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December 12, 1943 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 12 Dec 1943, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER, Address All Mail to the Chess Editor L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By Eric M. Hsbr, Brooklyn. NY. White mates in two. L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1450 for the Los Angeles Times
The following 10 em wer Dlsyed far the Lo Antrim city championship: KING'S GAMBIT Hirerd Smith Htrd Smith Whn Black 1 White Black 1-P-K4 P-K i 23-Q-N3 N-05 J-P-KB4 PxP 24-Q-N1 NxN 3- N-KB3 P-04 25-PxN Q-R4 4- PXP N-KB3 28-Q-KBt R-Kl 5- N.B1 NxP 57-Q-K2 RxR S-B-B4, B-K3 Ifl-QxR Q-K4 7-BxN BxB 20-Q-CV4 P-OB4 R-O-O N-B1 30.Q.RS Q-K8 9-P-Q3 B-B4ch 31-0-Rrh K-B2 B-Kfi 32-Q-RVh K-B3 i 11- NxB SxN 33--R4ch K-3 ' O-O-O 34-C-K4 : i 11-B-QJ Kft-Kl I 3S-BPXQ K-K4 14-QR-K1 OxRP I 3",-K-N2 P-BS B-C5S ; 37-K-B3 PxP , I lii-O-O? RxR ! .IH-PxP P-QV4 I 17-OxR BxB ; 3)-P-R4 P-N't 1 l-QxB P-B3 1 40-P-S4ch Kt? 13-P-l?y4 Q-04 41-KxP P-N 21-R-K1 Q.QV i 42-P-1S P-N7 21- P-K4 P-OR4 I 43-P-R PxP i 22- PxP OxP 1 44-Rint j FRENCH rrrENSE Pmi'h Kendall ' Smith Kidall Wh:r Black : White Black 1 1- P-K4 P-K.1 I 13-B-OJ P-K.N4 2- P-Q4 P-Q4 I 14-N-K? N-N3 3- N-OS N-KB.1 1S-R-OB1 B-C2 , 4- P-Ki KN-Q2 i 1-R-B3 R-QB1 : 5- N-K2 P-OB4 1 17-0-0 Q-K2 ; fi-P-QB3 N-OB3 i 1R-KR-B1 N-Ol i 7-N-B1 O S3 j II-RnR BjR , n-Q-OI PxP 1 n-R.NVh R-02 I t-PxP B-N.Vrt ' 21-O-RS BxB 10-B-Q2 PxBch ! 22-QxBch N-B3 Jl-QxB o-SS I 23-RxNP Reaitna i 12- N-B4 P-KR3 i i Wnite mates in three. (Wh. b. Bl. 3)
SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 14S5: B-B7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1456: R-N. receded solution from the following; M . Rlir.holm. F. Akt. W. C. Noltina, V. L. Kothan. I. H. Schafle. G A. Hall. O. C. Freeman, R. H. Havi. J. P. Walh, J. O. Porta, L. A. Norton. L. A. Victor. Mai. J. V. F.-'fler. Mrs S Leech (aelcme to 0 ir la0nr , n. M. Poole. E. H. Ouarie, K. Rruhn. J. L. Rrkerrt. J. C. Drak. r. L. We. L. K Gold anri H. Kimball 'we!rnm to our ladder. i C. B. Collin, r,. o. Gallagher. C. B. Roen, Mra. T. Tovar.
HERMAN STEINER I.TAVFOl S The monlhtv wimtiltanentia exhibition. held the flrt Mnndar of each month. at thf heartnitartera of the Hollrwood 1 heaa Groiin at la N. Kormoia Ave.. Irlnf forth areat intirct In the roal ane. I,a".t month M plaera participated. Mr. JSt'ncr Hon all the limn. The previous month h plad aratnt ln, winninc and drawina one aaalnt Mr. Jatrha Patko. wcll-hnown TioliniM.
LOS ANGELES CITY CHAMPION 3 HIP Tria (niiowtni la the un-'o-dat atand- ir.i.
CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP M'e have had many Inquiries ahout the annual California State rhamniftnahip. which i uuallv placed between Chrintroas anri New 3ar
The writer hoped the north would oraanixe the tournament in San Franriice this year but n far we have had no word. For the pat four vrarx. the Hollvwood Che C.roup ha. nonorcd the event at their heeCquartera at tun N. Formosa Ave., vour editor harinc won the title the last three year.
tVe wnulri like to hear how many would I'ke a Mmilar tournament thia veer. In the lavt there were IK participant and lhee ahonlri be at least III to iart another. Thi notice rontitute an open Invitation to the northern plavera. and we should like to hear from them alao. Hailow B Duly and Dr G Kati, both of Boston. Tien for fourth place In the open chtMnpionvh.p of the United State Che Faciei at ion. Daly a same wiih L. Walter Stephens and S. J. Shaw are given below : MMZOVICH DEFENSE W. Ij. F Elliot let 3 F. hUzarrt ) 7 L fp:nner o 3 P, Smith. Onrnon 7 11 H. Carle'n .a fcta O. Knipp 3 w. 4 11 W L W Hall 3'j 1 1 . M F'llvn 3'a 2' W. S-eck'l 3'a 2' : G Merritt 3 7 Mr Rno 3 ft J K-ndall 2 S i A Pa-cn 2 in i O Crov 1 3 I J Oreenbarl 1 S Shaw I Wn ie i-r-Ki -'-P-Qt 3- Kt-OB3 4- P-(5S .-K'" 5- P-KPt 7-SJVO B-Kt-QF3 ! O-Ktvr lfl-r-KK'3 , n-Kt-QFs;i U-B-O.' n-0-0-0 1 1-K1-R4 1 '-R-K12 ; lfi-r-Kt7 17-KI-KB.T 1S-B-K lO.p-BI rn-K-Kt , Jl-P-KK'4 21-p-m 23-B-R4 P'ephen Vh;-e 1- X!-KF3 2- T-Q4 3- P-K3 4- P-B4 5- K--B1 -B-03 7-0-0 -P-pa t-r.oK'i 10- K'-K 11- pb 12- K xK' Bim Kl-QBI r-ot r-. r K'-K4 P-K.1 QxP PxO K'-KM R-Q.1 r-QB.i Kt-BI O-O B-QBt B-K2 B-K3 B-e K'-KS KR-Q B-Dhch k'-k: K--B T-KR3 P-QKt4 vmv Whue "4-RvKt . '.'S-K'-Bt "K-K-K-l 27.P.U1 . VB-KtxB 1'1-KR-K 31-R'KL''- 3-'-Kr 33-K-Kt j 31-R-OI 3"-Kt-R4 "i-R-07 37-R-K'7 3R-K-R.' 31-K-R3 40- R-K 41- K-KtJ 42- K-R.1 11-RxK 4-P-K'4 4S-R-KRrh 4-Reivn Tlu'v Black PxB B-K P-R4 B-O.l KtxKt B-K P-KtS : P-;Prh B-O.lrh B-K -3 KR-QB Kt-B K'-K7 B-Rfich R-O R-B1ch fl-OSrh B-B R-3S P-R3 K-KI2 DUTCH PFFTCNPE Dale Sephena Black P-KB4 K--KB3 P-K3 P-04 P-B.1 B-03 O-O B-B? O-K PxX' BPxKt vvhi' 13- B-K.- 14- B-K-.' 1VP-B3 l'i-RxP 17.BXR 1-R-B 19-PxP ?n-0-C4 21-P-K4 2?-PP 23- PxBP 24- R?i5P There are e!n everal ad.'o'irnad fame W! TO FLAY Score.. o( Horowt'r came S'ephPn and Banrajiera foiloa
ZUKERTORT OPPNING Hair Black Kt-QJ O-K- pxr RxR P-CK-3 PxP B-R.l R-KB Q-K'4 PxB CxRch h wood. S'erh'n Hrwi!z ! S'eph'r.t HorowttT V"h'te R'.acx ; Wliite Blacl; 1- K'-KB3 P-04 j H.p.QK't K -R4 2- P-C4 P-QB4 I ?o.p.KI. K'-B3 3- P-K3 Kt-QI 2'.-Q-K3 Q-K3 4- CK-C2 KK'-RI 22-Q-P4 Kt-K 5- P-B3 Q-B2 21-P-KP.3 Kt-03 s-B-03 r-Kt 1 ;.P-B P-B3 7-P-K4 BPxr 2S-K--B4 P-QK'3 S-BPp PvKP s.B.p: K--K'4 1-QK'xP K:K- ."-K'-KI K'vP In-BxK' K--B3 a-OvK- R.f5- 11-B-Br r-n j'J-Q-B't r-K'i l-K -K. F K-rn in.R.K. r-Bt 13- B-03 BvBrn 31-r-B3 B-K'.' 14- OxB Cat,, .t.'.PxKP PxKP : li.Ca'!ei B-K3 33-P-O BxP 1-OR-B O-Ktl H4-K'8 OxK 17-R-K' OR-O .T-PxP Q-QVn 1R-KR-(S B-Q4 . R.iin CHESS REVIEW".
worH'a leadim ch. "acarin. i now feaMirinir a new rfc. T'.'KE GfIPE TO (HKSa-a complete cotjre in the ru'e. aor piinciple of the ff-eatet jrame in the worM. Picture. H ayram and examplea make aeryihin.j ciear. When ym fjnih the fiitr. few eay leonl you will A'or ao-r in pJn,j roc.. ill he abia to en.'rty ihe favorite relaxanon of arot ifi-l'amona Gene.-al.
