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CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor Sept. 20. L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1331 By F. Gamage White mates in two. tWh. 8; Bl. 9.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. W3J By E. Zepler White mates in three. (Wh, 11; Bl. 8 ) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1327: B-B7. 80LUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1328, R-K2 and Q-R2. which is the intended solution. We received solutions from the following, M. btumeoeam, .1, i. nnw", v. j. - iwycra, t. m. vatuMo, , Bailey. O. A, Hall, J. Menkes, T. Harrington, J. O. Dodge, G. Kibbey. C. P. Ford., B Hall, W L. Koethen, C B. Collins, Miss A. Camargo. C. R. 8trades, R. L. Hewes, W. M. Race. W. R. Mccracken, F. Oubbina. u. o. reca, a. d. -cub, j Morlev. William L. Wlesinger, W. C. Noltlng. M. Rudholm, M. Morris, H. M. Voorhees, W. Blosson. J. Davidson. D M. Poole. E. H. Quayle (welcome to our ladder.) E H. Srhadee. B. Bushueff. F. Mar-garetteh. A. D. Reynolds Sr., H. P. Ms-tosian. J. P. Walsh, Mra. F. Ttovgr. L. A. Salgado, Private K. Cay, S. J. McConnell. A. W. rassru iwricmnc H. Bruhn. E. L. Rubin, t, C. Drake, J. J. Carr.
NEWS OF THE CLUBS mil Herman Steiner, International master. for class Instmeiion ior piease can !tmwi no, v. The first class starts Friday, Sept, 25, at 8 .m. Mra. Nanny Rooa. runner-up for the 11 PQ arrived in Los Angeles, wliera ahe will reald Kne Chess Group, The Hollywood Chess Oeeoa championship will begin tha llrst'weelt at October. Here la th game which gave Sidney at.D .Ted gama at the Ventnor City Invitation Tourney. Loula Levy was in. icum.
QUEENS'S GAMBIT DECLINED Mnt In the rlr middle game now White both protects his Q-BP and avoids the exchange of Queens. The latter trade would have ratly eased the White pree- ,U'b) After the exchange ef Queeng. the Rook easily overcomes the resistance or the minor piece.
CHECKMATING THE QUEEN! Her Is an amusing game from the finals of the recent national rapid transit tourney at the Hotel Capitol. The winner v.. I. A. Horowitz and the loser Arnold S. Denker. And remember that the time limit was 10 seconds a move.
SICILIAN Herowlti White Horowlti White 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- N-KB3 4- NxP 5- N-QB3 6- B-K2 7- 0-0 8- N-N3 9- P-KB4. 10-B-B3 U-N-Q5 12- PxB 13- Q-K2 14- P-B3 15-N-Q4 Denker Black P-OB4 PxP N-QB3 N-KB3 P-Q3 P-KN3 B-N2 B N-QR4 BxN N-B5 R-QB1 P-QR4 P-R5 16-P-QN3 17- B-QN2 18- BxRP 19- B-QN4 20- BxNQS 21- K-R1 22- QR-Q1 23- Q-N5 24- B-Q2 25- B-K3 26- P-QN4 27- QBxQNP 28- B-B6 29- B-Q7(a) Denker Black N-QR4 P-R6 RxP NxQP BxN R-QB1 B-N2 P-N3 B-B8 R-QN1 N-N2 e-Ki 6-Bl Resigns Hatre Horowlti remarked to his opponent.
