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CHESS Address All Mail to Chess Editor, L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 132.7 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by White mates in two. (Wh. 10; Bl. S.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1328 Br D. J, Densmor. White mates in three. (Wh. 7; Bl. 2.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1323: K-Q7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1324: R-H8. We received solutlont from th following: W. C. Noltlng, O- J. Myers, B. Hall, T. Harrington. J. C. Drake, B. Bushueff. J. T. Watson, C. P. Ford, W. L. Koethen, b. A. saliado, M. J. Bailey, G A. Hall, H. Bruhn, O. Francis. H. F. Erdley. E H. Schadee, M. Morris. C. B. Collins, J. Davidson. A. O. Reynolds Sr . S. J. Mc Connell, F. Margarelten, W. R. Mccrack en (welcome to our ladder.) Private K. Cay. A. S. Wells, M. Rudholm, A. Camargo G. S. Peck. R. H. Beals. J. Menkes. M J. Morley. W. M. Race (welcome to our ladder,) u. a, nines (no,) S. Shlmano.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winner of each month'a contest will receive 1 three months' subscription to the Chess Review, a month's membership in the Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. For mosa Ave. whera they mav discuss com posing and solving of problems and end games. Every winner will be marked with th usual (,) showing that he waa once a winner in climbing the ladder. The system will enable 12 (or more In a case of a tie) solver to win.
Solutions sent In answer to this nrob lem will b acknowledged within two weeks alter publication if you wish to figure in the "up-to-the-minute" ladder the time limit being seven days. Other wise credit can only be given In a later laooer. Problems In this column may begin with a castling key or have castling as a detense, unless it can be denniteli proved that such maneuvers are not leasl Capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types ar rather uncommon The capture of a pawn, however. It not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no to-lutlnn" must b claimed In order to tcore points.
The principal variations ar necessary when sending in the three-movers. Keys only need be given In iwo-ers. althoush It Is excellent practic to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points. Three movers receive three points on our ladder.
The prls Is awarded to (he leading solver one 1 montn. (His score is then canceled l Solvers may become ladderltes at ny time. The ar expected to solve as in dividuals or teams but not consult other wise. Anyone desiring Information for chess literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever Information conrernlnt the lime of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Sterner. Chess Editor.
L A. Times. Requests for back issues and subscriptions should be directed to th Circulation Department This column appeart on Sunday. Final standings In the United States open championship tournament: H. Steiner 18 A. Yanofsky 16 1 I. A. Horowitz J. C. Thompson 13 4 E. Marchand 12 8 B. Janes 11 6 L. Llpton 11 6 0. Sturgls 9'a 74 F. McKee 8'j 81 P. Potter 8 9 T. Roxag 6'. a 10 Vt D. KilKor 6 11 B. Rozsa 6 11 J. Hudson 5 '4 HVi L. R Norton 4 13 IT. Watson 2i 14 '4 G. E. Cremhlon 2 15 C. Rosenfleld 0 18
EDITOR'S NOTE Due ti the fart that your writer re turned Just after the deadline, the solvers list sill appear In our next Issue. Let ten will also b answered at th tame time.
U.S. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Herman Sleiner and Abi Yanowskv, Canadian champion, tied for fir si plire. Each had 16 wins and one lots. I. A. Horowitz, former I'.S. open champion, was third with 10W points. Details will appear In our next Issue. In actual pity, stalemate usually irises from positions with rooks or tiueens and consequently the following specimen wili be found of specie! Interest. The major force Is almost the minimum requisite to produce (he result and Black's surprise must have exceeded his mortification.
SEMMTERINO TOURNAMENT. 192S Black: J. Davidson White: Aaron Niemzowitsch 84 . . . P-R4 65-S-Q5 K-B7 68-S-B6 ,,, BxP 67-S-K4 111 BxP (From Chesslett) Games from the United State open championship tournament: QUEEN'S GAMBIT (Slav Defense) H. Steiner W, Janes H Stelner W. Janes White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 22-P-R6 B-B3 2- N-KB3 N-KB3 23-Q-B4 Q-Q2 3- P-B4 P-B3 24-R-Q P-R3 4- N-B3 PxP 25-R-R4 Q-B 5- P-QR4 B-B4 26-B-B4 B-K2 6- P-K3 P-K3 27-P-KN4 - K-B 7- BxP QN-Q2 28-K-N2 P-B3 8- 0-0 B-K2 29-B-N3 B-B2 9- Q-K3 N-N3 30-P-B4 R-K 10- B-N3 NlN3)-Q4 31-P-B5 B-Q 11- N-K5 O-O 32-B-Q6ch B-K2 12- P-B3 N-Q2 33-R-QB BxB 13- NxN QxN 34-PxB B-N3 14- P-K4 NxN 35-RxP . QxP 15- PxN B-N3 36-QxQ RxQ 16- R-Q KR-Q 37-P-Q7 R-Q 17- B-K3 Q-B2 38-PxP B-N 18- P-R5 P-N4 39-P-Q5 PxP 19- P-QB4 QR-N 40-R-B8 K-K2 20- KR-QB P-N5 4l-RxR Resign! 21- P-B5 R-N4
