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CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor Sept. 19, 1943 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 143 Composed for the Los Angeles Times or Nicholas Gabor, Cincinnati, OH Chess Correspondant, ihoultf communlcata) with Mr. .Tames.
QUEEN B GAMBIT DECLINE White mates in two. (Wh. 10; Bl.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 143S By C. A. Bull White mates in three. (Wh. 9: Bl, 9) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1431: Q-K7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1432: K-B8. We received solutions from the following: Technical Sergeant R. IS Hall. W. B. Tudor, Mrs. F. 'Tover. W. Waddell Jr., J. T. Watson. W. L. Koethen, M. Morris, J. C. Drake. Mrs. E. K. Rust, J. Rawllnts. J. P. Walsh. H. Bruhn. M. Rudholm, X. H. Quarla and D. M. Poole. W. C. Noltina. C. B. Collins, E. H. Bchadee. G. A. Hall, D. Wells, L. A. Victor. G. G. Gallaaher, A. S. Wells, A. D. Reynolds Sr.. D. A. Innes. J. O. Dodie. F. Aks. S. J. McCon-nell. C. P. Ford. B. Ushueff, W. Harmon.
HERMAN STEINER SIMULTANEOUS The Hollywood Chess Group will oeaei its fall season Friday. Oct. 8. with a simultaneous exhibitian and lecture ay Herman Steiner, international master. Reservations should be made early as there are only a limited number of tables available. Call WTsaiint 8510 until a.m. and after that VYKIntrr 8617. ar write to the hrad-auarlera af the Hollywood Cfcesa Grorn. lot N. Fermaaa Aye., Ut Anaelea 86, t al. HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP The annnal open championship will alaal Oct. 15 with three clause In three troupe, t.aat year there were 16 in each tcaua and the rhamptonahip waa wen by Myer Sehleifer, with Harry Borarhow the ria. ner-ao. All those deslrlnr te participate ahoald write ar rail the Hollywood Chesa Grewp. 1118 N. Formaaa Ave., WE.-8817
Tha following tins waa plaved between Serat. Ren Schiller and Rnbin Fine Carlson Pearssll Carlson Fearsali Wht'e Black White Black: 1- P-QS4 P-K3 20-KisQ Bx3 2- Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 l-Ht:B R-K3 3- P-04 P-04 22-Kt-BS K'-K'l 4- B-K15 TJKt-02 2.1-R"Qi-B B-OB 5- P-K3 B-K3 24-P-R4 Ki-FJ 6- Q-B2 P-B3 25-P-OKt KtxB ! 7-PlP KTxP 26-KtlKt Kt-Q2 6-B-O.I Cas'les 27-kt-B5 K-R3 0- KK'-Kl R-K 28-P-Kt5 K"-Kt 10- Kt-KtJ Kt-B 29-P-K4 QPxP 11- Kt-B5 p-KR.l 30-P-Q5 R-K4 12- KHBch QxKt 31-KI-Q6 R-B2 13- B-R4 B-Kt5 32-OPxP K.-KM 14- Castlet Q-Q3 33-R-Q2 R-K3 15- QP-B B-R4 34-Kt-Kt7R(K3'-K2 K-KI-P4 -Kt3 35-K-B K-B3 17-KR-Q KI-R4 36-P-OS Kt-3 lA-Rt-BS P-K'3 37-Kt-Q ReiKna 19-Kt-KtT BkB KINO S GAMBIT Korpanty B'.enkinsoD Korpantj Blenklnson White Black White Blade 1- P-K4 P-K4 8-BkN PxB 2- P-KB4 PkP 9-O-KS O-O 3- N-KB3 P-P4 10-QxP R-Kl? 4- PxP N-KB3 U-BlPKll KxB 5- B-QB4 NxP I2-N-K5 4-lb) K-Nl 6- 0-0 B-K2 13-Q-Q.N3 7- P-Q4 N-K6? ReslkTtt c a) Black's mn. an apparently natural one. la an error anal losea at least the exrhance. b Now wrhita wins the Queen, a least, for if K-K3: 13-N-KB7. discovered check, would achieve that result. At a matter of fact, a matinr net aeemt Inevitable and that la what occurred . . ei For now we nave a forced mate In six and a "smothered male" at that P,"?,4-0110- B-K3: l-QxB . K-Rl: 1S-N-B7 K-Nl: 17-N-R6 . K-Rl. IS." Q-N8 I, RxQ; 19-N-B7 Smothered Msta. Beantlful Combination Today', tame la a fine example nf the art of sacrifice in chess, it waa played "n a elub match In Denmark between H. Norman-Hanaen and E Anderson. Comhlnationa are alwaya in-tntulnt and thia one la eapecially so.
