41-P-K5rh i 42-K-B3 j 43-P-B5 I 44-K-KI4 ; 45-B-B4ch : 4H-K-R5 47-P-R4 I 48-P-Bfich i 49-P-Ki; i 50-K-Kt8 CATALIN OPENINO I Bishnps of opposite crlors did nnt rre-: vent Private First Class Gecrae Shams- wit. Uniteci States Army Medical Corps.
I from defeating the Philarielphian. Jacob j Levin, in their Ventnor City tmirnament i same. PhatnWH. as yon mil recall. shared first and second prices "with Anthony E. Santastere thai event. Phainswit levin i Shair.swit levin White Biafk , White Biark 1- P-Q4 K-KR3 2T-R.V1 R-B7 2- P-QB4 T-K3 2S-P-K3 B-N7 3- P-K.N3 P-04 : 29-B-B5 F-BS - 4- B-N2 B-K2 ' 30-RxR BxR 5- N-KB3 PxP 31-B-B8 BxRP (i-Q-R4 - QN-Q2 : 32-BxRP BvP 7-0-0 O-O , 33-BxP K-K2 K-tJuBP T-B4 : 34-B-Q3 P-R3 1-PxP NxP 3S-P-B4 K-Bl 10- N-B3 P-QH3 ' 3..-K-B2 11- P-ON4 P-QN4 37-K-B3 PxP 12- Q-04 N-S2 : 38-NPxP! B-OT 13- P-QR3 N-Q2 33-K-N4 B-B4 14- N-K4 K-Nl 40-P-K4 B-Kfi 1-B-N2 QxQ 4i-P-K5 . K-N2 !i,-BtO K-Bi 42-K-B3 B-U7 17-N-KS NxN ' 41-P-B5 B-N4 l-BxN P-Bl 44-K-N4 K-B2 11-P-B7 B-Q2 4VB-B4 r K-N2 20- OR-O1 B-Bl 4' -K-R5 B-Ol 21- NxPr BxN 47-P-R4 B-R2; 22- BxB OR Bl 4B-P-R. i K-Bl 21-R-U7 R-B2 41-P-Ks B-Qi 24- ExN RxR SO-K-Sli Rflftl( 25- BxR RxB 2h. 28m til. oOm. 2C-BJCP K-Bl Continued from I. lit Sund.) We hm?e hud man inaiiirie. aSor.l .ntvinr nf problem and are therefnre pulilihinr the following intere.ttna article h B. O. Law. from hi book entitled "Cbesa Problem and flow to Solve Them." (Continued)
VII THE INCOMPLETE BLOCK TWO-MOVER NO. 41 Bv H. Jon.nn Mates in two movei. In No. 41 there is no matr to answer Blacks kright moves The Qiipen must hn!rt her guard of US for 1 . . B-Q4. no. Th inf ar.t rhr kntght a B5 mo-, Blarjc hA it all til) own war; mafce a promising mnvf . The kf-mnve- must piece and end the latter rurile aftrr th king moves or Kl-R3, so he farmer, crearine to delenritriB move a, -a til bp frtund eorreet.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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