Statomen, lead-e-e ef inH'lr anri a-t. No other came lompa-ea with cheaa lor life-long inteieal and r'asut-e. larn hw to play chea NOW f Th'.i Pict'ite fi-iide to f hea i runmnis aenaily tn CHKSS FKVIKW. a new-type picnic:. coea msarar.ine unlike any other before! I p to la pacti of lat, r new, came, pet- r.nallie, efltlie photn.
Por.tilnr feH- nirea hv Kioe. Mai-hli. Hnrowitt, PinWu and o-he- l"tfiini master. BIG PRflH-I KM SKCTION wnh olvinff conie.r. P'lte Tr;al t'hr- lotnney for
Iacinnt intf tn w f.ntuf.; "(,Mme f he Tr,r-h!'" "Ch- Th. lie. " inn. 112 t he 1'iapal" " Ilea'icr' Game Review ed !"
we will from life- nil ladies Mail J! now to CHKSS
KING KNIGHT OPENING Wood Hil'f 1- P-K4 2- K--KB3 3- P-B4 4- Kt-Bl 5- P-03 7-K--OS S-P-K3 9-PxKl 10- BvP 11- KPxKt HorowitR Blark P-K4 Kt-OB3 B-B4 K'-B3 Kt-KK'i PvP P-C K-B Kt-K'S KtvKt CaMle Wood White 1--P-K4 13-Q-K'l J4-Ca-tle.. n-o-Rr !S-PxK'P 17-P-OR4 13-BxP :-K'-Q2 ."0-OxP 21-0-K2 2?-P-KKt Reauna Horowtty Blarlr P-133 P-B4 OR O-B.l P-QK 4 P-OR1 RPxP PxP Q-R3 B-B4 OB3 a-BKch FOUR KNIGHTS GAME jJoroa-itz Saritp;ere Wltr. 1-P-Kt --Kt-XF3 3- K--B 1 4- B-K' 5- Ca.t 1-P-Q3 7-P-.B ft-R-K 1-BsK' 10- o-K J 11- B.H I I'MR-K' Drawn bv Hnrnaita Ssnlalere P:prk Wri.'e Black PK4 !3-RxR P-Bl K- -QB1 14-P-B4 K ' -K : K'-Bt 13-P-KR3 KxB B-K . l-PxK' P-K3 Cat 17-Q-R2 P-R4 BxKt 18-PxP BxP P-OI '1-P-K4 B-K3 O K-' : n-Q-K' 1 K-Kf PxB :i-Ki-KM B-K: P-Ti- 2'K t - Rt KI P-B4 ?3-Kt-K'S B-B PxR 2-Kt-Bl B-K3 rcpr ion. tCiintin'ied from lat Snndax) We ha-e had manv inouirie ahout inlvinT of nrohleni and are therefore P'thluhins the follow ina intereatinc article bv R. f. I 1.1 from hi hook entitled "Che Problem and llow ts Solre Them." (Cont iti'iedi VTI
THE INCOMPLETE BLOCK TWO-MOVER NO. 43 B w. A. Shinkman Now f fn rti. um nn4 Ha hraty hlttng wilhtlul Ini." An Accomotishmenf' of Adomolotor Th 4 DAM rL ATA R a natural mThrf hr' hv harntM tHt fnivmnt f th tl1y n rnrt-fft it (unrtito. Cr- in tnrt trv it h-,iitplv FREE fr 1 tfivt. It rtii vhil imi 'k Iff) rh httt ytu f'y. Nffw In tur ninth v.. if it tm an ADOM0LAT0R, it l t fh a'lafir!
ADOMOLATOR SYSTEM Ooen Msndav. weanertav. a"4 Fri4ava a A.M. 4 P.M. H4 Wil.hira Blvd. Mate in two moves.
No. 43 la a remarkable composition. At the outset, onlv one mate i in view, VII., 1. . . , K-K!S. 2. P-BS. Replies to the other five defense have to be lound. and thomh the key-move la nor difficult to settle, the effect, is surpris-inc. What relieves trouble in solvini this two-mover i that, there are only to possible way of matmc when the kmc oe to B3 and fhev are 2 Q-QB7 or 8 Thla mans 1. Q-KK must be the key which uvea Black; the additional 1 KxR..

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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