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January 24, 1943 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 24 Jan 1943, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor Jan. 24, 1943 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. Br K. Buchnrr lt Pr. 1367 White mates in two. (Wb., 10; Bl., 11.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1368 Br Dr. E. Pdkoslca (1st Pr.) White mates In three. (Wh., 8; Bl., 8.) TO PROBLEM NO. 1363: TO PROBLEM NO. 1364: whose dates have not yet been arraigned. The United States champion also, defeated I. A. Horowitg In a challenge match last year by the score of 30. with 13 draws.
RUT LOPEZ EIGHTH GAME! Reshevsky? Kashdan Black I White P-K4I 21-NxP N-QR.ll 22-N-Kt P-QR3 i 23-B-N5 N-KB3! 24-NxB B-K2i 25-P-KN3 P-ON4 26-K-N2 P-Q3! 27-QR-QB1 Kashdan White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-NS 4- B-R4 5- O-O 6- Q-K2 7- B-N3 8- P-QR4 9- P-B3 10- P-R3 11- P-04 12- R-Ol 13- BPxP 14- NxP 15- N-QB3 16- N-KB3 17- B-OB4 18- OxB 11-QxQ 20-P-K5 B-N5; 28-R-K1 O-O' 29-NN5-B3 B-Q2I 30-KxN 31- K-N2 32- RxR 33- KRxBP 34- K-N1 35- RxN! 36- R-B6 37- R-B5 38- RxP 39- RxP Q-Bl P-NS PxP ONxNP P-B4 B-K3 BxB Q-K3 PxQ PxP SOLUTION P-B7. SOLUTION N-B4. We received solutions from the following: A. S. Weils, c. B. Collins. Rev. P. Prichard, H. I. Moses. Mrs. F. Tovar, C. P. Ford, J. O. Dodge. G. A. Hall. J. P. Walsh. F. Margaretten. J. C. Drake, M. Rudholm, A. D. Reynolds Sr.. W. B Tudor. J. T. Watson, M. Morris. W. L. Koehen, O. S. Pck. E, W. Fassett. W. C Nolting. Capt. N. Maxlmov. H. Bruhn. E. H. Schadee, D. A. Innes. D. M. Poole, E. H. Quayle and J. E. Tyler.
HIGH SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIP OF LOS ANGELES The high school championship will be ipansored by the Hollywood Chess Group at IOH N. Formosa Ave. All high school plavert are invited to participate. Games will be plated Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Entrance reservation should he Reshevsky - White Herman Steiner at 48- K-B4 49- K-NS 50- P-O5 51- K-B6 Kashdan White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- N-QB3 4- B-B4 5- P-K3 6- N-B3 7- Q-N3 8- BxBP 9- 0-0 10- B-K2 11- Q-B2 12- B-KS 13- Q-N3 14- KB-QB4 15- PxN 1S-Q-R3 17- NxB 18- OR-Ol 19- B-N3 20-Q-B1 Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- N-KB3 4- N-QB3 5- P-K3 6- P-QR4 7- N-R2 8- BxP fl-O-O 10-Q-K2 R-Ol 12-NxQP 13- N-N3 14- P-RS 15- B-Q2 16- P-Rfl 17- BxB 18- N-04 19- N-B1 20- N B1-N3 21- N-RS 22- KR-OB1 23-NR5-N3 Drawn
GRUENFELD DEFENSE 10TH OAME Reshevsky I Kashdan ReshevskT Black NB3-Q4 KR-Ol BxB N-B5 N-K7 N-OS R-Q4 P-R3 NxN R-KB1 RxN N-QS RxP NxRB4 RxP P-QR4 R-R7 P-K4 RxP Black White N-KB3 21-B-B2 P-KN3 22-BxB P-Q4I23-P-K4 B-N2 P-B3 O-O PxP ON-Q2 N-N3 B-K3 N N3-Q4 B-KB4 Q-N3 , NxN N-K BxP Q-B2 N-Q3 P-QR4 P-R5 Kashdan Black P-Q4 P-QH3 N-B3 PxP P-QN4 P-N5 P-K3 0N-O2 B-N2 P-B4 PxP B-B4 B-K2 O-O Q-Nl B-04 PxB Q-N3 N-B4 KR-Q1 KR-QBl B-Bl 24-N-N4 25- RxP 26- N-K3 27- R-B4 28- P-B4 29- P-BS 30- RxR 31- P-B4 32- K-R1 33- N-Q5 34- PxP 35- Q-N1 3fi-xNP 37- K-N1 38- NxPJ- 39- Q-N2 40- Resigns
SLAV DEFENSE 11TH GAME Reshevsky White 24-B-K1 2-NxN 26- N-Q4 27- N-N3 28- RxR 20-O-Q3 30- Q-O4 31- P-R3 32- Q-Q3 33- N-Q4 34- QxN 35- PxO 38-R-P5 37- RxQP 38- R-07 39- K-B1 40- RxRP 41- R-N7 42- RxNP 43- R-NR 44- K-K2 45- K-03 46- B-B3 N B3-K5 Reshevsky Black P-B4 NxB PxP ' N-Q3 QR-OB1 N-N4 Q-K4 Q-K3 Q-N3 RxR N-Q3 NxKP Q-03 RPxP RxP -B7 i N-NS K-N2 P-B3 Kashdan Black NxN N-B4 N-K3 R-B2 NxR R-Ql Q-Nl N-K3 0-K4 NxN QxQ R-Bl R-B7 RxNP R-N8 P-N8 P-N3 R-R8 RxP K-N2 Af this point the tame was adjourned and Kashdan sealed his 46th move.