"Checkmate to your Queen," and Denker forthwith resigned. An amusing game. United States open championship, Dallas, Tex., 1942. QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED (SLAV DEFENSE) Stelner White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- Kt-B3 5- P-QR4 6- P-K3 7- BxP 8- 0-0 9- Q-K2 10- R-Q 11- P-K4 12- P-K5 13- Kt-K 14- P-R3 15- P-KI4 1S-P-KI5 17- Kt-Kt3 18- Kt-R4 19- BxKt 20- P-B4 21- P-B5 22- B-B4! 23- BxKtr? 24- Kt-B3? 25- BxQ 26-PXB 27-KtxP 26-QR-Ktt 29- RxR 30- B-B2 31- R-Q1 32- K-Kt- 33-B-K 34- P-R4 35- Kt-Kt5 36- Kt-B3 37- RxP 38- BxB 39-B-B2 40- P-R5 41- PxP 42- RxP .1-R.R4 44-RxP 45-R-KI4 46-R-K12 47- B-Kt6 48- RxP 49- R-K5 50- R-K8 52-R-BRch 53- K-B2 54- K-K 55- R-KKt8 56- K-K2 57- K-B2 58- K-K2- 59- R-K17 Marchand Black P-Q4 Kt-KB3 P-B3 PxP B-B4 P-K3 B-QK16 O-O . B-Kt5 QKt-Q2 Q-K2 Kt-Q4 P-KR3 B-KR4 B-Kt3 , P-KR4 QR-Q P-QB4 PxB PxP NxP KR-K QxP! QxKtch! RxQ . PxP RxP i RxR B-B4 R-KB1 P-KKI4 i R-B3 ' P-Kt5 B-K2 R-B5 R-B5 BxP RxKt R-QR6 P-QK13 PxP R-R4 P-QKt4 K-B2 P-Kt4 K-Kt3 . R-R6 R-Q6 K-B3 K-B4 R-Kt6 K-Kt5 R-Kt7ch R-QR7 R-R4 R-Q4 R-B4eh R-Q4 R-Kt4 Marchand Black R-KB4 K-R4 K-Kt3 K-R4 K-Kt3 R-R4 R-Kt4 R-R4i R-Kt4 K-R4 K-Kt5 K-R4 R-Kt6 K-Kt3 R-KR6 R-Kt6 R-KR6 K-R4 B-KKtS R-B6ch R-KK16 R-B6eh R-KKt R-KtS R-KI8 ' R-K17 R-Kt5 R-KR5 R-QKt5 K-Kt5 R-Kt3 R-Kt5 R-Kt3rh R-KIA R-Kt3 K-Kt R-Kt4 R-QB4 R-Kt4 K-B6 K-K5 R-Kt6 Stelner White 60- R-QBT 61- R-B1 62- R-Rch 63- R-KKtl 64- K-Q3 65- K-K4 66- R-Q1 67- R-Q8 68- B-04 69- R-Kt8ch 70- R-QR8 71- R-R1 72- B-K5 73- R-R5 74- B-Q4 75- B-K3 7K.B-R2 77- B-K1 78- B-Q2 79- K-B5 80- K-K6 81- K-BS 82- K-K17 83- B-B4 84- B-K5 85- B-B6 86- R-R 87- R-R8 88- K-B7 89- R-R8ch 90- K-KI6 91- R-R8 92- BxP 93- B-BR 94- R-R8 95- R-R4ch 98-R-R4 97- B-KtS 98- B-K3 99- K-B6 100-B-Q4 ini.tc.Kfi 102-B-RS Dli. ch K-B6 103- K-B5 R-Kt4 104- R-QB4 R-Ktl 105- R-K4 R-Kt6 106- R-K1 B-B6 107- B-Q4 R-Q6 108- R-Bch K-Kt7 109- R-Kteht K-B6 110- R-Kt4 R-R6 111- R-B4eh K-K7 U2-R-B2ch K-K8 113- K-K4 R-Rl 114- R-QKt7 R-Klch 115- K-Q3 K-B8 116- R-QB2- R-K7 117-R-B8 R-K3?? Bernstein White J-P-Q4 2- N-KB3 3- P-B4 4- PxP 8-N-B3 6- B-B4 7- P-K3 8- B-Q3 9- QxB 10- O-O 11- KR-OB1 12-N-QR4 13- N-B5 14- PxB 1VO-B2 16-N-K5 ,; 17-N-Q3 18-Q-N1 Tv 'Bern stein Black i White P-Q4!l9-P-B3 N-KB3i20-R-B3 P-B3I21-Q-B2 PxP'22-B-K5 N-B3 23-R-N3 B-B424-Q-B3 Q.N3I25-Q-K1 BxB'al 26-NxN i P-K3;27-N-Q7 B-K2 128-N-NS i n.i-alD.N.R 30-R-QB1 31- Q-N4 32- QxP 34-QxR 35-Q-BJ. tvv Black N-KB3 P-QR3 '." N,KR4 N-QB3 Q-R5 Q-QB5 - NxB QxP Q-Q3 OR-QN1 RxN R-Ql Q-K4 P-KN4 RxR ...