PETROFF DEFENSE Hansen Anderson . Hansen Anrfer.na Whi"e 1-P-K4 S-Kt-KB3 3- KtxP 4- Kt-KBl 5- P-04 6- B-03 7-Castles B-P-B4 9-PxP 10- Kt-B3 11- P-KR3 12- KtxKl 13- BxP 14- B-B5 Black P-K K1-KB3 P-3 KtxP P-Q3 B-KK5 B-03 Castles (a) P-KB4 Xt-Q2 B-R4 PxKt K'-B3 K-Rl White Black 15- B-R6 Kt-K 16- P-KKt4 B-Kt3 17- K-Kt3 Q.BJ 18- B-K3 QR-Kl(b 19- P-KR4 RxB 20- PxR Kt-Bftl 21- PxKt 22- K-R3 23- x 24- K-Kta 25- K-R2 26- K-R1 27- K-Ktl B-K5(c OxKtch RxQch. R-KtAch H-Kf7r!i R-R7ch R-RS Mate) bv correspondence and has theoretical valne: Schiller Fine Schiller Fine White Black White Flack 1- P-K4 P-K4 17-BxN BxB 2- N-RB3 N-OB3 1R-P-KB4 B-Ql'bi 3- B-NS P-OR3 19-0-R5(ct P-N3 4- B-R4 N-B3 20-Q-R6 P-B5 5- 0-0 NxP 21-P-KN4 PxP S-P-04 F-QN 22-QR-K1 B-N3 4- 7- B-N3 P-04 23-K-N2 OR-K 8- PxP B-K3 24-P-B5 PxP -P-B3 B-K2 25-QxQ RxQ 10- ON-Q3 O-O 26-BxP R-K2 11- B-B2 P-B4 27-BxP P-Q5 12- N-N3 0-Q2 2R-RxRrh KxR 13- QN-Q4 NxV 29-P-OR3 P-Q6 14- NxN"a P-B4 30-P-K6 F-KN2 15- NxB 3xN 31-K-B3 Drawn 16- P-B3 N-N4 (a) PxN ) considered best. My object was simplification throuth exchanaea. (hi Book until now. Griffith and White ttves black advantate. in Fine commended this move at excellent.
CORRESPONDENCE GAME Amorist the many tournaments aponanred bv the Correspondence Chess I-eatue of America is the California State championship. The tame below, from the 1938 event, shows one of the 1-stues stroneest players wlnnina effectively. Welter F James, seereisry-tournament director of the leatue. hes recently moved to 4123 Central St., Sioux Cit. la.
Aaron Interested in correspondence ch-ss or the leatue 6 excellent matarint, tht Glvlnk np a pawn for the attack. At his eiehth move Whita would have Kt-B3 "h R"KU ,ollow or hinatlon. involyint th sacrifice of tha exchante. Whita does not acent his dan- (Centlnaed fraaa last tnaday) solvlnt at prehlema and ar therefnra pnbllshln, th, follawing." Chess Problems and How I Solve Them."
THE BLOCK TWO-MOVER (Contlnuedi VII ' THE INCOMPLETE BLOCK TWO-MOVEH,' the various arieriea of two-movera which com strictlp und." the elaaaiHcatton of waltint atratety. tha next step Is to examine those with key moves which exercise more influence than examples of motlvlty.
Th, pSI" tions so far aubmltted bay particular likely to be experienced in actual earn," with aol, of conflict when a Aft,? the best move (I.e . the key movei it he been aee that were Whit to follow ori Black nblltintly to weaken bit front. Position, constructed on such maehrne-Z.Jin from tht thrust and parry excitement lound in a notelT contested partle. principle Prhape b. better appreciated it with the tact cai play necessary to aecura tht oppoaitlon" let an end-tame. The result often H.n... ... .... oppoaitlon One aid will make a move or a series of moves to obtain this advantate lorclnt the other to yield further , round or material. On the the case white.