BY, HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Add tut All MaI1 fo Jn Chu Idllor TWO KNIGHT'S DEFENSE B. Rozsa' H. White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-B4 4- P-Q4 5- 0-0, 6- R-K( 7- BxP 8- N-B3 9- RxNch 10- NxP 11- B-K3 13-N(B3)-K2 Stelner Black P-K4 N-QB3 N-B3 PxP NxP P-Q4 QxB Q-QR4 B-K3 O-O-O B-B4 B-Q4 B. Rozsa H. Sterner Black B-K3 Q-N3 P-KN4 B-B4 White 13- R-N4 14- R-K4 15- P-QN3 16- P-QB3 17- P-B3 18- PXB 19- P-QN4 20- PxB 21- BxP 22- NxR 23- Reslgnt, BxR KR-K BxN RxKP R(QXP RxN Garnet from the New York State Cham plonship tournament:
VIENNA OPENING ' Almgren White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-QB3 3- P-B4 4- PxKP 5- Kt-B3 6- P-03 7- PxKt, 6-B-K2 9-P-Q4 10- B-K3 11- R-QKt AHman . Almgren Altman Black KtxB Q-Q4 QxBP P-QKt3 KR-Q 0-B2 QR-B P-KR3 BxP BxR R-B PXKt K-R2 K-R K-KI2 Resigns Horowitg Black QxP BxQ B-KI2 KxB B-R3 KI-KI2 KtxKt QR-Q B-B B-K3 R-Q2 BxR K-B3 Black Whit P-K4 Kt KB3 P-Q4 KtxP B-KKtS KtxKt P-Q5 PxP Kt-B3 ' B-K2 R-Kt Csstles B-K3 Kt,-Kt5 P-QB4 Kt-Q4 17- Q-Q2 18- QxKt 19- K-R 20- Q-B 21- P-B4 22- R-KI5 , 23- Q-B4 24- Kt-Q2 25- Kt-K4 26- R-B5 27- BxB 28- Kt-B6ch 29- Q-Kt3ch 30- B-Q3ch 31- Q-B4 32- PxPch 12-Castls 13- Q-Q3 14- P-QR4 15- QXP 16- PxP INDIAN DEFENSE Hanauer Horowitx Black KI-KB3 P-KKt3 P-Q4 B-KI2 P-B3 Castles P-Kt3 B-K12 PxP . Kt-B3 Kt-QR4 Kt-K5 PxB Hanauer White 16- PxP 17- QxQ 18- B-R6 19- BxB 20- KI-Q6 21- QKt-Kt5 22- KR-K 23- KtxKt 24- KR-Q 25- P-B3 26- R-B7 27- RxR 28- P-QR3 White 1- P-Q4 , 2- P-QB4 3- KI-QB3 4- P-K3 5- Q-KI3, 6- KNB3 7- B-Q2 8- R-B 9- PxP 10- B-Q3 11- Castles 12- Q-R4 13- BxKt 14-Kt-KKt5 P-K4 Drawn. 15-KKtxKP PxP
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winner of each month'a contest will receive 1 three months' subscription to the Chess Review, a month's membership in the Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. For mosa Ave. whera they mav discuss com posing and solving of problems and end games. Every winner will be marked with th usual (,) showing that he waa once a winner in climbing the ladder. The system will enable 12 (or more In a case of a tie) solver to win.
Solutions sent In answer to this nrob lem will b acknowledged within two weeks alter publication if you wish to figure in the "up-to-the-minute" ladder the time limit being seven days. Other wise credit can only be given In a later laooer. Problems In this column may begin with a castling key or have castling as a detense, unless it can be denniteli proved that such maneuvers are not leasl Capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types ar rather uncommon The capture of a pawn, however. It not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no to-lutlnn" must b claimed In order to tcore points.
The principal variations ar necessary when sending in the three-movers. Keys only need be given In iwo-ers. althoush It Is excellent practic to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points. Three movers receive three points on our ladder.
The prls Is awarded to (he leading solver one 1 montn. (His score is then canceled l Solvers may become ladderltes at ny time. The ar expected to solve as in dividuals or teams but not consult other wise. Anyone desiring Information for chess literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever Information conrernlnt the lime of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Sterner. Chess Editor.
L A. Times. Requests for back issues and subscriptions should be directed to th Circulation Department This column appeart on Sunday. Final standings In the United States open championship tournament: H. Steiner 18 A. Yanofsky 16 1 I. A. Horowitz J. C. Thompson 13 4 E. Marchand 12 8 B. Janes 11 6 L. Llpton 11 6 0. Sturgls 9'a 74 F. McKee 8'j 81 P. Potter 8 9 T. Roxag 6'. a 10 Vt D. KilKor 6 11 B. Rozsa 6 11 J. Hudson 5 '4 HVi L. R Norton 4 13 IT. Watson 2i 14 '4 G. E. Cremhlon 2 15 C. Rosenfleld 0 18
EDITOR'S NOTE Due ti the fart that your writer re turned Just after the deadline, the solvers list sill appear In our next Issue. Let ten will also b answered at th tame time.