K-N2 Reilgnttbi : Q-N5 BxN N-K5 K.OR4 XR-QB1 Q-BS at rt.M. -With with danger.
In any event, remember that experience has shown the danger of capturing the Q-NP with a Queen early In the game ... the old chess player, wfio. when dying- ealled hia sons to hla deaih-bed and told them never to capture tne Queen Knight Fawnl 118-R-KKt8! Realgni NEW YORK STATE CHAMPIONSHIP KING'S INDIAN DEFENSE Soudakoff White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-QB3 4- B-B4 9-P-K3 6- Kt-BJ 7- B-Q3 8 - Castles 9- BxBP 10- B-QKI3 11- KtxKt 13-B-K5 13- R-B 14- B-B2 15- QxB 16- BxB 17- Kt-K5 18- R-Kt 19- P.QKt4 20- P-QR4 21- KI-B4 22- KR-B 23- P-R3 24- Kt-RS 25- Kt-KtJ 26- Kt-B5 27- Q-Kt '29-QR-B Horowlts Boudakoff Horowlts Black White Black Kt-KB3 30-K-B P-N3 P-KKI3 31-KR-B4 K-Q3 P-Q4 32-K-K2 P-K4 B-Kt2 33-K-Q3 PxP P-B3 34-PxP R-K Castles 35-P-KtS Rffti-QB QKt-Q2 36-R(B4l . B2P-R3 PxP 37-PxRP R-R2 Kl-K'3 38-P-R5 . PxP . QKt-Q4 39-R-B5 RxP . KtxKt 40-P-Q5 P-QR5 Kt-B3 41-FxPch R(BxR B-B4 42-PxR BxP BxB 43-R-QR ' R-R3 Kt-Ki 44-K-B4 P-R6 KxB 45-R-R K-K4 Kt-B3 46-R-K2ch K-B5 Q-Q4 47-R-R2 P-Kt4 KR-B 48-K-QS P-R5 Kt-Q2 49-K-Q4 P-B4 Kt-B3 50-K-Q5 P-N5 R-B2 51-K-Q4 PxP OR -OH 82-PxP R-R4 Kt-K5 53-K-Q3 K-B6 P-KR4 54-K-Q4 P-B5 ' KtxKt S5-K-Q3 R-R QXQI56-K-B3 K-KI7 K-B3I57-K-Q3 KiP K-K3' Resigns
NEWS OF THE CLUBS mil Herman Steiner, International master. for class Instmeiion ior piease can !tmwi no, v. The first class starts Friday, Sept, 25, at 8 .m. Mra. Nanny Rooa. runner-up for the 11 PQ arrived in Los Angeles, wliera ahe will reald Kne Chess Group, The Hollywood Chess Oeeoa championship will begin tha llrst'weelt at October. Here la th game which gave Sidney at.D .Ted gama at the Ventnor City Invitation Tourney. Loula Levy was in. icum.
QUEENS'S GAMBIT DECLINED Mnt In the rlr middle game now White both protects his Q-BP and avoids the exchange of Queens. The latter trade would have ratly eased the White pree- ,U'b) After the exchange ef Queeng. the Rook easily overcomes the resistance or the minor piece.
CHECKMATING THE QUEEN! Her Is an amusing game from the finals of the recent national rapid transit tourney at the Hotel Capitol. The winner v.. I. A. Horowitz and the loser Arnold S. Denker. And remember that the time limit was 10 seconds a move.