Possibly ra an unexpected draw. Se la the block In the wsitlnt move, problems whirh In the malority or rases been free front complexity and with ev-rvthint In read.
QUEEN B GAMBIT DECLINE White mates in two. (Wh. 10; Bl.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 143S By C. A. Bull White mates in three. (Wh. 9: Bl, 9) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1431: Q-K7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1432: K-B8. We received solutions from the following: Technical Sergeant R. IS Hall. W. B. Tudor, Mrs. F. 'Tover. W. Waddell Jr., J. T. Watson. W. L. Koethen, M. Morris, J. C. Drake. Mrs. E. K. Rust, J. Rawllnts. J. P. Walsh. H. Bruhn. M. Rudholm, X. H. Quarla and D. M. Poole. W. C. Noltina. C. B. Collins, E. H. Bchadee. G. A. Hall, D. Wells, L. A. Victor. G. G. Gallaaher, A. S. Wells, A. D. Reynolds Sr.. D. A. Innes. J. O. Dodie. F. Aks. S. J. McCon-nell. C. P. Ford. B. Ushueff, W. Harmon.
HERMAN STEINER SIMULTANEOUS The Hollywood Chess Group will oeaei its fall season Friday. Oct. 8. with a simultaneous exhibitian and lecture ay Herman Steiner, international master. Reservations should be made early as there are only a limited number of tables available. Call WTsaiint 8510 until a.m. and after that VYKIntrr 8617. ar write to the hrad-auarlera af the Hollywood Cfcesa Grorn. lot N. Fermaaa Aye., Ut Anaelea 86, t al. HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP The annnal open championship will alaal Oct. 15 with three clause In three troupe, t.aat year there were 16 in each tcaua and the rhamptonahip waa wen by Myer Sehleifer, with Harry Borarhow the ria. ner-ao. All those deslrlnr te participate ahoald write ar rail the Hollywood Chesa Grewp. 1118 N. Formaaa Ave., WE.-8817
Tha following tins waa plaved between Serat. Ren Schiller and Rnbin Fine Carlson Pearssll Carlson Fearsali Wht'e Black White Black: 1- P-QS4 P-K3 20-KisQ Bx3 2- Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 l-Ht:B R-K3 3- P-04 P-04 22-Kt-BS K'-K'l 4- B-K15 TJKt-02 2.1-R"Qi-B B-OB 5- P-K3 B-K3 24-P-R4 Ki-FJ 6- Q-B2 P-B3 25-P-OKt KtxB ! 7-PlP KTxP 26-KtlKt Kt-Q2 6-B-O.I Cas'les 27-kt-B5 K-R3 0- KK'-Kl R-K 28-P-Kt5 K"-Kt 10- Kt-KtJ Kt-B 29-P-K4 QPxP 11- Kt-B5 p-KR.l 30-P-Q5 R-K4 12- KHBch QxKt 31-KI-Q6 R-B2 13- B-R4 B-Kt5 32-OPxP K.-KM 14- Castlet Q-Q3 33-R-Q2 R-K3 15- QP-B B-R4 34-Kt-Kt7R(K3'-K2 K-KI-P4 -Kt3 35-K-B K-B3 17-KR-Q KI-R4 36-P-OS Kt-3 lA-Rt-BS P-K'3 37-Kt-Q ReiKna 19-Kt-KtT BkB KINO S GAMBIT Korpanty B'.enkinsoD Korpantj Blenklnson White Black White Blade 1- P-K4 P-K4 8-BkN PxB 2- P-KB4 PkP 9-O-KS O-O 3- N-KB3 P-P4 10-QxP R-Kl? 4- PxP N-KB3 U-BlPKll KxB 5- B-QB4 NxP I2-N-K5 4-lb) K-Nl 6- 0-0 B-K2 13-Q-Q.N3 7- P-Q4 N-K6? ReslkTtt c a) Black's mn. an apparently natural one. la an error anal losea at least the exrhance. b Now wrhita wins the Queen, a least, for if K-K3: 13-N-KB7. discovered check, would achieve that result. At a matter of fact, a matinr net aeemt Inevitable and that la what occurred . . ei For now we nave a forced mate In six and a "smothered male" at that P,"?,4-0110- B-K3: l-QxB . K-Rl: 1S-N-B7 K-Nl: 17-N-R6 . K-Rl. IS." Q-N8 I, RxQ; 19-N-B7 Smothered Msta. Beantlful Combination Today', tame la a fine example nf the art of sacrifice in chess, it waa played "n a elub match In Denmark between H. Norman-Hanaen and E Anderson. Comhlnationa are alwaya in-tntulnt and thia one la eapecially so.