U.S. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Herman Sleiner and Abi Yanowskv, Canadian champion, tied for fir si plire. Each had 16 wins and one lots. I. A. Horowitz, former I'.S. open champion, was third with 10W points. Details will appear In our next Issue. In actual pity, stalemate usually irises from positions with rooks or tiueens and consequently the following specimen wili be found of specie! Interest. The major force Is almost the minimum requisite to produce (he result and Black's surprise must have exceeded his mortification.
SEMMTERINO TOURNAMENT. 192S Black: J. Davidson White: Aaron Niemzowitsch 84 . . . P-R4 65-S-Q5 K-B7 68-S-B6 ,,, BxP 67-S-K4 111 BxP (From Chesslett) Games from the United State open championship tournament: QUEEN'S GAMBIT (Slav Defense) H. Steiner W, Janes H Stelner W. Janes White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 22-P-R6 B-B3 2- N-KB3 N-KB3 23-Q-B4 Q-Q2 3- P-B4 P-B3 24-R-Q P-R3 4- N-B3 PxP 25-R-R4 Q-B 5- P-QR4 B-B4 26-B-B4 B-K2 6- P-K3 P-K3 27-P-KN4 - K-B 7- BxP QN-Q2 28-K-N2 P-B3 8- 0-0 B-K2 29-B-N3 B-B2 9- Q-K3 N-N3 30-P-B4 R-K 10- B-N3 NlN3)-Q4 31-P-B5 B-Q 11- N-K5 O-O 32-B-Q6ch B-K2 12- P-B3 N-Q2 33-R-QB BxB 13- NxN QxN 34-PxB B-N3 14- P-K4 NxN 35-RxP . QxP 15- PxN B-N3 36-QxQ RxQ 16- R-Q KR-Q 37-P-Q7 R-Q 17- B-K3 Q-B2 38-PxP B-N 18- P-R5 P-N4 39-P-Q5 PxP 19- P-QB4 QR-N 40-R-B8 K-K2 20- KR-QB P-N5 4l-RxR Resign! 21- P-B5 R-N4
BY, HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Add tut All MaI1 fo Jn Chu Idllor TWO KNIGHT'S DEFENSE B. Rozsa' H. White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-B4 4- P-Q4 5- 0-0, 6- R-K( 7- BxP 8- N-B3 9- RxNch 10- NxP 11- B-K3 13-N(B3)-K2 Stelner Black P-K4 N-QB3 N-B3 PxP NxP P-Q4 QxB Q-QR4 B-K3 O-O-O B-B4 B-Q4 B. Rozsa H. Sterner Black B-K3 Q-N3 P-KN4 B-B4 White 13- R-N4 14- R-K4 15- P-QN3 16- P-QB3 17- P-B3 18- PXB 19- P-QN4 20- PxB 21- BxP 22- NxR 23- Reslgnt, BxR KR-K BxN RxKP R(QXP RxN Garnet from the New York State Cham plonship tournament:
VIENNA OPENING ' Almgren White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-QB3 3- P-B4 4- PxKP 5- Kt-B3 6- P-03 7- PxKt, 6-B-K2 9-P-Q4 10- B-K3 11- R-QKt AHman . Almgren Altman Black KtxB Q-Q4 QxBP P-QKt3 KR-Q 0-B2 QR-B P-KR3 BxP BxR R-B PXKt K-R2 K-R K-KI2 Resigns Horowitg Black QxP BxQ B-KI2 KxB B-R3 KI-KI2 KtxKt QR-Q B-B B-K3 R-Q2 BxR K-B3 Black Whit P-K4 Kt KB3 P-Q4 KtxP B-KKtS KtxKt P-Q5 PxP Kt-B3 ' B-K2 R-Kt Csstles B-K3 Kt,-Kt5 P-QB4 Kt-Q4 17- Q-Q2 18- QxKt 19- K-R 20- Q-B 21- P-B4 22- R-KI5 , 23- Q-B4 24- Kt-Q2 25- Kt-K4 26- R-B5 27- BxB 28- Kt-B6ch 29- Q-Kt3ch 30- B-Q3ch 31- Q-B4 32- PxPch 12-Castls 13- Q-Q3 14- P-QR4 15- QXP 16- PxP INDIAN DEFENSE Hanauer Horowitx Black KI-KB3 P-KKt3 P-Q4 B-KI2 P-B3 Castles P-Kt3 B-K12 PxP . Kt-B3 Kt-QR4 Kt-K5 PxB Hanauer White 16- PxP 17- QxQ 18- B-R6 19- BxB 20- KI-Q6 21- QKt-Kt5 22- KR-K 23- KtxKt 24- KR-Q 25- P-B3 26- R-B7 27- RxR 28- P-QR3 White 1- P-Q4 , 2- P-QB4 3- KI-QB3 4- P-K3 5- Q-KI3, 6- KNB3 7- B-Q2 8- R-B 9- PxP 10- B-Q3 11- Castles 12- Q-R4 13- BxKt 14-Kt-KKt5 P-K4 Drawn. 15-KKtxKP PxP