SICILIAN Herowlti White Horowlti White 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- N-KB3 4- NxP 5- N-QB3 6- B-K2 7- 0-0 8- N-N3 9- P-KB4. 10-B-B3 U-N-Q5 12- PxB 13- Q-K2 14- P-B3 15-N-Q4 Denker Black P-OB4 PxP N-QB3 N-KB3 P-Q3 P-KN3 B-N2 B N-QR4 BxN N-B5 R-QB1 P-QR4 P-R5 16-P-QN3 17- B-QN2 18- BxRP 19- B-QN4 20- BxNQS 21- K-R1 22- QR-Q1 23- Q-N5 24- B-Q2 25- B-K3 26- P-QN4 27- QBxQNP 28- B-B6 29- B-Q7(a) Denker Black N-QR4 P-R6 RxP NxQP BxN R-QB1 B-N2 P-N3 B-B8 R-QN1 N-N2 e-Ki 6-Bl Resigns Hatre Horowlti remarked to his opponent.
"Checkmate to your Queen," and Denker forthwith resigned. An amusing game. United States open championship, Dallas, Tex., 1942. QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED (SLAV DEFENSE) Stelner White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- Kt-B3 5- P-QR4 6- P-K3 7- BxP 8- 0-0 9- Q-K2 10- R-Q 11- P-K4 12- P-K5 13- Kt-K 14- P-R3 15- P-KI4 1S-P-KI5 17- Kt-Kt3 18- Kt-R4 19- BxKt 20- P-B4 21- P-B5 22- B-B4! 23- BxKtr? 24- Kt-B3? 25- BxQ 26-PXB 27-KtxP 26-QR-Ktt 29- RxR 30- B-B2 31- R-Q1 32- K-Kt- 33-B-K 34- P-R4 35- Kt-Kt5 36- Kt-B3 37- RxP 38- BxB 39-B-B2 40- P-R5 41- PxP 42- RxP .1-R.R4 44-RxP 45-R-KI4 46-R-K12 47- B-Kt6 48- RxP 49- R-K5 50- R-K8 52-R-BRch 53- K-B2 54- K-K 55- R-KKt8 56- K-K2 57- K-B2 58- K-K2- 59- R-K17 Marchand Black P-Q4 Kt-KB3 P-B3 PxP B-B4 P-K3 B-QK16 O-O . B-Kt5 QKt-Q2 Q-K2 Kt-Q4 P-KR3 B-KR4 B-Kt3 , P-KR4 QR-Q P-QB4 PxB PxP NxP KR-K QxP! QxKtch! RxQ . PxP RxP i RxR B-B4 R-KB1 P-KKI4 i R-B3 ' P-Kt5 B-K2 R-B5 R-B5 BxP RxKt R-QR6 P-QK13 PxP R-R4 P-QKt4 K-B2 P-Kt4 K-Kt3 . R-R6 R-Q6 K-B3 K-B4 R-Kt6 K-Kt5 R-Kt7ch R-QR7 R-R4 R-Q4 R-B4eh R-Q4 R-Kt4 Marchand Black R-KB4 K-R4 K-Kt3 K-R4 K-Kt3 R-R4 R-Kt4 R-R4i R-Kt4 K-R4 K-Kt5 K-R4 R-Kt6 K-Kt3 R-KR6 R-Kt6 R-KR6 K-R4 B-KKtS R-B6ch R-KK16 R-B6eh R-KKt R-KtS R-KI8 ' R-K17 R-Kt5 R-KR5 R-QKt5 K-Kt5 R-Kt3 R-Kt5 R-Kt3rh R-KIA R-Kt3 K-Kt R-Kt4 R-QB4 R-Kt4 K-B6 K-K5 R-Kt6 Stelner White 60- R-QBT 61- R-B1 62- R-Rch 63- R-KKtl 64- K-Q3 65- K-K4 66- R-Q1 67- R-Q8 68- B-04 69- R-Kt8ch 70- R-QR8 71- R-R1 72- B-K5 73- R-R5 74- B-Q4 75- B-K3 7K.B-R2 77- B-K1 78- B-Q2 79- K-B5 80- K-K6 81- K-BS 82- K-K17 83- B-B4 84- B-K5 85- B-B6 86- R-R 