Here is how tha game proceeded: COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIP OF L.A. The Hollywood Chess Group will sponsor the rollrre championship tournament, and all college, junior rollece and universitr students are invited to nartiriraf Rr. fa) The sealed move was be made by phoning the above! velone on Sunday. Dec. 27. 1942. The nuinurrs. i.nese tournaments are for the same, was resumed ann completed at tha Kashdan Black B-O.H a M-K2 R-RS R-R8 K-Bl R-Rl Reshevsky White 52- B-K5 53- B-B7 54- R-N8 55- BxR 56- B-Ofi f 57- B-B5! Kashdan Black R-Bl B-B3 RxR B-Q5 K-N2 Resigns purpose af establishing interhigh school ann inierreiieaiate matches and tourna-meiits in the eily of L Angeles. Herman Steiner will supervise the games. Dr. Collina White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-B4 4- N-B3 5- P-03 6- P-QR3 7- B-K3 8- 0-02 9- P-Q4 10- NxP 11- O-O-O 12- P-B3 13- P-ON4 14- N-OS 15- P-R3 16- QxB 'B"
CLASS GIUOCO PIANO Pollycove Black P-K4 N-QB3 B-B4 N-B3 P-KR3 P-Q3 B-N'3 N-K2 PxP N-N3 B-R4 N-R2 B-N3; O-Oi BxNj N-K4! Dr. Colling Pollycove White Black 17- B-K2 P-KB4 18- PxP BxP 19- P-KN4 B-K3 20- N-B4 B-B2 21- P-KR4 O-K 22- P-KN5 PxP 23- PxP N-N3 24- B-03 NxP? 25- NxN BxP 26- BxN BxB 27- QxB P-KN3 28- Q-Q4 Q-K4 29- Q-R4 RxP 30- O-R7di K-B 31- B-Rtich K-K 32- R-K Resigns Marshall chesa Club on Saturday evening. dan. a, lysj. Reshevsky, now 31. and at present chesa coach for the Lummua Co. in the Commercial Chess League, proved once more that he Is our strongest master and were it not for the present war might now b well on hij way to the world's chess championship.
Kashdan nut' up a good fight, particularly in the first four games and made his opponent fight for every point. Both Played aggressively and to win. a boon to the many spectator and the chess publio in eenera!. (Notes and scores from the N. Y E P.I CALIFORNIA OPEN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT Standings: Steiner . . Mrs. Roos. Barsiin . . .
LONG BEACH CHAMPIONSHIP Hufnagel ,.Th' I'Ong Beach Chess Club announces 'Levienne the championship tournament for Long I Chernia Beach entrance is closed Feb 1 and dhi i i ,,,. Players are invited to participate. The j THE v.uu inrris in me Municipal Auditorium. Visitors are welcome.
For further Intor- pbone Mr. Robbins, Long Beach W, I.. w. L. 10 0 Flnkelstein 4 1 6'i 1'i Dobsevage. Henderson 1 3 S's 4i, Irf'nk .1 4 3 2 Karpil'sky. 1 4 3 4 Martin ... 1 4 2'4 6 4 Weiss 0 0 2 'a S'2 Everett ,.0 1 2' I1, Von Bel 0 5 nation 626262.