PETROFF DEFENSE Hansen Anderson . Hansen Anrfer.na Whi"e 1-P-K4 S-Kt-KB3 3- KtxP 4- Kt-KBl 5- P-04 6- B-03 7-Castles B-P-B4 9-PxP 10- Kt-B3 11- P-KR3 12- KtxKl 13- BxP 14- B-B5 Black P-K K1-KB3 P-3 KtxP P-Q3 B-KK5 B-03 Castles (a) P-KB4 Xt-Q2 B-R4 PxKt K'-B3 K-Rl White Black 15- B-R6 Kt-K 16- P-KKt4 B-Kt3 17- K-Kt3 Q.BJ 18- B-K3 QR-Kl(b 19- P-KR4 RxB 20- PxR Kt-Bftl 21- PxKt 22- K-R3 23- x 24- K-Kta 25- K-R2 26- K-R1 27- K-Ktl B-K5(c OxKtch RxQch. R-KtAch H-Kf7r!i R-R7ch R-RS Mate) bv correspondence and has theoretical valne: Schiller Fine Schiller Fine White Black White Flack 1- P-K4 P-K4 17-BxN BxB 2- N-RB3 N-OB3 1R-P-KB4 B-Ql'bi 3- B-NS P-OR3 19-0-R5(ct P-N3 4- B-R4 N-B3 20-Q-R6 P-B5 5- 0-0 NxP 21-P-KN4 PxP S-P-04 F-QN 22-QR-K1 B-N3 4- 7- B-N3 P-04 23-K-N2 OR-K 8- PxP B-K3 24-P-B5 PxP -P-B3 B-K2 25-QxQ RxQ 10- ON-Q3 O-O 26-BxP R-K2 11- B-B2 P-B4 27-BxP P-Q5 12- N-N3 0-Q2 2R-RxRrh KxR 13- QN-Q4 NxV 29-P-OR3 P-Q6 14- NxN"a P-B4 30-P-K6 F-KN2 15- NxB 3xN 31-K-B3 Drawn 16- P-B3 N-N4 (a) PxN ) considered best. My object was simplification throuth exchanaea. (hi Book until now. Griffith and White ttves black advantate. in Fine commended this move at excellent.
CORRESPONDENCE GAME Amorist the many tournaments aponanred bv the Correspondence Chess I-eatue of America is the California State championship. The tame below, from the 1938 event, shows one of the 1-stues stroneest players wlnnina effectively. Welter F James, seereisry-tournament director of the leatue. hes recently moved to 4123 Central St., Sioux Cit. la.
Aaron Interested in correspondence ch-ss or the leatue 6 excellent matarint, tht Glvlnk np a pawn for the attack. At his eiehth move Whita would have Kt-B3 "h R"KU ,ollow or hinatlon. involyint th sacrifice of tha exchante. Whita does not acent his dan- (Centlnaed fraaa last tnaday) solvlnt at prehlema and ar therefnra pnbllshln, th, follawing." Chess Problems and How I Solve Them."
THE BLOCK TWO-MOVER (Contlnuedi VII ' THE INCOMPLETE BLOCK TWO-MOVEH,' the various arieriea of two-movera which com strictlp und." the elaaaiHcatton of waltint atratety. tha next step Is to examine those with key moves which exercise more influence than examples of motlvlty.
Th, pSI" tions so far aubmltted bay particular likely to be experienced in actual earn," with aol, of conflict when a Aft,? the best move (I.e . the key movei it he been aee that were Whit to follow ori Black nblltintly to weaken bit front. Position, constructed on such maehrne-Z.Jin from tht thrust and parry excitement lound in a notelT contested partle. principle Prhape b. better appreciated it with the tact cai play necessary to aecura tht oppoaitlon" let an end-tame. The result often H.n... ... .... oppoaitlon One aid will make a move or a series of moves to obtain this advantate lorclnt the other to yield further , round or material. On the the case white.
Possibly ra an unexpected draw. Se la the block In the wsitlnt move, problems whirh In the malority or rases been free front complexity and with ev-rvthint In read.