87- R-R8 88- K-B7 89- R-R8ch 90- K-KI6 91- R-R8 92- BxP 93- B-BR 94- R-R8 95- R-R4ch 98-R-R4 97- B-KtS 98- B-K3 99- K-B6 100-B-Q4 ini.tc.Kfi 102-B-RS Dli. ch K-B6 103- K-B5 R-Kt4 104- R-QB4 R-Ktl 105- R-K4 R-Kt6 106- R-K1 B-B6 107- B-Q4 R-Q6 108- R-Bch K-Kt7 109- R-Kteht K-B6 110- R-Kt4 R-R6 111- R-B4eh K-K7 U2-R-B2ch K-K8 113- K-K4 R-Rl 114- R-QKt7 R-Klch 115- K-Q3 K-B8 116- R-QB2- R-K7 117-R-B8 R-K3?? Bernstein White J-P-Q4 2- N-KB3 3- P-B4 4- PxP 8-N-B3 6- B-B4 7- P-K3 8- B-Q3 9- QxB 10- O-O 11- KR-OB1 12-N-QR4 13- N-B5 14- PxB 1VO-B2 16-N-K5 ,; 17-N-Q3 18-Q-N1 Tv 'Bern stein Black i White P-Q4!l9-P-B3 N-KB3i20-R-B3 P-B3I21-Q-B2 PxP'22-B-K5 N-B3 23-R-N3 B-B424-Q-B3 Q.N3I25-Q-K1 BxB'al 26-NxN i P-K3;27-N-Q7 B-K2 128-N-NS i n.i-alD.N.R 30-R-QB1 31- Q-N4 32- QxP 34-QxR 35-Q-BJ. tvv Black N-KB3 P-QR3 '." N,KR4 N-QB3 Q-R5 Q-QB5 - NxB QxP Q-Q3 OR-QN1 RxN R-Ql Q-K4 P-KN4 RxR ...
K-N2 Reilgnttbi : Q-N5 BxN N-K5 K.OR4 XR-QB1 Q-BS at rt.M. -With with danger.
In any event, remember that experience has shown the danger of capturing the Q-NP with a Queen early In the game ... the old chess player, wfio. when dying- ealled hia sons to hla deaih-bed and told them never to capture tne Queen Knight Fawnl 118-R-KKt8! Realgni NEW YORK STATE CHAMPIONSHIP KING'S INDIAN DEFENSE Soudakoff White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-QB3 4- B-B4 9-P-K3 6- Kt-BJ 7- B-Q3 8 - Castles 9- BxBP 10- B-QKI3 11- KtxKt 13-B-K5 13- R-B 14- B-B2 15- QxB 16- BxB 17- Kt-K5 18- R-Kt 19- P.QKt4 20- P-QR4 21- KI-B4 22- KR-B 23- P-R3 24- Kt-RS 25- Kt-KtJ 26- Kt-B5 27- Q-Kt '29-QR-B Horowlts Boudakoff Horowlts Black White Black Kt-KB3 30-K-B P-N3 P-KKI3 31-KR-B4 K-Q3 P-Q4 32-K-K2 P-K4 B-Kt2 33-K-Q3 PxP P-B3 34-PxP R-K Castles 35-P-KtS Rffti-QB QKt-Q2 36-R(B4l . B2P-R3 PxP 37-PxRP R-R2 Kl-K'3 38-P-R5 . PxP . QKt-Q4 39-R-B5 RxP . KtxKt 40-P-Q5 P-QR5 Kt-B3 41-FxPch R(BxR B-B4 42-PxR BxP BxB 43-R-QR ' R-R3 Kt-Ki 44-K-B4 P-R6 KxB 45-R-R K-K4 Kt-B3 46-R-K2ch K-B5 Q-Q4 47-R-R2 P-Kt4 KR-B 48-K-QS P-R5 Kt-Q2 49-K-Q4 P-B4 Kt-B3 50-K-Q5 P-N5 R-B2 51-K-Q4 PxP OR -OH 82-PxP R-R4 Kt-K5 53-K-Q3 K-B6 P-KR4 54-K-Q4 P-B5 ' KtxKt S5-K-Q3 R-R QXQI56-K-B3 K-KI7 K-B3I57-K-Q3 KiP K-K3' Resigns