HOROWITZ SIMIT.TANEOIS EXHIBITION T. A. Ilorowiis. international master and editor of the thess Review, will he suest of the Hollywood Chess iroup Saturday evening. Jan. 3d, at their headauarters at ye. Formosa .ave., when he will give simultaneous exhibition and lecture on the match between Samuel Reshevsky and Isaac nasnnan. Reservations may be made bv calling WEbster 881; or WVominc 35 1 U after 6 p.m. On Wednesday. Feb. 8, at D.m., Mr. Horowitz will play assintt all .i the Los Angeles Chess Club, l'4 W. Fourth tistiora are welcome. St. From the pionship: California open State Cham- Cohen White 1- P-K4 2- PxP 3- P-OB4? 4- PxP 5- N-KB3 K-N-B3 7-B-K2 B-N-KNS 9-P-OR3 10-N-R3 U-PxB
CENTRE COUNTER G A ME Finkelstein Black P-Q4 N-KB3 P-B3! NxP P-K4 B-QB4 P-K5 B-R4 P Cohen White 12- 0-0 13- P-GN4 14- P-B5 15- B-N4? 16- B-RS 17- P-B4 18- P-Q4 19- P-Q5 KR3I 20-NxN BXNI21-Q-K2 0-Q5!J2-Reslgns Finkelstein Black P-QR3 B-03 B-B2 P-KR4 Q-K4! QxB O-O-O NxP RxN QxRP From Class: the Hollywood championship "B" GIUOCO PIANO Martin White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-B4 4- P-B3 5- P-04 6- PxP 7- N-B3 B-B-KN5 9-p-n.i 10- P-ON4 11- P-KR3 12- B-R4 13- 0-0 14- NxP 15- BxNP 16- N-Q5 Levienne Black P-tC4 N-QB3 B-B4 N-B3 PxP B-N5ch O-O P-Q3 Martin White 17- Q-B3 18- RxB 19- NxNch 20- O-B3 21- PxB 22- P-KR4 23- PxR 24- K-B B-R4;25-B-N3 B-N3 2H-R-Q P-KR3 27-K-K2 R-K'28-K-02 P-KN4i20-O-K3 PxNl30-KxQ? BxOP; 31-Resigns BxRi Levienne Black R-K3 N-K4 RxN? BxP R-N3 RxBch QxPch K-N2 R-R R-RRch Q-N5ch Q-BSch OxOch R-R6ch
HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP The Hollywood open championship tournament sponsored by the Hollywood Chesa Group and played at their headouarterg at 108 N. Formosa Ave. has created interesting competition in all three classes. Due to the lact that some fi4 players participate tlncluding the ladies' championship tournament.! games are played off nightly by individual arrangement. Visitors are welcome to watch tha games at all times. Standings: GROUP "A " W Finkelstein 101, Borochow 11 conen . , . . Hoerber Henderson. Schleifer . Light Weisa 8 7 '4 7 S' S't I 7 ',. 7 'i S"j l'a 9't 8W Dobsevage Riser , . . Lenk .... Forti B's pollycove . 7'a Levienne . 8" CosweU .. 'i Luban .... 6 GROUP W. L. Lieberman 14 GROUP w. L. 7 Chernis . . Everett Hufnagel Vorkapich Wolff Aronson . Polland Relnhardt. B" Marks . , Karpil'sky. Oellert . . . Collina ... Martin ... Paradise . Towbin Patsch . . .
C" W. Harrison Erlckson Von Sel Hanf .. Look . . . Ulrich .. Datsko . Erlckson Jr 5 Gottlieb . . 3 Janns Jr.. J Alberts ... 1 Kesner , 1 Harrison Jr. 1 Ferer . . . . 0 Laykin .-. . 0 1. 13 '4 W. L. I"' 7 9 -11 4'V
LADIES' CALIFORNM OM! CHAMPION!" The lollowliig have oualifled for th nnals: Mrs. Roos, Mrs. Berkov. Mrs. Wold, Miss Bstsch, Mrs. Harrison. Mra. Chernis, Mrs. Williams and Miss Kesner. It will be a double-round aflair. From Class: the Hollywood championship "
C IRREGULAR OPENINO Harrison White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-B4 4- NxPf Jansa Jr. Black P-K4 N-QB3 N-05?.! -N4 Harrison Janss Jr. White Black S-NxKBP QxNP fi-R-B OxKPch 7-B-K2 N-B6 mate
RESHEVSKY NOW UNDISPUTED CHAMPION Samuel Reshevsky oulckly scored a full point in his adjourned game, the 11th of the malch. with Isaac I. Kashdan and thus becomes again the undisputed national tltlehoider. In fact. Reshevsky was the nrst winner or ihe nrst tournament spon sored by the United States Chess Federa lion in 193t He won in 1940, while in 194
FREE! POCKET CHESS SET with $1 trial subscription to tied for premier honors, resulting in the present play-ofl ma'ch of 14 aames. Reshevsky won the 1st. 3rd. 5th, 7th, 10th and 1 1th games. Re Inst the 2nd and 4 h and drew the remaining encounters, thus scoring 7' 3 4. so the result of the match cannot be Kashdan ts wm the the picturt chest magaxina , S2 psges ef news, games, personalities, ecclusive pictiirral Popular features bf Reiheviky, Ksihilan. Fine, Lssker, Marshall, other tstnom mssters. 1W PROR-I.BM RUCTION with solving contesV SO0,00 in CASH l'ltlZI S oltererl in' new POSTAL CHESS TOURNEY Inr First Prig. ' 1100.00 and 19 elher 'rath prlgel. Fascinating new feaiuren: "tiame nl the Month!' "Readers' tiame Reviewed!" "Plsv the Maslersl t'hem Thrillers!" "Winning Chess Traps I" JSew seriea: "t'HKSS OPKN. INCH MADK KASYf' bv Fred Reintel.t. aaain in 1938 andir.very page briiitia with instruction enter. Kashdan and he tainment for heginneri and esperti. K'iit-4 altered even wera'57th St.. Nw Vmk. last three (ames, far tnt tveek. enly, by 1. A. Harnwitg. Order sample 4. month snharripiion at. bargain Prire ol 91. It yn,t subscribe NOW e will aetid yu, at a KRF.K (ilFT. our new Rest Plat PmVel Clie.a Set!! Mail ai now In CHESS

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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